Author: Polwhele, Richard, 1760-1838 // Richard Polwhele
Title: The history of Devonshire.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. Cadell, Johnson, and Dilly (vol. 1); Cadell, Dilly, and Murray (vol. 2).
Date: 1793-1806[1793-1811](Datesofvolumes:vol.1:1797;vol.2:1793;vol.3:1806,map.1811).
Format: 2º.
Printer: Trewman and son (Exter).
Volumation: 3 vols.: Vol. I (- Vol. III).
Illustrations: 25 BW plates (including 1 map).
Copies: K (lacks vol. 3)
Reported: BM; DLC; MB; MiU; NN; PPL
Reference / Citation: Brunet 6: 27153; Desmond 499, 647, 681; Graesse 5: 393; Lowndes 3: 1907-1908.
Notes: For a work which includes extracts from the floristic chapter see: Turner, Dawson & Dillwyn, Lowis Weston: The botanist’s guide through England and Wales. 2 vols. London, 1805 (HI 06286).
HI Number: \24216\
Title: The history of Devonshire.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. Cadell, Johnson, and Dilly (vol. 1); Cadell, Dilly, and Murray (vol. 2).
Date: 1793-1806[1793-1811](Datesofvolumes:vol.1:1797;vol.2:1793;vol.3:1806,map.1811).
Format: 2º.
Printer: Trewman and son (Exter).
Volumation: 3 vols.: Vol. I (- Vol. III).
Illustrations: 25 BW plates (including 1 map).
Copies: K (lacks vol. 3)
Reported: BM; DLC; MB; MiU; NN; PPL
Reference / Citation: Brunet 6: 27153; Desmond 499, 647, 681; Graesse 5: 393; Lowndes 3: 1907-1908.
Notes: For a work which includes extracts from the floristic chapter see: Turner, Dawson & Dillwyn, Lowis Weston: The botanist’s guide through England and Wales. 2 vols. London, 1805 (HI 06286).
HI Number: \24216\
Author: Ponfikl, Joseph Eduard, d. 1823 // Joseph Eduard Ponfikl
Title: Vollständiger Umriss einer statistischen Topographie des Königsreiches Böhmen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Prag. C. W. Enders (vol. 2); Carl Wilhelm Enders (vols. 3-4).
Date: 1822-1828[1822-1829].
Format: 8º.
Printer: Josepha verwittwete Vetterle von Wildenbrunn (vol. 1).
Volumation: 4 vols. (in fasc.; no. of fascicles not available): Erster Band (- Vierter Band).
Illustrations: 1 BW plate (map).
Copies: O2NB; WUB
Reported: BM
Reference / Citation: Cat. BM (Compact ed.) 20: 652; Heinsius 7(2): 174; 8(2): 119; Kayser 4: 377; Lindau & Sydow 2: sub 19522; Futák & Domin 568.
Editor/Contributor: Kramerius, Wenzel Rodomil, 1792-1861.
Coauthor(s): Streinz, Wenzel Matern, 1792-1876 // Wenzel M. Streinz (vol. 3); Dlask, Laurenz Albert // L. A. Dlask (vol. 4); Mussik, Franz Alois // F. A. Mussik (vol. 4)
Notes: Second title-page for vol. 3, 1828 (in recto position) reads: Vollständiger Umriss einer Topographie des berauner Kreises im Königreiche Böhmen. Author: Wenzel M. Streinz. Second title-page for vol. 4, 1828 (in recto position) reads: Vollständiger Umriss einer Topographie des Saazer Kreises im Königreiche Böhmen. Authors: L. A. Dlask and F. A. Mussik. Unfinished work (only 2 vols. of the special topography intended to include each country published, = vols. 3-4). Vols. 2-4, 1827-1828 [1827-1829], posthumously published.
HI Number: \31995\
Title: Vollständiger Umriss einer statistischen Topographie des Königsreiches Böhmen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Prag. C. W. Enders (vol. 2); Carl Wilhelm Enders (vols. 3-4).
Date: 1822-1828[1822-1829].
Format: 8º.
Printer: Josepha verwittwete Vetterle von Wildenbrunn (vol. 1).
Volumation: 4 vols. (in fasc.; no. of fascicles not available): Erster Band (- Vierter Band).
Illustrations: 1 BW plate (map).
Copies: O2NB; WUB
Reported: BM
Reference / Citation: Cat. BM (Compact ed.) 20: 652; Heinsius 7(2): 174; 8(2): 119; Kayser 4: 377; Lindau & Sydow 2: sub 19522; Futák & Domin 568.
Editor/Contributor: Kramerius, Wenzel Rodomil, 1792-1861.
Coauthor(s): Streinz, Wenzel Matern, 1792-1876 // Wenzel M. Streinz (vol. 3); Dlask, Laurenz Albert // L. A. Dlask (vol. 4); Mussik, Franz Alois // F. A. Mussik (vol. 4)
Notes: Second title-page for vol. 3, 1828 (in recto position) reads: Vollständiger Umriss einer Topographie des berauner Kreises im Königreiche Böhmen. Author: Wenzel M. Streinz. Second title-page for vol. 4, 1828 (in recto position) reads: Vollständiger Umriss einer Topographie des Saazer Kreises im Königreiche Böhmen. Authors: L. A. Dlask and F. A. Mussik. Unfinished work (only 2 vols. of the special topography intended to include each country published, = vols. 3-4). Vols. 2-4, 1827-1828 [1827-1829], posthumously published.
HI Number: \31995\
Author: Pontoppidan, Erik Ludvigsen, 1698-1764 // Erich Pontoppidan
Title: ... Kurzgefasste Nachrichten, die Naturhistorie in Dännemark betreffend.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Kopenhagen und Hamburg. Gabriel Christian Rothens Wittwe und Profft; Michael Christian Bock.
Date: 1765.
Format: 4º.
Volumation: Vol. 1, part 1 only.
Illustrations: 15 BW plates.
Translator: Scheiben, Johann Adolph (Translated from the Danish, HI 19162).
Copies: O2NB
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; GOET-UB; LE; P-BC
Reported: BM; BMNH; BR-BR; MH-Z
Reference / Citation: Jackson 333; Christensen 2: 49; Bradley 3: 270.
Notes: Unfinished work.
HI Number: \10231\
Title: ... Kurzgefasste Nachrichten, die Naturhistorie in Dännemark betreffend.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Kopenhagen und Hamburg. Gabriel Christian Rothens Wittwe und Profft; Michael Christian Bock.
Date: 1765.
Format: 4º.
Volumation: Vol. 1, part 1 only.
Illustrations: 15 BW plates.
Translator: Scheiben, Johann Adolph (Translated from the Danish, HI 19162).
Copies: O2NB
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; GOET-UB; LE; P-BC
Reported: BM; BMNH; BR-BR; MH-Z
Reference / Citation: Jackson 333; Christensen 2: 49; Bradley 3: 270.
Notes: Unfinished work.
HI Number: \10231\
Author: Pontoppidan, Erik Ludvigsen, 1698-1764 // Erich Pontoppidan (vols. 1-3)
Title: Den Danske Atlas eller Konge-Riget Dannemark, Med dets Naturlige Egenskaber, Elementer, Indbyggere, Vaexter, Dyr og andre Affødninger, dets gamle Tidragelser og naervaerende Omstaendigheder i alle Provintzer, Staeder, Kirker, Slotte og Herre-Gaarde. Forestillet ved en udførlig Lands-Beskrivelse, ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Kiøbenhavn.
Date: 1763-1781.
Format: 4º.
Printer: A. H. Godiche.
Volumation: 7 vols.: Tomus I (- Tomus VII).
Illustrations: Plates (including maps).
Copies: H-UB
Seen / Located: C (lacks vols. 3, 6, 7)
Reported: BM; DLC (lacks vols. 6-7); ICJ; NIC (lacks vols. 6-7); NN (lacks vols. 6-7).
Reference / Citation: Christensen 2: 44, 49, 78; Graesse 5: 410; Brunet 4: 815; Engelmann 117; Nissen, Zool. sub 3221; NUC 465: NP 0477205, NP 0477206.
Coauthor(s): Hofman, Hans de, 1713-1793 (vols. 4-7)
HI Number: \19162\
Title: Den Danske Atlas eller Konge-Riget Dannemark, Med dets Naturlige Egenskaber, Elementer, Indbyggere, Vaexter, Dyr og andre Affødninger, dets gamle Tidragelser og naervaerende Omstaendigheder i alle Provintzer, Staeder, Kirker, Slotte og Herre-Gaarde. Forestillet ved en udførlig Lands-Beskrivelse, ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Kiøbenhavn.
Date: 1763-1781.
Format: 4º.
Printer: A. H. Godiche.
Volumation: 7 vols.: Tomus I (- Tomus VII).
Illustrations: Plates (including maps).
Copies: H-UB
Seen / Located: C (lacks vols. 3, 6, 7)
Reported: BM; DLC (lacks vols. 6-7); ICJ; NIC (lacks vols. 6-7); NN (lacks vols. 6-7).
Reference / Citation: Christensen 2: 44, 49, 78; Graesse 5: 410; Brunet 4: 815; Engelmann 117; Nissen, Zool. sub 3221; NUC 465: NP 0477205, NP 0477206.
Coauthor(s): Hofman, Hans de, 1713-1793 (vols. 4-7)
HI Number: \19162\
Author: Pontoppidan, Erik, 1698-1764 // Erich Pontoppidan
Title: ... Versuch einer natürlichen Historie von Norwegen, Worinnen die Luft, Grund und Boden, Gewässer, Gewächse, Metalle, Mineralien, Steinarten, Thiere, Vögel, Fische und endlich das Naturel, wie auch die Gewohnheiten und Lebensarten der Einwohner dieses Königreichs beschrieben werden.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Kopenhagen. Franz Christian Mumme.
Date: 1753-1754.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Erster Theil (- Zweyter Theil).
Illustrations: 30 BW plates.
Translator: Scheiben, Johann Adolph (Translated from the Danish, HI 09027).
Copies: H
Seen / Located: B-SB; H-UB; P-BC
Reported: C-UB; CtY; DLC, ICJ, MH, MiU, NIC
Reference / Citation: Christensen 2: 49; Engelmann 116-117; Kayser 4: 378; Deliciae Cobresianae 1: 255-256; Haller 2: 416.
HI Number: \19161\
Title: ... Versuch einer natürlichen Historie von Norwegen, Worinnen die Luft, Grund und Boden, Gewässer, Gewächse, Metalle, Mineralien, Steinarten, Thiere, Vögel, Fische und endlich das Naturel, wie auch die Gewohnheiten und Lebensarten der Einwohner dieses Königreichs beschrieben werden.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Kopenhagen. Franz Christian Mumme.
Date: 1753-1754.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Erster Theil (- Zweyter Theil).
Illustrations: 30 BW plates.
Translator: Scheiben, Johann Adolph (Translated from the Danish, HI 09027).
Copies: H
Seen / Located: B-SB; H-UB; P-BC
Reported: C-UB; CtY; DLC, ICJ, MH, MiU, NIC
Reference / Citation: Christensen 2: 49; Engelmann 116-117; Kayser 4: 378; Deliciae Cobresianae 1: 255-256; Haller 2: 416.
HI Number: \19161\
Author: Portenschlag-Ledermayer, Franz von, 1772-1822 // Franciscus de Portenschlag-Ledermayer
Title: Enumeratio plantarum in Dalmatia lectarum.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Wien. Franz Härter ("Im Verlage der Franz Härter'schen Buchhandlung").
Date: 1824.
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 1-16.
Illustrations: 12 BW plates.
Copies: MH-HL; O2NB
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; C-UB; G; GOET-UB; LE; P; P-BC; W; WU
Reported: BMNH; K; Regensburg, RBG
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7275; Wurzbach 23: 128; Junk, Rara 128; Dierbach 179.
Editor/Contributor: Trattinnick, Leopold, 1764-1849.
Notes: Posthumously published work (title-page inscription reads: Zum Andenken des Verewigten von seinen Freunden). A new edition, with pagination and format differing from the periodical article; also, the illustrations of 14 plants are distributed on 12 plates, while they are on 7 plates in the periodical article.
HI Number: \04441\
Title: Enumeratio plantarum in Dalmatia lectarum.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Wien. Franz Härter ("Im Verlage der Franz Härter'schen Buchhandlung").
Date: 1824.
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 1-16.
Illustrations: 12 BW plates.
Copies: MH-HL; O2NB
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; C-UB; G; GOET-UB; LE; P; P-BC; W; WU
Reported: BMNH; K; Regensburg, RBG
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7275; Wurzbach 23: 128; Junk, Rara 128; Dierbach 179.
Editor/Contributor: Trattinnick, Leopold, 1764-1849.
Notes: Posthumously published work (title-page inscription reads: Zum Andenken des Verewigten von seinen Freunden). A new edition, with pagination and format differing from the periodical article; also, the illustrations of 14 plants are distributed on 12 plates, while they are on 7 plates in the periodical article.
HI Number: \04441\
Author: Portlock, Nathaniel, 1748?-1817 // Nathaniel Portlock
Title: A Voyage rounnd the world; but more particularly to the north-west coast of America: performed in 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788, in the King George and Queen Charlotte, Captains Portlock and Dixon.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. John Stockdale; George Goulding.
Date: 1789.
Format: 4º.
Illustrations: 20 MIXD plates (including 2 portraits, 1 of which is frontisp., and 6 maps).
Copies: GU
Reported: BMNH; CtY; DLC; LINN; MiU-C; ViU
Reference / Citation: Sabin 15; 328; NUC 466: NP 0502354.
Notes: For a translated extract see Forster, Johann Georg Adam (ed.): Geschichte der Reisen, die seit Cook an der Nordwest- und Nordost-Küste von Amerika und in dem nördlichsten Amerika selbst … unternommen worden sind. Berlin. Vol. 3: 49, [second set of pagination] 1-164. 1791 (HI 16907). Reference in title is to: Dixon, George, 1755-1800.
HI Number: \19166\
Title: A Voyage rounnd the world; but more particularly to the north-west coast of America: performed in 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788, in the King George and Queen Charlotte, Captains Portlock and Dixon.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. John Stockdale; George Goulding.
Date: 1789.
Format: 4º.
Illustrations: 20 MIXD plates (including 2 portraits, 1 of which is frontisp., and 6 maps).
Copies: GU
Reported: BMNH; CtY; DLC; LINN; MiU-C; ViU
Reference / Citation: Sabin 15; 328; NUC 466: NP 0502354.
Notes: For a translated extract see Forster, Johann Georg Adam (ed.): Geschichte der Reisen, die seit Cook an der Nordwest- und Nordost-Küste von Amerika und in dem nördlichsten Amerika selbst … unternommen worden sind. Berlin. Vol. 3: 49, [second set of pagination] 1-164. 1791 (HI 16907). Reference in title is to: Dixon, George, 1755-1800.
HI Number: \19166\
Author: Postels, Aleksandr Filipovic, 1801-1871 // Alexander Postels (Latin title-page); Aleksandr Postel's (Russian title-page)
Title: Illustrationes algarum in itinere circa orbem jussu Imperatoris Nicolai I. atque auspiciis Navarchi Friderici Lütke annis 1826, 1827, 1828 et 1829 celoce Seniavin exsecuto in Oceano Pacifico, imprimis septemtrionali ad littora rossica asiatico-americano collectarum.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Petropoli (= St. Petersburg).
Date: 1840.
Format: 2º.
Printer: Eduardus Pratz (Latin t-p); E8duard Prac (Russian t-p).
Illustrations: 41 BW or 41 COL plates.
Copies: BMNH
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; G; GOET-UB; LE; MH-FH; MH-HL; P-BC
Reported: K; Teyler
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7280; Nissen 1557; Trautvetter 1091; Brunet 4: 841; Graesse 5: 425; Merril-Walker 392; Krejsberg 1: 292; Junk, Rara 154.
Coauthor(s): Ruprect, Franz Joseph, 1814-1870 // Franciscus Reprecht (Latin title-page); Franc Ruprecht (Russian title-page)
Notes: Second title-page reads: Izobraženija I opisanija morskih rastenij, sobrannyh v Svernom Tihom Okeaně u beregov Rossijskih vladěnij v Azil I Amerikě v putešestvie vokrug světa soveršennoe po povelěniju Gosudarja Imperatora Niolaja I. na voennom šljubě Senjavině v 1826, 1827, 1828 i 1829 godah pod komandoju Flota Kapitana Fedora Litke. Sanktpeterburg. Half-title for text in Latin reads: Illustrationes algarum Ocenai Pacifici, inprimis septemrionalis. References in the titles are to: Nicholas I., Emperor of Russia, 1796-1855; and to: Litke, Fedor Petrovič, 1797-1882. For an account of the voyage itself see Litke, Fedor Petrovič: Putesestvie vokrug cveta … , na voennom Šljupě Senjavině v 1826, 1827, 1828 i 1829 godan … Sanktpeterburg, 1834-1836. 5 vols. (HI 17663).
HI Number: \04443\
Title: Illustrationes algarum in itinere circa orbem jussu Imperatoris Nicolai I. atque auspiciis Navarchi Friderici Lütke annis 1826, 1827, 1828 et 1829 celoce Seniavin exsecuto in Oceano Pacifico, imprimis septemtrionali ad littora rossica asiatico-americano collectarum.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Petropoli (= St. Petersburg).
Date: 1840.
Format: 2º.
Printer: Eduardus Pratz (Latin t-p); E8duard Prac (Russian t-p).
Illustrations: 41 BW or 41 COL plates.
Copies: BMNH
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; G; GOET-UB; LE; MH-FH; MH-HL; P-BC
Reported: K; Teyler
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7280; Nissen 1557; Trautvetter 1091; Brunet 4: 841; Graesse 5: 425; Merril-Walker 392; Krejsberg 1: 292; Junk, Rara 154.
Coauthor(s): Ruprect, Franz Joseph, 1814-1870 // Franciscus Reprecht (Latin title-page); Franc Ruprecht (Russian title-page)
Notes: Second title-page reads: Izobraženija I opisanija morskih rastenij, sobrannyh v Svernom Tihom Okeaně u beregov Rossijskih vladěnij v Azil I Amerikě v putešestvie vokrug světa soveršennoe po povelěniju Gosudarja Imperatora Niolaja I. na voennom šljubě Senjavině v 1826, 1827, 1828 i 1829 godah pod komandoju Flota Kapitana Fedora Litke. Sanktpeterburg. Half-title for text in Latin reads: Illustrationes algarum Ocenai Pacifici, inprimis septemrionalis. References in the titles are to: Nicholas I., Emperor of Russia, 1796-1855; and to: Litke, Fedor Petrovič, 1797-1882. For an account of the voyage itself see Litke, Fedor Petrovič: Putesestvie vokrug cveta … , na voennom Šljupě Senjavině v 1826, 1827, 1828 i 1829 godan … Sanktpeterburg, 1834-1836. 5 vols. (HI 17663).
HI Number: \04443\
Author: Pourret, Pierre André, 1754-1818
Title: Extrait de la Chloris narbonnenesis, renfermée dans la relation d'un voyage fait depuis Narbonne jusqu'au Montserrat, par les Pyrénées.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Toulouse].
Date: s.d.[1788].
Format: 4º.
Pagination: 38 pp.
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7287; De Bure 1187; Bradley 1: 406.
HI Number: \04451\
Title: Extrait de la Chloris narbonnenesis, renfermée dans la relation d'un voyage fait depuis Narbonne jusqu'au Montserrat, par les Pyrénées.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Toulouse].
Date: s.d.[1788].
Format: 4º.
Pagination: 38 pp.
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7287; De Bure 1187; Bradley 1: 406.
HI Number: \04451\
Author: Pouzin, Fulcrand, d. 1822 // N. Fulcrand Pouzin
Title: Avis au botaniste qui doit parcourir les Alpes: Essai présenté et soutenu a l'École de Médecine de Montpellier.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Montpellier].
Date: FloréalanVIII(=Apr./May1800).
Format: 4º.
Printer: G. Izar et A. Ricard.
Pagination: 1-62, 1st-2nd unnumb. p. (2nd p. blank).
Copies: B-SB
Seen / Located: P
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7288.
HI Number: \04452\
Title: Avis au botaniste qui doit parcourir les Alpes: Essai présenté et soutenu a l'École de Médecine de Montpellier.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Montpellier].
Date: FloréalanVIII(=Apr./May1800).
Format: 4º.
Printer: G. Izar et A. Ricard.
Pagination: 1-62, 1st-2nd unnumb. p. (2nd p. blank).
Copies: B-SB
Seen / Located: P
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7288.
HI Number: \04452\