Author: Ramond de Carbonnières, Louis François Elisabeth, 1753-1827
Title: Lettres inédites, contenant un coup-d'oeil général et de comparaison sur les Alpes et les Pyrénées, leurs productions, leurs lacs et leurs flores, l'etat de leurs chaines, la forme de leurs vallées, etc. ...
Date: [1834].
Format: 8º.
Reference / Citation: Announcement in Foreign Quart. Rev. 13(26): 478. 1834 [May] >>4MLP 1621<<4.
HI Number: \34095\
Title: Lettres inédites, contenant un coup-d'oeil général et de comparaison sur les Alpes et les Pyrénées, leurs productions, leurs lacs et leurs flores, l'etat de leurs chaines, la forme de leurs vallées, etc. ...
Date: [1834].
Format: 8º.
Reference / Citation: Announcement in Foreign Quart. Rev. 13(26): 478. 1834 [May] >>4MLP 1621<<4.
HI Number: \34095\
Author: Ramond de Carbonnières, Louis François Elisabeth, 1753-1827 //
Title: Observations faites dans les Pyrénées, pour servir de suite a des observations sur les Alpes, insérées dans une traduction des lettres de W. Coxe, sur la Suisse.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Belin.
Date: 1789.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 3 BW plates (including 2 maps).
Copies: C
Seen / Located: G; LE; P-BC
Reported: BMNH; BR-BR; CtY; Cu; DLC; E-UL; IU; NN; WIS
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7409; Bradley 1: 406; De Bure 1667; Jackson 278.
Notes: The work referred to in the title is: Coxe, William, 1747-1828. Travels in Switzerland, in a series of letters. 3 vols. London, 1789.
HI Number: \04523\
Title: Observations faites dans les Pyrénées, pour servir de suite a des observations sur les Alpes, insérées dans une traduction des lettres de W. Coxe, sur la Suisse.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Belin.
Date: 1789.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 3 BW plates (including 2 maps).
Copies: C
Seen / Located: G; LE; P-BC
Reported: BMNH; BR-BR; CtY; Cu; DLC; E-UL; IU; NN; WIS
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7409; Bradley 1: 406; De Bure 1667; Jackson 278.
Notes: The work referred to in the title is: Coxe, William, 1747-1828. Travels in Switzerland, in a series of letters. 3 vols. London, 1789.
HI Number: \04523\
Author: Ramond de Carbonnières, Louis François Elisabeth, 1753-1827 // L. Ramond
Title: Voyages au Mont-Perdu et dans la partie adjacente des Hautes-Pyrénées.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Belin.
Date: AnIX1801.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 6 BW plates (including 1 frontisp. and 1 map).
Copies: O2NB
Seen / Located: G; GOET-UB; LE; P-BC
Reported: BM; BMNH; BR-BR; Cu; MH; NN; Teyler; WIS
Reference / Citation: PRitzel (Ed. 2) 7410; Bradley 1: 406; Brunet 6: 20131; Jackson 278.
HI Number: \04524\
Title: Voyages au Mont-Perdu et dans la partie adjacente des Hautes-Pyrénées.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Belin.
Date: AnIX1801.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 6 BW plates (including 1 frontisp. and 1 map).
Copies: O2NB
Seen / Located: G; GOET-UB; LE; P-BC
Reported: BM; BMNH; BR-BR; Cu; MH; NN; Teyler; WIS
Reference / Citation: PRitzel (Ed. 2) 7410; Bradley 1: 406; Brunet 6: 20131; Jackson 278.
HI Number: \04524\
Author: Ramond de Carbonnières, Louis François Elisabeth, 1753-1827 // M. Ramond
Title: Travels in the Pyrenees; containing a description of the principal summits, passes, and vallies.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown.
Date: 1813.
Format: 8º.
Translator: Gold, F. (Translated from the French, HI 04524).
Reported: BM; E-UL; NIC; NN; PPL
Reference / Citation: Lowndes 3: 2042; Cat. BM (Compact ed.) 21: 101.
HI Number: \13193\
Title: Travels in the Pyrenees; containing a description of the principal summits, passes, and vallies.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown.
Date: 1813.
Format: 8º.
Translator: Gold, F. (Translated from the French, HI 04524).
Reported: BM; E-UL; NIC; NN; PPL
Reference / Citation: Lowndes 3: 2042; Cat. BM (Compact ed.) 21: 101.
HI Number: \13193\
Author: Ramond de Carbonnières, Louis François Elisabeth, 1753-1827 // Ramond de Carbonnieres
Title: Reise nach den höchsten französischen und spanischen Pyrenäen, oder physikalische, geologische und moralische Beschreibung der Pyrenäen, ihre Höhe, der Gletscher oder Eisberge auf denselben u. s.f. ihrer Bewohner, deren Geschichte, Sitten, Lebensart etc. nebst einer Vergleichung dieser Gebirge mit den Alpen etc. von ... Als ein Gegenstück zu dessen Beobachtungen über die Alpen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Strasburg. Akademische Buchhandlung ("in der akademischen Buchhandlung").
Date: 1789.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Ph. J. Dannbach.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Erster Band (- Zweiter Band).
Pagination: XVI, 309; 182.
Illustrations: 3 BW plates (including 2 maps).
Translator: (Translated from the French, >>HI 04523<<3).
Copies: O2NB
Reference / Citation: Heinsius 1: 505; Kayser 4: 427.
Notes: For an appendix to this work see: Picquet, J. P. Reise in die franzsöschen Pyrenäen. Strasburg. 1790 (HI 24019).
HI Number: \14829\
Title: Reise nach den höchsten französischen und spanischen Pyrenäen, oder physikalische, geologische und moralische Beschreibung der Pyrenäen, ihre Höhe, der Gletscher oder Eisberge auf denselben u. s.f. ihrer Bewohner, deren Geschichte, Sitten, Lebensart etc. nebst einer Vergleichung dieser Gebirge mit den Alpen etc. von ... Als ein Gegenstück zu dessen Beobachtungen über die Alpen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Strasburg. Akademische Buchhandlung ("in der akademischen Buchhandlung").
Date: 1789.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Ph. J. Dannbach.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Erster Band (- Zweiter Band).
Pagination: XVI, 309; 182.
Illustrations: 3 BW plates (including 2 maps).
Translator: (Translated from the French, >>HI 04523<<3).
Copies: O2NB
Reference / Citation: Heinsius 1: 505; Kayser 4: 427.
Notes: For an appendix to this work see: Picquet, J. P. Reise in die franzsöschen Pyrenäen. Strasburg. 1790 (HI 24019).
HI Number: \14829\
Author: Ramond de Carbonniéres, Louis François Élisabeth, 1753-1827 // M. L. Ramond
Title: Mémoire sur l'état de la végétation au sommet du Pic du Midi de Bagnëres.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Paris].
Date: s.d.[1827].
Format: 4º.
Pagination: 1-94.
Copies: G
Seen / Located: LE; P; P-BC
Notes: Paper read at the meeting of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Paris on 16 Jan. and 13 Mar. 1826. Includes: Enumeration des plantes qui croissent au sommet du Picdu Midi (pp. 47-90); Récapitulation des espe’ces observées au sommet du Pic (p. 917); Appendice. Espe’ces observées sur les sommets qui excèdent en hauteur le Pic du Midi (pp. 92-94).
HI Number: \12042\
Title: Mémoire sur l'état de la végétation au sommet du Pic du Midi de Bagnëres.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Paris].
Date: s.d.[1827].
Format: 4º.
Pagination: 1-94.
Copies: G
Seen / Located: LE; P; P-BC
Notes: Paper read at the meeting of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Paris on 16 Jan. and 13 Mar. 1826. Includes: Enumeration des plantes qui croissent au sommet du Picdu Midi (pp. 47-90); Récapitulation des espe’ces observées au sommet du Pic (p. 917); Appendice. Espe’ces observées sur les sommets qui excèdent en hauteur le Pic du Midi (pp. 92-94).
HI Number: \12042\
Author: Rassmann, W. Ch. Carl // W. Ch. Carl Rassmann
Title: Grundriss der Vorbereitungs-Wissenschaften für das Forstwesen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Frankfurt am Main. Jäger.
Date: 1827.
Format: 8º (text) + 2º obl. (tables).
Copies: H-UB
Reference / Citation: Bradley 4: 56; Mantel 1: 31; Review in Jenaische Allg. Lit.-Zeitung 26.IV(206): 201-208. 1829 [Nov.] >>4MLP 1682<<4; Heinsius 7(2): 192; Kayser 4: 432.
HI Number: \18432\
Title: Grundriss der Vorbereitungs-Wissenschaften für das Forstwesen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Frankfurt am Main. Jäger.
Date: 1827.
Format: 8º (text) + 2º obl. (tables).
Copies: H-UB
Reference / Citation: Bradley 4: 56; Mantel 1: 31; Review in Jenaische Allg. Lit.-Zeitung 26.IV(206): 201-208. 1829 [Nov.] >>4MLP 1682<<4; Heinsius 7(2): 192; Kayser 4: 432.
HI Number: \18432\
Author: Rau, Ambrosius, 1784-1830 // Ambrosius Rau
Title: Enumeratio Rosarum circa Wirceburgum et pagos adjacentes sponte crescentium, cum earum definitionibus, descriptionibus et synonymis, secundum novam methodum disposita et speciebus varietatibusque novis aucta.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Norimbergae (= Nuremberg). Carolus Felssecker.
Date: 1816.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 1 COL plate (frontisp.).
Copies: HBL; WN-UB
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; G; GOET-U; LE; MH-HL; MH-JP; W; WU
Reported: BMNH; DNAL; K; LEOP; NNHo; Regensburg, RBG; RHS
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7427; Kayser 4: 435; Heinsius 6: 666; Bradley 2: 284; Miltitz 160; Krüger 156.
HI Number: \04536\
Title: Enumeratio Rosarum circa Wirceburgum et pagos adjacentes sponte crescentium, cum earum definitionibus, descriptionibus et synonymis, secundum novam methodum disposita et speciebus varietatibusque novis aucta.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Norimbergae (= Nuremberg). Carolus Felssecker.
Date: 1816.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 1 COL plate (frontisp.).
Copies: HBL; WN-UB
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; G; GOET-U; LE; MH-HL; MH-JP; W; WU
Reported: BMNH; DNAL; K; LEOP; NNHo; Regensburg, RBG; RHS
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7427; Kayser 4: 435; Heinsius 6: 666; Bradley 2: 284; Miltitz 160; Krüger 156.
HI Number: \04536\
Author: Re, Filippo, 1763-1817 //
Title: Florae atestinae prodromus.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Mutinae [= Modena].
Date: 1816.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Typographia Regalis.
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: C; BI-BN
Reference / Citation: Bradley 1: 425; Saccardo [1]: 136; Blake 2: 416.
HI Number: \22377\
Title: Florae atestinae prodromus.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Mutinae [= Modena].
Date: 1816.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Typographia Regalis.
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: C; BI-BN
Reference / Citation: Bradley 1: 425; Saccardo [1]: 136; Blake 2: 416.
HI Number: \22377\
Author: Re, Giovanni Francesco, 1773-1833 // Gioanni Francesco Re
Title: Flora torinese.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Torino.
Date: 1825-1827.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Bianco.
Volumation: 2 vols. (vol. 2 in 2 parts): Volume I; Vol. II. Fasc. I (- Vol. II. Fasc. II).
Pagination: [Vol.1]: 1-372, 1st-2nd unnumb. p. (second p. blank); [Vol. 2(1)]: 1-172; [Vol. 2(2)]: 173-340.
Copies: B-SB, MH-HL
Seen / Located: BMNH; G; LE; P-BC
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7444 (erroneously as "4744"); Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 426; Blake 2: 380; Dierbach 180; Miltitz 184; Krüger 135; Margadant 204-205.
Notes: Dedication, preface and characters of Linnaean classes in Italian (Vol. 1: 3-23. 1825), descriptions of genera and species in Latin. Vol. 2 includes: Correctiones I. Vol. (Vol. 2(1): 171-172. 1826); Additiones ad Vol. I (Vol. 2(2): 336-339. 1827); Emendationes I vol. (Vol. 2(2): 339-340. 1827). Title-page dates are: 1825 (vol. 1); 1826 (vol. 2(1)); 1827 (vol. 2(2)).
HI Number: \04545\
Title: Flora torinese.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Torino.
Date: 1825-1827.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Bianco.
Volumation: 2 vols. (vol. 2 in 2 parts): Volume I; Vol. II. Fasc. I (- Vol. II. Fasc. II).
Pagination: [Vol.1]: 1-372, 1st-2nd unnumb. p. (second p. blank); [Vol. 2(1)]: 1-172; [Vol. 2(2)]: 173-340.
Copies: B-SB, MH-HL
Seen / Located: BMNH; G; LE; P-BC
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7444 (erroneously as "4744"); Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 426; Blake 2: 380; Dierbach 180; Miltitz 184; Krüger 135; Margadant 204-205.
Notes: Dedication, preface and characters of Linnaean classes in Italian (Vol. 1: 3-23. 1825), descriptions of genera and species in Latin. Vol. 2 includes: Correctiones I. Vol. (Vol. 2(1): 171-172. 1826); Additiones ad Vol. I (Vol. 2(2): 336-339. 1827); Emendationes I vol. (Vol. 2(2): 339-340. 1827). Title-page dates are: 1825 (vol. 1); 1826 (vol. 2(1)); 1827 (vol. 2(2)).
HI Number: \04545\