Title: [Flora of the Ryukyu Islands].
Place of Publication / Publisher: [Kagoshima (?)]. [Natural Products Bureau of Kagoshima (?)].
Date: 1789.
Reference / Citation: Bartlett & Shohara 80-81.
HI Number: \25305\
Place of Publication / Publisher: [Kagoshima (?)]. [Natural Products Bureau of Kagoshima (?)].
Date: 1789.
Reference / Citation: Bartlett & Shohara 80-81.
HI Number: \25305\
Title: Eine kurze Reise in Westindien mit verschiedenen Anekdoten und Charakterschilderungen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Mannheim. Schwan und Götz.
Date: 1792.
Format: 8º.
Translator: W., -- (Translated from the English).
Copies: RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Heinsius 3: 349; Kayser 4: 479; extract of botanical chapter in Ann. Bot. (Usteri) 2(6): 131-136. 1793 >>4MLP 0138<<4.
Notes: Includes chapters: Gawächse (pp. 133-137) and: Das Dessert (pp. 137-140); both wild and cultivated plants are treated. Initial of translator given at end of preface, p. 6. No information about original work in English available.
HI Number: \25269\
Place of Publication / Publisher: Mannheim. Schwan und Götz.
Date: 1792.
Format: 8º.
Translator: W., -- (Translated from the English).
Copies: RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Heinsius 3: 349; Kayser 4: 479; extract of botanical chapter in Ann. Bot. (Usteri) 2(6): 131-136. 1793 >>4MLP 0138<<4.
Notes: Includes chapters: Gawächse (pp. 133-137) and: Das Dessert (pp. 137-140); both wild and cultivated plants are treated. Initial of translator given at end of preface, p. 6. No information about original work in English available.
HI Number: \25269\
Title: A catalogue of the plants growing wild in the environs of London. With some explanation of the Linnaean system of botany.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London.
Date: 1774.
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 1-40.
Copies: BMNH
Reference / Citation: Henrey 3: 542; Cat. BMNH 3: 1167.
HI Number: \24028\
Place of Publication / Publisher: London.
Date: 1774.
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 1-40.
Copies: BMNH
Reference / Citation: Henrey 3: 542; Cat. BMNH 3: 1167.
HI Number: \24028\
Title: A description of England and Wales. Containing a particular account of each county, with its ... plants, ... and the lives of the illustrious men each county has produced.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. Newberry and Carman.
Date: 1770-1775.
Format: 12º.
Volumation: 10 vols.
Reported: PPL
Reference / Citation: NUC 140: ND 0195303.
HI Number: \24060\
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. Newberry and Carman.
Date: 1770-1775.
Format: 12º.
Volumation: 10 vols.
Reported: PPL
Reference / Citation: NUC 140: ND 0195303.
HI Number: \24060\
Title: Neues vollständiges Giftbuch, worin Gelehrte und Ungelehrte etwas zu ihrem Nutzen finden werden; insbesondere ein lehrreiches Exempelbuch für den Bürger und Bauersmann und ganz besonders für Eltern und Lehrer.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Chur. S. Kellenberger.
Date: 1835.
Format: 12º.
Illustrations: 34 BW plates or 34 COL plates.
Reference / Citation: Kayser 7: 343; Heinsius 9(1): 323; Tecoz, Réne-Marie, Librarium 15(3): 178-179. 1972 [Dec.].
HI Number: \24054\
Place of Publication / Publisher: Chur. S. Kellenberger.
Date: 1835.
Format: 12º.
Illustrations: 34 BW plates or 34 COL plates.
Reference / Citation: Kayser 7: 343; Heinsius 9(1): 323; Tecoz, Réne-Marie, Librarium 15(3): 178-179. 1972 [Dec.].
HI Number: \24054\
Title: Abbildungen in- und ausländischer Pflanzen für Liebhaber und Beflissene der Botanik.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Wien. Hochenleitter.
Date: 1787-1792.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 6 vols. (in fasc.).
Illustrations: BW plates.
Reference / Citation: Reviews in Allg. Lit.-Zeitung (Jena) 1789.IV(349): 760. 1789 [28 Dec.] >>4MLP 0074<<4; Med.-Chir. Zeitung 1793.II(43): 318-320. 1793 >>4MLP 0287<<4.
HI Number: \25081\
Place of Publication / Publisher: Wien. Hochenleitter.
Date: 1787-1792.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 6 vols. (in fasc.).
Illustrations: BW plates.
Reference / Citation: Reviews in Allg. Lit.-Zeitung (Jena) 1789.IV(349): 760. 1789 [28 Dec.] >>4MLP 0074<<4; Med.-Chir. Zeitung 1793.II(43): 318-320. 1793 >>4MLP 0287<<4.
HI Number: \25081\
Title: Beschreibung der gefährlichsten Giftpflanzen und Giftschwämme Deutschlands, nebst Warnungen vor einigen andern zu wenig bekannten Giften, durch welche schon viele Menschen um Gesundheit und Leben gekommmen sind, und Mitteln dagegen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Stadtamhof. J. M. Daisenberger ("in der J. M. Daisenberger'schen Buchhandlung").
Date: s.d.[1805].
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 3 BW or 3 COL plates.
Copies: DR-LB; MH-FH
Reference / Citation: Kayser 1: 235; Heinsius 1: 275; Miltitz 461; NUC 51: NB 0387167; Announcement in Bot. Zeitung (Regensburg) 4(8): 128. 1805 [29 Apr.] >>4MLP 0393<<4.
HI Number: \25116\
Place of Publication / Publisher: Stadtamhof. J. M. Daisenberger ("in der J. M. Daisenberger'schen Buchhandlung").
Date: s.d.[1805].
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 3 BW or 3 COL plates.
Copies: DR-LB; MH-FH
Reference / Citation: Kayser 1: 235; Heinsius 1: 275; Miltitz 461; NUC 51: NB 0387167; Announcement in Bot. Zeitung (Regensburg) 4(8): 128. 1805 [29 Apr.] >>4MLP 0393<<4.
HI Number: \25116\
Title: An historical narrative of the discovery of New Holland and New South Wales, containing an account of the inhabitants, soil, animals, and other productions of those countries, and including a particular description of Botany Bay.
Edition: Second edition.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. John Fielding.
Date: s.d.[1786].
Format: 4º.
Illustrations: 1 COL plate (map).
Reported: BM; CLU
Reference / Citation: Cat. BM (Compact ed.) 18: 516; NUC 247: NH 0399946.
HI Number: \24285\
Edition: Second edition.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. John Fielding.
Date: s.d.[1786].
Format: 4º.
Illustrations: 1 COL plate (map).
Reported: BM; CLU
Reference / Citation: Cat. BM (Compact ed.) 18: 516; NUC 247: NH 0399946.
HI Number: \24285\
Title: 60 in Oesterreich wild wachsende Holzarten in Tabellen nach ihren natürlichen Eigenschaften in alphabetischer Ordnung entworfen, den angehenden Jägern und Förstern gewidmet.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Krems. Ein thätiger Liebhaber der so nützlichen als nothwendigen Holzcultur.
Date: 1789.
Reference / Citation: Mantel 1: 256.
HI Number: \24303\
Place of Publication / Publisher: Krems. Ein thätiger Liebhaber der so nützlichen als nothwendigen Holzcultur.
Date: 1789.
Reference / Citation: Mantel 1: 256.
HI Number: \24303\
Title: Giftbüchlein, oder Abbildung und Beschreibung der in Deutschland wachsenden Giftpflanzen.
Edition: Zweite Auflage.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Dresden. Beger ("Beger'sche Buchhandlung").
Date: 1811(?).
Format: 12º.
Illustrations: 7 COL plates (illustrating 24 plants).
Reference / Citation: Announcement in Leipziger Literaturzeitung ("Leipziger Lit.-Zeitung") 1813.I(57): 451. 1813 [27 Feb.] >>4MLP 0765<<4.
Notes: Text and plates also issued as part of vol. 2 of: Historische, bildliche Darstellung der in Deutschland einheimischen Bäume und Sträucher. Dresden, s.d. [1811] (HI 25341) and as part of vol. 2 of: Kleine Naturgeschichte. Dresden, 1812 (HI 10205).
HI Number: \24302\
Edition: Zweite Auflage.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Dresden. Beger ("Beger'sche Buchhandlung").
Date: 1811(?).
Format: 12º.
Illustrations: 7 COL plates (illustrating 24 plants).
Reference / Citation: Announcement in Leipziger Literaturzeitung ("Leipziger Lit.-Zeitung") 1813.I(57): 451. 1813 [27 Feb.] >>4MLP 0765<<4.
Notes: Text and plates also issued as part of vol. 2 of: Historische, bildliche Darstellung der in Deutschland einheimischen Bäume und Sträucher. Dresden, s.d. [1811] (HI 25341) and as part of vol. 2 of: Kleine Naturgeschichte. Dresden, 1812 (HI 10205).
HI Number: \24302\