Author: Rueling, Johann Philipp, b. 1741 // Johann Philipp Rüling
Title: Physikalisch-medizinisch-oekonomische Beschreibung der zum Fürstenthum Göttingen gehörigen Stadt Northeim, und ihrer umliegenden Gegend.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Göttingen. Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht.
Date: 1779.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Fridrich Andreas Rosenbusch
Illustrations: BW plates.
Copies: DNLM
Reported: BM
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7887; Schrader, Flora germanica 1: 42; Heinsius 3: 455; Kayser 4: 670.
Notes: Publisher taken from Pritzel.
HI Number: \04866\
Title: Physikalisch-medizinisch-oekonomische Beschreibung der zum Fürstenthum Göttingen gehörigen Stadt Northeim, und ihrer umliegenden Gegend.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Göttingen. Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht.
Date: 1779.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Fridrich Andreas Rosenbusch
Illustrations: BW plates.
Copies: DNLM
Reported: BM
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7887; Schrader, Flora germanica 1: 42; Heinsius 3: 455; Kayser 4: 670.
Notes: Publisher taken from Pritzel.
HI Number: \04866\
Author: Rullmann, A.
Title: Die Gift-Pflanzen und Gift-Schwämme Deutschlands, nebst Abbildung und Beschreibung eines tollen Handes, der gemeinen Kupfernatter und der Angabe der im gemeinen Leben zunächst gelegenen Hülfsmittel gegen Vergiftungen. Ein Hülfsbuch für Volksschulen.
Edition: Dritte verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Kassel. Luckhardt.
Date: 1837.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 3 COL plates (with 38 individual illustrations).
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 8869; Heinsius 9(2): 205; Kayser 8: 277: Bradley 3: 73.
HI Number: \09182\
Title: Die Gift-Pflanzen und Gift-Schwämme Deutschlands, nebst Abbildung und Beschreibung eines tollen Handes, der gemeinen Kupfernatter und der Angabe der im gemeinen Leben zunächst gelegenen Hülfsmittel gegen Vergiftungen. Ein Hülfsbuch für Volksschulen.
Edition: Dritte verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Kassel. Luckhardt.
Date: 1837.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 3 COL plates (with 38 individual illustrations).
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 8869; Heinsius 9(2): 205; Kayser 8: 277: Bradley 3: 73.
HI Number: \09182\
Author: Rumpf, Georg Eberhard, 1627-1702
Title: Herbarii amboinensis auctuarium, reliquas complectens arbores, frutices, ac plantas, quae in Amboina, et in adjacentibus demum repertac sunt insulis, ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Amstelaedami (= Amsterdam).
Date: 1760.
Format: 2º.
Illustrations: 29 BW plates.
Reference / Citation: Bradley 1: 464.
Notes: Second title-page reads: Het auctuarium, ofte vermeerdering, op Het amboinsch kruyjdboek, dat is, … A posthumously published later edition (original edition: Amstelaedami, 1755, HI 04889).
HI Number: \34195\
Title: Herbarii amboinensis auctuarium, reliquas complectens arbores, frutices, ac plantas, quae in Amboina, et in adjacentibus demum repertac sunt insulis, ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Amstelaedami (= Amsterdam).
Date: 1760.
Format: 2º.
Illustrations: 29 BW plates.
Reference / Citation: Bradley 1: 464.
Notes: Second title-page reads: Het auctuarium, ofte vermeerdering, op Het amboinsch kruyjdboek, dat is, … A posthumously published later edition (original edition: Amstelaedami, 1755, HI 04889).
HI Number: \34195\
Author: Rumpf, Georg Eberhard, 1627-1702
Title: ... Herbarium amboinense, plurimas complectens arbores, frutices, herbas, plantas terrestres & aquaticas, quae in Amboina, et in adjacentibus reperiuntur insulis, adcuratissime descriptas juxta earum formas, cum diversis denominationibus, cultura, usu, ac virtutibus. Quod ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Amstelaedami (= Amsterdam). Franciscus Changuion; Hermannus Uytwerf. :: Hagae Comitis (= The Hague). Petrus Gosse; Joannes Neaulme; Adrianus Moetjens; Antonius van Dole.
Date: 1750.
Format: 2º in 4's.
Volumation: 5 vols. only in this issue: Pars prima (- Pars quinta).
Illustrations: 579 BW plates (including engraved frontisp. vol. 1, and 2 portraits: G. E. Rumpf and J. Burman, both in vol. 1).
Reported: BM; MH; NIC; P-BN (lacks vol. 2).
Reference / Citation: Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 464; Nissen 1700; Stevenson sub 518 (p. 200); Cobres 2: 587-588; Lindau & Sydow 2: 23244.
Editor/Contributor: Burman, Johannes, 1706-1779.
Notes: Second title-pages read: Het amboinsch kruidboek. Dat is, beschryving van de meest bekende boomen, heesters, Kruiden, Landen water-planten, die men in Amboina, en de omleggende eylanden vind, … Eerste deel (- Vyfde deel). Amsterdam. François Changuion, Hermanus Uytwerf; ‘s Hage. Pieter Goos, Jan Neaulme, Adriaan Moetjens, Antony van Dole. Identical with vols. 1-5 of the original issue: Amstelaedami; Hagae Comitis; Ultrajecti, 1741-1747 (HI 04888), except for the title-page imprint. Vol. 6, 1750, exists in only one state and hence should be considered part of the present issue.
HI Number: \34196\
Title: ... Herbarium amboinense, plurimas complectens arbores, frutices, herbas, plantas terrestres & aquaticas, quae in Amboina, et in adjacentibus reperiuntur insulis, adcuratissime descriptas juxta earum formas, cum diversis denominationibus, cultura, usu, ac virtutibus. Quod ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Amstelaedami (= Amsterdam). Franciscus Changuion; Hermannus Uytwerf. :: Hagae Comitis (= The Hague). Petrus Gosse; Joannes Neaulme; Adrianus Moetjens; Antonius van Dole.
Date: 1750.
Format: 2º in 4's.
Volumation: 5 vols. only in this issue: Pars prima (- Pars quinta).
Illustrations: 579 BW plates (including engraved frontisp. vol. 1, and 2 portraits: G. E. Rumpf and J. Burman, both in vol. 1).
Reported: BM; MH; NIC; P-BN (lacks vol. 2).
Reference / Citation: Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 464; Nissen 1700; Stevenson sub 518 (p. 200); Cobres 2: 587-588; Lindau & Sydow 2: 23244.
Editor/Contributor: Burman, Johannes, 1706-1779.
Notes: Second title-pages read: Het amboinsch kruidboek. Dat is, beschryving van de meest bekende boomen, heesters, Kruiden, Landen water-planten, die men in Amboina, en de omleggende eylanden vind, … Eerste deel (- Vyfde deel). Amsterdam. François Changuion, Hermanus Uytwerf; ‘s Hage. Pieter Goos, Jan Neaulme, Adriaan Moetjens, Antony van Dole. Identical with vols. 1-5 of the original issue: Amstelaedami; Hagae Comitis; Ultrajecti, 1741-1747 (HI 04888), except for the title-page imprint. Vol. 6, 1750, exists in only one state and hence should be considered part of the present issue.
HI Number: \34196\
Author: Rumpf, Georg Eberhard, 1627-1702 // Georgius Everhardus Rumphius
Title: Herbarium amboinense, plurimas conplectens arbores, frutices, herbas, plantas terrestres & aquaticas, quae in Amboina, et adjacentibus reperiuntur insulis, adcuratissime descriptas juxta earum formas, cum diversis denominationibus, cultura, usu, ac virtutibus. Quod ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Amstelaedami (= Amsterdam). Franciscus Changuion; Joannes Catuffe (vols. 1-4 only); Hermannus Uytwerf. :: Hagae Comitis (= The Hague). Petrus Gosse; Joannes Neaulme; Adrianus Moetjens; Antonius van Dole. :: Ultrajecti (= Utrecht). Stephanus Neaulme (vols. 1-4 only).
Date: 1741-1750.
Format: 2º in 4's.
Volumation: 6 vols.: Pars prima (- Pars sexta).
Illustrations: 669 BW plates (including engraved frontisp. vol. 1, and 2 portraits: G. E. Rumpf and J. Burman, both in vol. 1).
Copies: HBL; MH-HL; Pruh.
Seen / Located: BMNH; C; C-UB; FB-UB; G; GOET-UB; LE; MA; O2NB; P; P-BC; WU
Reported: BM; BR-BR; CU; DLC; E-UL; ICJ; K; LEOP; LINN; MBH; MiU; MoSB; NN; NNHor; NYBG; PPAN; PPC; RHS; Teyler; TxU; U; U-UB
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7908; Stevenson 518; Nissen 1700; Junk, Rara 97, 100, 284; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 464; Stafleu 1126; Cobres 2: 587-588; Merrill & Walker 420; Jackson 378; Haller 1: 616; Graesse 6: 192; Brunet 4: 1460; Miltitz 191-192; Krüger 174; Fournier 304-305; Merrill, E. D., An interpretation of Rumphius's Herbarium amboinense. Manila, 1917; Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. van, Flora Malesiana I.1: 452. 1950.
Editor/Contributor: Burman, Johannes, 1706-1779.
Notes: Title-pages of vols. 3-6 read: … Herbarium amboinense, plurimas complecten arbores, … Second title-pages read: Het amboinsch(e) kruid-boek. Dat is, beschryving van de meest bekende boomen, heesters, kruiden, land- en water-planten, die men in Amboina, en de omleggende eylanden vind, … Eerste deel (- Sesde deel). Amsterdam. François Changuion; Jan Catuffe (vols. 1-4 only); Hermanus Uytwerf. ‘s Hage. Pieter Gosse; Jan Neaulme; Adriaan Moetjens; Antony van Dole. Utrecht. Steven Neaulme (vols. 1-4 only). Posthumously published work. For a dissertation in which some modern scientific names are first provided, see Linnaeus, Carl (Pr.): Herbarium amboinense. Upsaliae, 1754 (HI 10678). See also the following works which provide keys, commentaries and other information: Burman, Johannes, 1706-1799: Index alter in omnes tomos Herbarii amboinensis cl. Georgii Everhardi Rumphii. Lugduni Batavorum; Amstelaedami, 1759 (Published together with Burman, Johannes: Flora malabarica. Amstelaedami, 1759); Hamilton, Francis, 1762-1829: Commentary on the Herbarium amboinense. s.l. [Edinburgh], s.d. [1824]; Henschel, August Wilhelm Eduard Theodor, 1790-1856: Vita G. E. Rumphii, Plinii indici. Vratislaviae, 1833 (includes: Clavis Herbarii amboinensis, pp. 139-207); Blume, Carl Ludwig, 1796-1862: Eenige waarnemingen omtrent den Culilawan-boom van Rumphius, in het IIde deel, pag. 65-69 van zijn Herbarium amboinense. s.l. [Amsterdam], s.d. [1834]; Hasskarl, Justus Karl, 1811-1894: Neuer Schlüssel zu Rumph’s Herbarium amboinense. Halle, 1866. For additional material and an index to the present work see: Herbarii amboinensis auctuarium. Amstelaedami, 1755 (HI 04889).
HI Number: \04888\
Title: Herbarium amboinense, plurimas conplectens arbores, frutices, herbas, plantas terrestres & aquaticas, quae in Amboina, et adjacentibus reperiuntur insulis, adcuratissime descriptas juxta earum formas, cum diversis denominationibus, cultura, usu, ac virtutibus. Quod ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Amstelaedami (= Amsterdam). Franciscus Changuion; Joannes Catuffe (vols. 1-4 only); Hermannus Uytwerf. :: Hagae Comitis (= The Hague). Petrus Gosse; Joannes Neaulme; Adrianus Moetjens; Antonius van Dole. :: Ultrajecti (= Utrecht). Stephanus Neaulme (vols. 1-4 only).
Date: 1741-1750.
Format: 2º in 4's.
Volumation: 6 vols.: Pars prima (- Pars sexta).
Illustrations: 669 BW plates (including engraved frontisp. vol. 1, and 2 portraits: G. E. Rumpf and J. Burman, both in vol. 1).
Copies: HBL; MH-HL; Pruh.
Seen / Located: BMNH; C; C-UB; FB-UB; G; GOET-UB; LE; MA; O2NB; P; P-BC; WU
Reported: BM; BR-BR; CU; DLC; E-UL; ICJ; K; LEOP; LINN; MBH; MiU; MoSB; NN; NNHor; NYBG; PPAN; PPC; RHS; Teyler; TxU; U; U-UB
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7908; Stevenson 518; Nissen 1700; Junk, Rara 97, 100, 284; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 464; Stafleu 1126; Cobres 2: 587-588; Merrill & Walker 420; Jackson 378; Haller 1: 616; Graesse 6: 192; Brunet 4: 1460; Miltitz 191-192; Krüger 174; Fournier 304-305; Merrill, E. D., An interpretation of Rumphius's Herbarium amboinense. Manila, 1917; Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. van, Flora Malesiana I.1: 452. 1950.
Editor/Contributor: Burman, Johannes, 1706-1779.
Notes: Title-pages of vols. 3-6 read: … Herbarium amboinense, plurimas complecten arbores, … Second title-pages read: Het amboinsch(e) kruid-boek. Dat is, beschryving van de meest bekende boomen, heesters, kruiden, land- en water-planten, die men in Amboina, en de omleggende eylanden vind, … Eerste deel (- Sesde deel). Amsterdam. François Changuion; Jan Catuffe (vols. 1-4 only); Hermanus Uytwerf. ‘s Hage. Pieter Gosse; Jan Neaulme; Adriaan Moetjens; Antony van Dole. Utrecht. Steven Neaulme (vols. 1-4 only). Posthumously published work. For a dissertation in which some modern scientific names are first provided, see Linnaeus, Carl (Pr.): Herbarium amboinense. Upsaliae, 1754 (HI 10678). See also the following works which provide keys, commentaries and other information: Burman, Johannes, 1706-1799: Index alter in omnes tomos Herbarii amboinensis cl. Georgii Everhardi Rumphii. Lugduni Batavorum; Amstelaedami, 1759 (Published together with Burman, Johannes: Flora malabarica. Amstelaedami, 1759); Hamilton, Francis, 1762-1829: Commentary on the Herbarium amboinense. s.l. [Edinburgh], s.d. [1824]; Henschel, August Wilhelm Eduard Theodor, 1790-1856: Vita G. E. Rumphii, Plinii indici. Vratislaviae, 1833 (includes: Clavis Herbarii amboinensis, pp. 139-207); Blume, Carl Ludwig, 1796-1862: Eenige waarnemingen omtrent den Culilawan-boom van Rumphius, in het IIde deel, pag. 65-69 van zijn Herbarium amboinense. s.l. [Amsterdam], s.d. [1834]; Hasskarl, Justus Karl, 1811-1894: Neuer Schlüssel zu Rumph’s Herbarium amboinense. Halle, 1866. For additional material and an index to the present work see: Herbarii amboinensis auctuarium. Amstelaedami, 1755 (HI 04889).
HI Number: \04888\
Author: Rumpf, Georg Eberhard, 1627-1702 // Georgius Everhardus Rumphius
Title: ... Herbarii amboinensis auctuarium, reliquas complectens arbores, frutices, ac plantas, quae in Amboina, et in adjacentibus demum repertae sunt insulis, omnes accuratissime descriptae, & deliniatae juxta earum formas, cum diversis indicis denominationibus, cultura, usu, ac viribus.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Amstelaedami (= Amsterdam). Mynardus Uytwerf; Vidua ac Filius S. Schouten.
Date: 1755.
Format: 2º.
Illustrations: 30 BW plates.
Copies: Pruh.
Seen / Located: BMNH; G; GOET-UB; MA; O2NB; P; P-BC; WU
Reported: BM; BR-BR; CU; DLC; E-UL; K; LEOP; LINN; MBH; MiU; NIC; NN; NYBG; PPAN; PPC; Teyler; TxU; U; U-UB
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7909; Nissen 1701; Stafleu 1126; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 464; Brunet 4: 1460; Graesse 6: 192; Junk, Rara 97, 100, 284; Merrill & Walker 420; Cobres 2: 588; Haller 1: 617; Stevenson sub 518 (pp. 198-200); Fournier 305; Miltitz 192; Krüger 174; TL-2 1: 930; Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. van, Flora Malesiana I.I: 452. 1950; Dandy, Regnum Veg. 51: 7-8. Nov. 1967.
Editor/Contributor: Burman, Johannes, 1706-1779.
Notes: Second title-page reads: Het lauctuarium, ofte vermeerdering, op Het amboinsch kruyd-boek. Dat is, beschryving van de overige boomen, heesters, en planten, die man in Amboine, en de omleggende eilanden vind, … Amsterdam. Mynard Uytwerf; De Wed. S. Schouten den Zoon. Posthumously published work. Includes additional material and an index to the 6 volumes of: Herbarium amboinense. Amstelaedami; Hagae Comitis; Ultrajecti, 1741-1750 (HI 04888).
HI Number: \04889\
Title: ... Herbarii amboinensis auctuarium, reliquas complectens arbores, frutices, ac plantas, quae in Amboina, et in adjacentibus demum repertae sunt insulis, omnes accuratissime descriptae, & deliniatae juxta earum formas, cum diversis indicis denominationibus, cultura, usu, ac viribus.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Amstelaedami (= Amsterdam). Mynardus Uytwerf; Vidua ac Filius S. Schouten.
Date: 1755.
Format: 2º.
Illustrations: 30 BW plates.
Copies: Pruh.
Seen / Located: BMNH; G; GOET-UB; MA; O2NB; P; P-BC; WU
Reported: BM; BR-BR; CU; DLC; E-UL; K; LEOP; LINN; MBH; MiU; NIC; NN; NYBG; PPAN; PPC; Teyler; TxU; U; U-UB
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7909; Nissen 1701; Stafleu 1126; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 464; Brunet 4: 1460; Graesse 6: 192; Junk, Rara 97, 100, 284; Merrill & Walker 420; Cobres 2: 588; Haller 1: 617; Stevenson sub 518 (pp. 198-200); Fournier 305; Miltitz 192; Krüger 174; TL-2 1: 930; Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. van, Flora Malesiana I.I: 452. 1950; Dandy, Regnum Veg. 51: 7-8. Nov. 1967.
Editor/Contributor: Burman, Johannes, 1706-1779.
Notes: Second title-page reads: Het lauctuarium, ofte vermeerdering, op Het amboinsch kruyd-boek. Dat is, beschryving van de overige boomen, heesters, en planten, die man in Amboine, en de omleggende eilanden vind, … Amsterdam. Mynard Uytwerf; De Wed. S. Schouten den Zoon. Posthumously published work. Includes additional material and an index to the 6 volumes of: Herbarium amboinense. Amstelaedami; Hagae Comitis; Ultrajecti, 1741-1750 (HI 04888).
HI Number: \04889\
Author: Ruppius, Heinrich Bernhard, 1688-1719 // Henricus Bernhardus Ruppius
Title: ... Flora jenensis Henrici Bernhardi Ruppii.
Edition: Ex posthumis auctoris schedis et propriis observationibus aucta et emendata accesserunt plantarum rariorum novae icones.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Jenae (= Jena). Christ. Henr. Cuno.
Date: 1745.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 6 BW plates.
Copies: S
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; C-UB; G; GOET-UB; HBL; LE; MA; MH-HL; O2NB; P; S-PA; W; WU
Reported: BM; BMNH; DNAL; K; LINN; NYBG; Teyler
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7913; Debure 1278; Heinsius 2: 242; Jackson 305; Haller 2: 147.
Editor/Contributor: Haller, Albrecht von, 1758-1823.
Notes: Posthumously published edition. Earlier editions published Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1718 and 1726. Statement of title begins with name of editor: Alberti Haller …
HI Number: \04893\
Title: ... Flora jenensis Henrici Bernhardi Ruppii.
Edition: Ex posthumis auctoris schedis et propriis observationibus aucta et emendata accesserunt plantarum rariorum novae icones.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Jenae (= Jena). Christ. Henr. Cuno.
Date: 1745.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 6 BW plates.
Copies: S
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; C-UB; G; GOET-UB; HBL; LE; MA; MH-HL; O2NB; P; S-PA; W; WU
Reported: BM; BMNH; DNAL; K; LINN; NYBG; Teyler
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7913; Debure 1278; Heinsius 2: 242; Jackson 305; Haller 2: 147.
Editor/Contributor: Haller, Albrecht von, 1758-1823.
Notes: Posthumously published edition. Earlier editions published Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1718 and 1726. Statement of title begins with name of editor: Alberti Haller …
HI Number: \04893\
Author: Rush, Benjamin, 1745-1813 // Benjamin Rush
Title: An account of the sugar maple-tree, of the United States, and of the methods of obatining sugar from it, together with observatins upon the advantages both public nad private of this sugar, in a letter to Thomas Jefferson, Esq.
Edition: Philadelphia printed: London reprinted.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London.
Date: 1792.
Format: 8º.
Printer: J. Phillips.
Pagination: 1 st unnumb. p., 1-24.
Copies: PPAP; PPI
Reported: MBH
Reference / Citation: Evans 8: 24761; Sabin 18: 128.
Notes: Paper originally read in the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, on 19 Aug. 1791. This is a new edition, albeit unchange, of the original published in Philadelphia, 1792 (HI 08236). Reference in the title is to Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826.
HI Number: \18469\
Title: An account of the sugar maple-tree, of the United States, and of the methods of obatining sugar from it, together with observatins upon the advantages both public nad private of this sugar, in a letter to Thomas Jefferson, Esq.
Edition: Philadelphia printed: London reprinted.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London.
Date: 1792.
Format: 8º.
Printer: J. Phillips.
Pagination: 1 st unnumb. p., 1-24.
Copies: PPAP; PPI
Reported: MBH
Reference / Citation: Evans 8: 24761; Sabin 18: 128.
Notes: Paper originally read in the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, on 19 Aug. 1791. This is a new edition, albeit unchange, of the original published in Philadelphia, 1792 (HI 08236). Reference in the title is to Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826.
HI Number: \18469\
Author: Rush, Benjamin, 1745/6-1813
Title: An account of the sugar maple tree of the United States and of the method of obtaining sugar from it, together with observations upon the advantages both public and private of this sugar.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Philadelphia.
Date: 1792.
Format: 8º.
Printer: R. Aitken and Son.
Reported: BM; DLC \s\ Pritzel (Ed. 1) 4878; Bradley 4: 527; Evans 8: 24761; Sabin 18: 128.
Notes: Pritzel erroneously gives Thomas Jefferson as author.
HI Number: \08236\
Title: An account of the sugar maple tree of the United States and of the method of obtaining sugar from it, together with observations upon the advantages both public and private of this sugar.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Philadelphia.
Date: 1792.
Format: 8º.
Printer: R. Aitken and Son.
Reported: BM; DLC \s\ Pritzel (Ed. 1) 4878; Bradley 4: 527; Evans 8: 24761; Sabin 18: 128.
Notes: Pritzel erroneously gives Thomas Jefferson as author.
HI Number: \08236\
Author: Russell, Alexander, 1715-1768 // Alexander Russel
Title: Naauwkeurige en natuurlyke beschryving van de stad Aleppo en derselver ommelanden, behelzende eene beschryving van die Stad en der voornaamste natuurlyke voortbrengfels, de welke in derzelver nabuurschap gevonden wurden; waar by nog volgt eene verhandeling over het climaat, de manieren der inwooneren en der ziektens, voornaamlyk die der Pest; waar ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Leyden. Cornelis de Pecker en Cornelis van Hoogeveen, Junior.
Date: 1762.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 8 BW plates.
Translator: Gronovius, Laurens Theodor (Translated from the English, HI 09184).
Copies: Wu
Reported: BM
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 8886; review in Nederl. Letter-Courant 8(82): 237-239. 1763 >>4MLP 9186<<4.
HI Number: \09186\
Title: Naauwkeurige en natuurlyke beschryving van de stad Aleppo en derselver ommelanden, behelzende eene beschryving van die Stad en der voornaamste natuurlyke voortbrengfels, de welke in derzelver nabuurschap gevonden wurden; waar by nog volgt eene verhandeling over het climaat, de manieren der inwooneren en der ziektens, voornaamlyk die der Pest; waar ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Leyden. Cornelis de Pecker en Cornelis van Hoogeveen, Junior.
Date: 1762.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 8 BW plates.
Translator: Gronovius, Laurens Theodor (Translated from the English, HI 09184).
Copies: Wu
Reported: BM
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 8886; review in Nederl. Letter-Courant 8(82): 237-239. 1763 >>4MLP 9186<<4.
HI Number: \09186\