Author: Pernitzsch, Heinrich Gottlob, fl. 1820-1843 // Heinrich Peonitzsch
Title: Flora von Deutschlands Wäldern mit besonderer Rücksicht auf praktische Forstwissenschaft.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Leipzig. Baumgärtner ("in der Baumgärtnerschen Buchhandlung").
Format: 8º.
Copies: B-TUG; MH-HL
Seen / Located: BMNH; HBL; LE; O2NB; WLG
Reported: BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7043; Kayser 4: 318; Mantel 1: 257; Margadant 200; Bradley 1: 377; Heinsius 7(2): 153; Miltitz 146, 418; Krüger 149.
Notes: Preface (p. VI) dated: Forsthuas Heidelbach, Mar. 1825.
HI Number: \04281\
Title: Flora von Deutschlands Wäldern mit besonderer Rücksicht auf praktische Forstwissenschaft.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Leipzig. Baumgärtner ("in der Baumgärtnerschen Buchhandlung").
Format: 8º.
Copies: B-TUG; MH-HL
Seen / Located: BMNH; HBL; LE; O2NB; WLG
Reported: BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7043; Kayser 4: 318; Mantel 1: 257; Margadant 200; Bradley 1: 377; Heinsius 7(2): 153; Miltitz 146, 418; Krüger 149.
Notes: Preface (p. VI) dated: Forsthuas Heidelbach, Mar. 1825.
HI Number: \04281\
Author: Perreymond, Jean Honoré, 1794-1843 //
Title: Plantes phanérogames qui croissent aux environs de Fréjus, avec leur habitat et l'époque de leur fleuraison.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. F.-G. Levrault. :: Fréjus. Aragon Père.
Date: 1833.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Perreymond-Dufort (Brignoles).
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: G; LE; P; P-BC
Reported: BMNH; K; LINN
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7046; Pritzel (Ed. 1) 7884; Blake 2: 208; Bradley 1: 408.
HI Number: \04284\
Title: Plantes phanérogames qui croissent aux environs de Fréjus, avec leur habitat et l'époque de leur fleuraison.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. F.-G. Levrault. :: Fréjus. Aragon Père.
Date: 1833.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Perreymond-Dufort (Brignoles).
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: G; LE; P; P-BC
Reported: BMNH; K; LINN
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7046; Pritzel (Ed. 1) 7884; Blake 2: 208; Bradley 1: 408.
HI Number: \04284\
Author: Perrottet, Guerrard Samuel, 1790-1870 // Perrottet
Title: Souvenirs d'un voyage autour du monde.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Paris].
Date: s.d.[1831].
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 1st-2nd unnumb. p., 1-99.
Copies: G
Seen / Located: P-BC
HI Number: \12018\
Title: Souvenirs d'un voyage autour du monde.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Paris].
Date: s.d.[1831].
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 1st-2nd unnumb. p., 1-99.
Copies: G
Seen / Located: P-BC
HI Number: \12018\
Author: Perrottet, Guerrard Samuel, 1790-1870 // Perrottet
Title: Voyage de Saint-Louis chef-lieu de la colonie du Sénégal a Podor, en remontant le fleuve, fait en 1825, ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Paris].
Date: s.d.[1833?]
Format: 8º.
Printer: A. Pihan de la Forest.
Pagination: Pp. [1]-46.
Copies: G
Seen / Located: P-BC
HI Number: \12015\
Title: Voyage de Saint-Louis chef-lieu de la colonie du Sénégal a Podor, en remontant le fleuve, fait en 1825, ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Paris].
Date: s.d.[1833?]
Format: 8º.
Printer: A. Pihan de la Forest.
Pagination: Pp. [1]-46.
Copies: G
Seen / Located: P-BC
HI Number: \12015\
Author: Perrottet, Guerrard Samuel, 1790-1870 // S. Perrottet
Title: Voyage de Saint-Louis du Sénégal a la presqu'ile du Cap-Vert, a Albréda sur la Gambie et a la riviére de Casamance dans le pays des Féloups-Yola <1829>.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Paris].
Date: s.d.[1833?]
Format: 8º.
Printer: A. Pihan de la Forest.
Volumation: 1 part only: <Suite>.
Pagination: Pp. [1]-59.
Copies: G
Seen / Located: P-BC
Notes: Only second part of periodical article exists as a reprint. The first part was published in Nouv. Ann. Voyages Sci. Géogr. 59([1727]): 137-185. 1833 [Aug.].
HI Number: \12017\
Title: Voyage de Saint-Louis du Sénégal a la presqu'ile du Cap-Vert, a Albréda sur la Gambie et a la riviére de Casamance dans le pays des Féloups-Yola <1829>.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Paris].
Date: s.d.[1833?]
Format: 8º.
Printer: A. Pihan de la Forest.
Volumation: 1 part only: <Suite>.
Pagination: Pp. [1]-59.
Copies: G
Seen / Located: P-BC
Notes: Only second part of periodical article exists as a reprint. The first part was published in Nouv. Ann. Voyages Sci. Géogr. 59([1727]): 137-185. 1833 [Aug.].
HI Number: \12017\
Author: Perry, William Groves, 1796-1863 // W. G. Perry
Title: Plantae varvicenses selectae; or botanist's guide through the county of Warwick.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Warwick.
Additional Publisher Info: Author (Leamington); Longman, Hurst, and Co. (London); Rose (Warwick).
Date: 1820.
Format: 8º. \Z\ F
Printer: W. Perry.
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: B-SB; P-BC
Reported: BMNH; K; LINN; RHS
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7053; Bradley 1: 397; Dierbach 184; Jackson 261; Desmond 490.
HI Number: \04288\
Title: Plantae varvicenses selectae; or botanist's guide through the county of Warwick.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Warwick.
Additional Publisher Info: Author (Leamington); Longman, Hurst, and Co. (London); Rose (Warwick).
Date: 1820.
Format: 8º. \Z\ F
Printer: W. Perry.
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: B-SB; P-BC
Reported: BMNH; K; LINN; RHS
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7053; Bradley 1: 397; Dierbach 184; Jackson 261; Desmond 490.
HI Number: \04288\
Author: Persoon, Christiaan Hendrik, 1761-1836 // C. H. Persoonius
Title: ... Commentatio de Fungis clavaeformibus sistens specierum hus usque notarum descriptiones cum differentiis specificis, nec non auctorum synonymis.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Lipsiae (= Leipzig). Petrus Philippus Wolf.
Date: 1797.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 4 COL plates.
Copies: HBL
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; C-KB; GOET-UB; LE; MH-FH; MH-HL; W; WU
Reported: BM; BMNH; E-UL; K
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7056; Heinsius 3: 154; Kayser 4: 320; Lindau & Sydow 2: 20490; Junk, Rara 171.
Notes: A new edition of the contribution, with the same title, published in Homskjold, Theodor: Coryphaei Calvarias Ramariasque compectentes. Lipsiae, 1797, pp. 131-240. pls. 1-4 (HI 02637). Includes: Adnotationes quaedam ad Theodori Holmskioldi Coryphaeos clavarias ramariasque compectentes (pp. 107-116).
HI Number: \04291\
Title: ... Commentatio de Fungis clavaeformibus sistens specierum hus usque notarum descriptiones cum differentiis specificis, nec non auctorum synonymis.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Lipsiae (= Leipzig). Petrus Philippus Wolf.
Date: 1797.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 4 COL plates.
Copies: HBL
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; C-KB; GOET-UB; LE; MH-FH; MH-HL; W; WU
Reported: BM; BMNH; E-UL; K
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7056; Heinsius 3: 154; Kayser 4: 320; Lindau & Sydow 2: 20490; Junk, Rara 171.
Notes: A new edition of the contribution, with the same title, published in Homskjold, Theodor: Coryphaei Calvarias Ramariasque compectentes. Lipsiae, 1797, pp. 131-240. pls. 1-4 (HI 02637). Includes: Adnotationes quaedam ad Theodori Holmskioldi Coryphaeos clavarias ramariasque compectentes (pp. 107-116).
HI Number: \04291\
Author: Persoon, Christian Hendrik, 1761-1836 // C. H. Persoon
Title: Mycologia Europaea seu completa omnium fungorum in variis Europaeae regionibus detectorum enumeratio, methodo naturali disposita; descriptione succincta, synonymia selecta et observationibus criticis additis. Elaborata ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Erlangae [Erlangen]. Ioannus Iacobus Palmius.
Date: 1822-1828.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 3 parts: Sectio prima (- Sectio tertia. Particula prima).
Illustrations: 30 COL plates.
Copies: WU
Seen / Located: C; C-UB; G; GOET-UB; H-UB; LE; MH-FH; O2NB; P-BC; W
Reported: BM; BMNH; CU; DLC; MB; MiU; NcU; PPAN; TxU
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7064; Nissen 1513; Krieg 2: 109; Lindau & Sydow 20499; Jackson 228; Heinsius 7([2]): 153; Kayser 4: 320; Miltitz 478.
Notes: Second (verso) title-page section 3 reads: Monographia agraricorum, comprehendens enumberationem omnium specierum hus usque cognitarum. Unfinished work.
HI Number: \04301\
Title: Mycologia Europaea seu completa omnium fungorum in variis Europaeae regionibus detectorum enumeratio, methodo naturali disposita; descriptione succincta, synonymia selecta et observationibus criticis additis. Elaborata ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Erlangae [Erlangen]. Ioannus Iacobus Palmius.
Date: 1822-1828.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 3 parts: Sectio prima (- Sectio tertia. Particula prima).
Illustrations: 30 COL plates.
Copies: WU
Seen / Located: C; C-UB; G; GOET-UB; H-UB; LE; MH-FH; O2NB; P-BC; W
Reported: BM; BMNH; CU; DLC; MB; MiU; NcU; PPAN; TxU
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7064; Nissen 1513; Krieg 2: 109; Lindau & Sydow 20499; Jackson 228; Heinsius 7([2]): 153; Kayser 4: 320; Miltitz 478.
Notes: Second (verso) title-page section 3 reads: Monographia agraricorum, comprehendens enumberationem omnium specierum hus usque cognitarum. Unfinished work.
HI Number: \04301\
Author: Pesneau, J. B. // J. B. Pesneau
Title: Catalogue des plantes recueillies dans le département de la Loire-Inférieure, classé suivant le sustème de Linnée.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Nates. Forest. :: Paris. Isidore Pesron.
Date: 1837-1841.
Format: 12º.
Volumation: 3 parts (Main text + 2 parts supplement); [Premier] Supplément (- Deuxième supplement).
Copies: MH-HL (lacks suppl.)
Seen / Located: G; LE; P; P-BC (all lack suppl.)
Reported: BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7096; Bradley 1: 409.
HI Number: \04303\
Title: Catalogue des plantes recueillies dans le département de la Loire-Inférieure, classé suivant le sustème de Linnée.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Nates. Forest. :: Paris. Isidore Pesron.
Date: 1837-1841.
Format: 12º.
Volumation: 3 parts (Main text + 2 parts supplement); [Premier] Supplément (- Deuxième supplement).
Copies: MH-HL (lacks suppl.)
Seen / Located: G; LE; P; P-BC (all lack suppl.)
Reported: BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7096; Bradley 1: 409.
HI Number: \04303\
Author: Petermann, Wilhelm Ludwig, 1806-1855 // Guil. Ludov. Petermann
Title: De flore gramineo adiectis graminum circa Lipsiam tam sponte nascentium quam in agris cultorum descriptionibus genericis dissertatio.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Lipsiae (= Leipzig). Ambros. Barth.
Date: 1835.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Staritzius.
Pagination: 1st-4th unnumb. p., 1-80. 1 table.
Illustrations: 1 BW plate.
Copies: WU
Seen / Located: B-SB; O2NB; P; P-BC
Reported: Regensburg, RBG
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7073; Kayser 8: 183; Heinsius 9(2): 117; Krüger 159-160.
Notes: Trade issue; differs from earlier dissertation issue (HI 24276) by its new title-page and the lacking theses.
HI Number: \04306\
Title: De flore gramineo adiectis graminum circa Lipsiam tam sponte nascentium quam in agris cultorum descriptionibus genericis dissertatio.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Lipsiae (= Leipzig). Ambros. Barth.
Date: 1835.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Staritzius.
Pagination: 1st-4th unnumb. p., 1-80. 1 table.
Illustrations: 1 BW plate.
Copies: WU
Seen / Located: B-SB; O2NB; P; P-BC
Reported: Regensburg, RBG
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7073; Kayser 8: 183; Heinsius 9(2): 117; Krüger 159-160.
Notes: Trade issue; differs from earlier dissertation issue (HI 24276) by its new title-page and the lacking theses.
HI Number: \04306\