Author: Reyger, Gottfried, 1704-1788 // Gottfried Reyger
Title: Die um Danzig wildwachsende [sic] Pflanzen nach ihren Geschlechtstheilen geordnet, und beschrieben.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Danzig. Daniel Ludewig Wedel.
Date: 1768.
Format: 8º.
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; C-UB; GOET-UB; LE; Pruh.
Reported: BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7582: Bradley 1: 373; Kayser 4: 498; Heinsius 3: 374; Haller 2: 540; Miltitz 173.
HI Number: \04654\
Title: Die um Danzig wildwachsende [sic] Pflanzen nach ihren Geschlechtstheilen geordnet, und beschrieben.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Danzig. Daniel Ludewig Wedel.
Date: 1768.
Format: 8º.
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; C-UB; GOET-UB; LE; Pruh.
Reported: BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7582: Bradley 1: 373; Kayser 4: 498; Heinsius 3: 374; Haller 2: 540; Miltitz 173.
HI Number: \04654\
Author: Reyger, Gottfried, 1704-1788 // Gottfried Reyger
Title: Die um Danzig wildwachsenden Pflanzen nach ihren Geschlechtstheilen geordnet und beschrieben.
Edition: Neue ganz umgearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Danzig. S. Anhuth ("im Verlag (in) der S. Anhuthschen Buch(h)andlung").
Date: 1825-1826.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Wedel ("in der Wedelschen Hofbuchdruckerei").
Volumation: 2 vols.: Erster Theil (- Zweiter Theil).
Illustrations: 3 BW plates.
Copies: C
Seen / Located: B-SB; FR; LE
Reported: BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7583; Margadant 208-209; Heinsius 7(2): 211; Dierbach 170; Kayser 4: 498; Miltitz 153; Bradley 1: 373.
Editor/Contributor: Weiss, Johann Gottfried, d. 1832.
Notes: Posthumously published new edition, in 2 vols., of work originally published in 1768 (HI 04654). Vol. 2 includes the cryptogams.
HI Number: \04655\
Title: Die um Danzig wildwachsenden Pflanzen nach ihren Geschlechtstheilen geordnet und beschrieben.
Edition: Neue ganz umgearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Danzig. S. Anhuth ("im Verlag (in) der S. Anhuthschen Buch(h)andlung").
Date: 1825-1826.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Wedel ("in der Wedelschen Hofbuchdruckerei").
Volumation: 2 vols.: Erster Theil (- Zweiter Theil).
Illustrations: 3 BW plates.
Copies: C
Seen / Located: B-SB; FR; LE
Reported: BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7583; Margadant 208-209; Heinsius 7(2): 211; Dierbach 170; Kayser 4: 498; Miltitz 153; Bradley 1: 373.
Editor/Contributor: Weiss, Johann Gottfried, d. 1832.
Notes: Posthumously published new edition, in 2 vols., of work originally published in 1768 (HI 04654). Vol. 2 includes the cryptogams.
HI Number: \04655\
Author: Reyger, Gottfried, 1704-1788 // Gottfried Reyger (vol. 1); Gottfridus Reyger (vol. 2)
Title: ... Tentamen florae gedanensis methodo sexuali adcommodatae.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Dantisci (= Danzig). Daniel Ludwig Wedel.
Date: 1764-1766.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 2 vols.: [Tomus I] (- Tomus II).
Copies: MH-HL; S-KVA
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; C-UB; GOET-UB; H-UB; LE; P; P-BC (vol. 1 only); Pruh.
Reported: BM; BMNH; K; LEOP
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7581; Kayser 4: 498; Heinsius 3: 374; Bradley 1: 373; Haller 2: 540; Soulsby 647a; Miltitz 173.
Notes: Reference in title of contribution is to: Oelhaf, Nicolaus (data unavailable): Elenchus plantarum circa nobile Borussorum Dantiscum sua sponte nascentium. Dantisci, 1643. Included is a biography of Breyne, Johann Philipp, 1680-1764, headed: Vita Joannis Philippi Breynii … (Vol. 2: 1-24. 1766).
HI Number: \04653\
Title: ... Tentamen florae gedanensis methodo sexuali adcommodatae.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Dantisci (= Danzig). Daniel Ludwig Wedel.
Date: 1764-1766.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 2 vols.: [Tomus I] (- Tomus II).
Copies: MH-HL; S-KVA
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; C-UB; GOET-UB; H-UB; LE; P; P-BC (vol. 1 only); Pruh.
Reported: BM; BMNH; K; LEOP
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7581; Kayser 4: 498; Heinsius 3: 374; Bradley 1: 373; Haller 2: 540; Soulsby 647a; Miltitz 173.
Notes: Reference in title of contribution is to: Oelhaf, Nicolaus (data unavailable): Elenchus plantarum circa nobile Borussorum Dantiscum sua sponte nascentium. Dantisci, 1643. Included is a biography of Breyne, Johann Philipp, 1680-1764, headed: Vita Joannis Philippi Breynii … (Vol. 2: 1-24. 1766).
HI Number: \04653\
Author: Rhind, William, fl. 1833-1867
Title: Excursions illustrative of the geology and natural history of the environs of Edinburgh.
Edition: Second edition greatly enlarged.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Edinburgh. J. Anderson, jun.
Date: 1836.
Illustrations: BW plates (including 1 frontisp. map).
Reported: BM; DI-GS; PUL
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 8544; review in Edinburgh J. Nat. Hist. Phys. Sci. 1: 60. 1836 >>4MLP 0507<<4; announcement in Jahresber. Königl. Schwed. Akad. Wiss. Fortschr. Bot. 1836: 107. 1840 >>MLP 0971<<4; NUC 491: NR 0223136.
HI Number: \09125\
Title: Excursions illustrative of the geology and natural history of the environs of Edinburgh.
Edition: Second edition greatly enlarged.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Edinburgh. J. Anderson, jun.
Date: 1836.
Illustrations: BW plates (including 1 frontisp. map).
Reported: BM; DI-GS; PUL
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 8544; review in Edinburgh J. Nat. Hist. Phys. Sci. 1: 60. 1836 >>4MLP 0507<<4; announcement in Jahresber. Königl. Schwed. Akad. Wiss. Fortschr. Bot. 1836: 107. 1840 >>MLP 0971<<4; NUC 491: NR 0223136.
HI Number: \09125\
Author: Rhind, William, fl. 1833-1867
Title: Excursions illustrative of the geology and natural history of the environs of Edinburgh.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Edinburgh. Maclachlan and Stewart. :: London. Baldwin and Craddock.
Date: 1833.
Format: 12º.
Illustrations: 3 COL plates (including 1 map).
Reported: BMNH; E-UL
Reference / Citation: BMNH 8: 1071; Nicholson 3: 312; review in Edinb. J. Nat. Hist. Phys. Sci. 1(3): 12. 1839 >>4MLP 0507<<4.
HI Number: \18677\
Title: Excursions illustrative of the geology and natural history of the environs of Edinburgh.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Edinburgh. Maclachlan and Stewart. :: London. Baldwin and Craddock.
Date: 1833.
Format: 12º.
Illustrations: 3 COL plates (including 1 map).
Reported: BMNH; E-UL
Reference / Citation: BMNH 8: 1071; Nicholson 3: 312; review in Edinb. J. Nat. Hist. Phys. Sci. 1(3): 12. 1839 >>4MLP 0507<<4.
HI Number: \18677\
Author: Richard, Achille, 1794-1852 // Achille Richard
Title: Monographie des orchidées des Iles de France et de Bourbon.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris.
Date: 1828.
Format: 4º.
Printer: J. Tastu.
Pagination: 1-83.
Illustrations: 11 BW plates.
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: BMNH; C; G; LE; MA; P; P-BC; W; WU
Reported: K; LINN; MBH; RHS
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7599; Michaud 35: 594.
Notes: Marked on title-page as Extrait d’un Essai d’une flore des Iles de France et de Bourbon, but no such title exists.
HI Number: \04676\
Title: Monographie des orchidées des Iles de France et de Bourbon.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris.
Date: 1828.
Format: 4º.
Printer: J. Tastu.
Pagination: 1-83.
Illustrations: 11 BW plates.
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: BMNH; C; G; LE; MA; P; P-BC; W; WU
Reported: K; LINN; MBH; RHS
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7599; Michaud 35: 594.
Notes: Marked on title-page as Extrait d’un Essai d’une flore des Iles de France et de Bourbon, but no such title exists.
HI Number: \04676\
Author: Richard, Louis Claude Marie, 1754-1821 // Ludovicus Claudius Richard
Title: De Orchideis europaeis annotationes, praesertim ad genera dilucidanda spectantes.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Parisiis (= Paris).
Date: 1817.
Format: 4º.
Printer: A. Belin.
Illustrations: 1 BW plate.
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: C; G; LE; P; W; WU
Reported: DLC; DNAL; K; LINN; RHS
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7608; Dierbach 75; Miltitz 259; Vesque 1043 (no. 1); Stafleu 1079.
HI Number: \04685\
Title: De Orchideis europaeis annotationes, praesertim ad genera dilucidanda spectantes.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Parisiis (= Paris).
Date: 1817.
Format: 4º.
Printer: A. Belin.
Illustrations: 1 BW plate.
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: C; G; LE; P; W; WU
Reported: DLC; DNAL; K; LINN; RHS
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7608; Dierbach 75; Miltitz 259; Vesque 1043 (no. 1); Stafleu 1079.
HI Number: \04685\
Author: Richardson, John, 1787-1865
Title: Botanical appendix.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [London].
Date: s.d.[1823].
Format: 4º.
Pagination: 1-56.
Illustrations: 5 MIXD plates (numbered 27-30 + 1 unnumb. pl. called 31 in text on p. 47).
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: G; MH-FH; LE; P-BC
Reported: K
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7613; Jackson 223; TL-2 1: sub 1850.
Notes: This is the second edition of the reprint, differing from the earlier edition. London, 1823 (HI 22397) by the lack of a title-page, its pagination and presence of an additional plate. On p. 56 is a note referring to p. 506 of Franklin’s work. Musci determined by Schwaegrichen, Christian Friedrich, 1775-1853; Lichene and Fungi by Hooker, William Jackson, 1785-1865.
HI Number: \04690\
Title: Botanical appendix.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [London].
Date: s.d.[1823].
Format: 4º.
Pagination: 1-56.
Illustrations: 5 MIXD plates (numbered 27-30 + 1 unnumb. pl. called 31 in text on p. 47).
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: G; MH-FH; LE; P-BC
Reported: K
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7613; Jackson 223; TL-2 1: sub 1850.
Notes: This is the second edition of the reprint, differing from the earlier edition. London, 1823 (HI 22397) by the lack of a title-page, its pagination and presence of an additional plate. On p. 56 is a note referring to p. 506 of Franklin’s work. Musci determined by Schwaegrichen, Christian Friedrich, 1775-1853; Lichene and Fungi by Hooker, William Jackson, 1785-1865.
HI Number: \04690\
Author: Richardson, John, 1787-1865 // John Richardson
Title: Botanical appendix to Captain Franklin's Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar Sea.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London.
Date: 1823.
Format: 4º.
Printer: W. Clowes.
Pagination: 1st-2nd unnumb. p. 1-40.
Illustrations: 4 MIXD plates (numbered 27-30).
Copies: MH-HL
Reference / Citation: Tucker 2: xxxiii.
Notes: This is the first edition of the reprint. Musci (species 430-502, pp. 26-29) determined by Schwaegrichen, Christian Friedrich, 1775-1853; Lichenes (species 519-639, pp. 29-35) and Fungi (species 640-658, p. 35) determined by Hooker, William Jackson, 1785-1865. For a translation into German see Brown, Robert: Vermischte botanische Schriften. Schmalkalden. Vol. 1: 465-550. 1825 (HI 14763) and Leipzig. Vol. 1: 465-550. 1825 (HI 14763) and Leipzig. Vol. 1: 465-550. 1825 (HI 00774).
HI Number: \22397\
Title: Botanical appendix to Captain Franklin's Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar Sea.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London.
Date: 1823.
Format: 4º.
Printer: W. Clowes.
Pagination: 1st-2nd unnumb. p. 1-40.
Illustrations: 4 MIXD plates (numbered 27-30).
Copies: MH-HL
Reference / Citation: Tucker 2: xxxiii.
Notes: This is the first edition of the reprint. Musci (species 430-502, pp. 26-29) determined by Schwaegrichen, Christian Friedrich, 1775-1853; Lichenes (species 519-639, pp. 29-35) and Fungi (species 640-658, p. 35) determined by Hooker, William Jackson, 1785-1865. For a translation into German see Brown, Robert: Vermischte botanische Schriften. Schmalkalden. Vol. 1: 465-550. 1825 (HI 14763) and Leipzig. Vol. 1: 465-550. 1825 (HI 14763) and Leipzig. Vol. 1: 465-550. 1825 (HI 00774).
HI Number: \22397\
Author: Richardson, William, 1740-1820
Title: An elementary treatise on the indigenous grasses of Ireland.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Dublin.
Date: 1806.
Format: 8º.
Reference / Citation: Perkins 126.
HI Number: \18689\
Title: An elementary treatise on the indigenous grasses of Ireland.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Dublin.
Date: 1806.
Format: 8º.
Reference / Citation: Perkins 126.
HI Number: \18689\