Author: Lejeune, Alexandre Louis Simon, 1779-1858
Title: Choix de plantes de la Belgique.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Liège.
Date: 1826[1825-1827].
Format: 2º.
Volumation: 5 fasc.
Illustrations: 1 plate.
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 5727; Bradley 1: 392; review in Bijdr. Natuurk. Wetensch. 2([3]): Tweede Stuk 139-144. 1827 >>4MLP 0350<<4.
HI Number: \08478\
Title: Choix de plantes de la Belgique.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Liège.
Date: 1826[1825-1827].
Format: 2º.
Volumation: 5 fasc.
Illustrations: 1 plate.
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 5727; Bradley 1: 392; review in Bijdr. Natuurk. Wetensch. 2([3]): Tweede Stuk 139-144. 1827 >>4MLP 0350<<4.
HI Number: \08478\
Author: Lejeune, Alexandre Louis Simon, 1779-1858
Title: Verhandeling over de Ranunculaceae der nederlandsche flora.
Place of Publication / Publisher: [Amsterdam].
Date: [1826].
Format: 8º.
Printer: Van der Hey en Zoon. \p\ LE
Reference / Citation: Announcement in Ann. Soc. Méd. Anvers 1841: 212. 1841 >>4MLP 3064<<4.
HI Number: \17831\
Title: Verhandeling over de Ranunculaceae der nederlandsche flora.
Place of Publication / Publisher: [Amsterdam].
Date: [1826].
Format: 8º.
Printer: Van der Hey en Zoon. \p\ LE
Reference / Citation: Announcement in Ann. Soc. Méd. Anvers 1841: 212. 1841 >>4MLP 3064<<4.
HI Number: \17831\
Author: Lejeune, Alexandre Louis Simon, 1779-1858 // A. L. S. Lejeune
Title: De quarumdam indigenarum plantarum virtutibus commentarii, quos ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Leodii (= Liége).
Date: 1820.
Format: 4º.
Printer: P.-J.Collardin.
Copies: DNLM
Seen / Located: G; P
Reported: BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 5184; Miltitz 466-467.
HI Number: \03249\
Title: De quarumdam indigenarum plantarum virtutibus commentarii, quos ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Leodii (= Liége).
Date: 1820.
Format: 4º.
Printer: P.-J.Collardin.
Copies: DNLM
Seen / Located: G; P
Reported: BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 5184; Miltitz 466-467.
HI Number: \03249\
Author: Lejeune, Alexandre Louis Simon, 1779-1858 // A. L. S. Lejeune
Title: Revue de la Flore des environs de Spa. Contenant ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Liége. V.e Duvivier.
Date: 1824.
Format: 8º in 4's.
Printer: V.e Duvivier.
Copies: HBL
Seen / Located: B-SB; G; GOET-UB; MH-HL; P; W; WU
Reported: BMNH; K
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 5185; Blake [2]: 40; Bradley 1: 392; Miltitz 174.
HI Number: \03250\
Title: Revue de la Flore des environs de Spa. Contenant ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Liége. V.e Duvivier.
Date: 1824.
Format: 8º in 4's.
Printer: V.e Duvivier.
Copies: HBL
Seen / Located: B-SB; G; GOET-UB; MH-HL; P; W; WU
Reported: BMNH; K
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 5185; Blake [2]: 40; Bradley 1: 392; Miltitz 174.
HI Number: \03250\
Author: Lejeune, Alexandre Louis Simon, 1779-1858 // A. L. S. Lejeune
Title: Flore des environs de Spa, ou distribution selon le système de Linnaeus, des plantes qui croissent spontanément dans le département de l'Ourte et dans le départemens circovoisins, pour servir de suite à la Flore du Nord de la France de Mr. Roucel.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Liége. Duvivier.
Date: 1811-1813.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Duvivier.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Premiére partie (- Deuxième partie).
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: B-SB; G; GOET-UB; HBL; P; P-BC; WU
Reported: BM; BMNH (vol. 1); K
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 5183; Blake 2: 40; Bradley 1: 392; Miltitz 173; Soulsby Add. 797a.
HI Number: \03248\
Title: Flore des environs de Spa, ou distribution selon le système de Linnaeus, des plantes qui croissent spontanément dans le département de l'Ourte et dans le départemens circovoisins, pour servir de suite à la Flore du Nord de la France de Mr. Roucel.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Liége. Duvivier.
Date: 1811-1813.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Duvivier.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Premiére partie (- Deuxième partie).
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: B-SB; G; GOET-UB; HBL; P; P-BC; WU
Reported: BM; BMNH (vol. 1); K
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 5183; Blake 2: 40; Bradley 1: 392; Miltitz 173; Soulsby Add. 797a.
HI Number: \03248\
Author: Lejeune, Alexandre Louis Simon, 1779-1858 // A.-L.-S. Lejeune (vols. 1-3)
Title: Compendium florae belgicae. Conjunctis studiis ediderunt.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Leodii (= Liége). P.-J. Collardin (vols. 1-2). :: Verviae (= Verviers). A. Remacle (vol. 3).
Date: 1828-1836.
Format: 12º in 6's.
Volumation: 3 vols.: Tomus I. (- Tomus III.).
Copies: HBL
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; C-UB; G; GOET-UB; LE; P; P-BC; W; WU
Reported: BMNH; CtY; CU; IU; K; LINN; MH; RHS
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 5186; Bradley 1: 392; Brunet 6: 5088; Jackson 271.
HI Number: \03251\
Title: Compendium florae belgicae. Conjunctis studiis ediderunt.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Leodii (= Liége). P.-J. Collardin (vols. 1-2). :: Verviae (= Verviers). A. Remacle (vol. 3).
Date: 1828-1836.
Format: 12º in 6's.
Volumation: 3 vols.: Tomus I. (- Tomus III.).
Copies: HBL
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; C-UB; G; GOET-UB; LE; P; P-BC; W; WU
Reported: BMNH; CtY; CU; IU; K; LINN; MH; RHS
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 5186; Bradley 1: 392; Brunet 6: 5088; Jackson 271.
HI Number: \03251\
Author: Lena-Perpenti, Candida, 1764-1846 // Lena Perpenti
Title: Descrizione di una nuova Campanula trovata dalla di Como.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Milano.
Date: 1817.
Printer: Giovanni Pirotta ("Goi tipi di Giovanni Pirotta").
Pagination: 2 unnumbered leaves.
Illustrations: 1 BW plate.
Copies: C
Reference / Citation: Saccardo 125.
HI Number: \31058\
Title: Descrizione di una nuova Campanula trovata dalla di Como.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Milano.
Date: 1817.
Printer: Giovanni Pirotta ("Goi tipi di Giovanni Pirotta").
Pagination: 2 unnumbered leaves.
Illustrations: 1 BW plate.
Copies: C
Reference / Citation: Saccardo 125.
HI Number: \31058\
Author: Lenz, Harald Othmar, 1798-1870
Title: Die nützlichen und schädlichen Schwämme, nebst einem anhange über die isländische Flechte.
Edition: Zweite, sehr veranderte und durch Beschreibung der affallendsten übrigen in Deutschland wachsenden Schwämme vermehrte Ausgabe.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Gothe. Becker.
Date: 1840.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 16 COL plates.
Seen / Located: LE; MH-FH; WU
Reported: MH; MiU
Reference / Citation: Nissen 1175; Mantel 1: 230; Kayser 8: 25; Heinsius 9: 555; Lindau & Sydow 1: 15218.
HI Number: \11098\
Title: Die nützlichen und schädlichen Schwämme, nebst einem anhange über die isländische Flechte.
Edition: Zweite, sehr veranderte und durch Beschreibung der affallendsten übrigen in Deutschland wachsenden Schwämme vermehrte Ausgabe.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Gothe. Becker.
Date: 1840.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 16 COL plates.
Seen / Located: LE; MH-FH; WU
Reported: MH; MiU
Reference / Citation: Nissen 1175; Mantel 1: 230; Kayser 8: 25; Heinsius 9: 555; Lindau & Sydow 1: 15218.
HI Number: \11098\
Author: Lepehin, Ivan Ivanovic, 1740-1802 // Akademik Lepehin
Title: Polnoe sobranie ucenyh putešestvij po Rossii, izdavaemoe Imperatorskoju Akademieju Nauk, po predloženiju eja prezidenta.
Place of Publication / Publisher: V Sanktpeterburge. Imperatorskaja Akademija ANauk (vols. 3-5). :: s.l. (atlas vol. 1).
Date: 1821-1822(vols.3-5).::s.d.(atlasvol.1).
Format: 4º (text) + 2º (atlas).
Volumation: 4 vols. (3 vols. text + 1 vol. atlas): Tom tretij (- Tom pjat'ij) + Atlas. Cast' pervaja.
Illustrations: 11 BW plates.
Reference / Citation: Trautvetter 760; T. A. Lukina, Ivan Ivanovic Lepehin, p. 50-54.
Editor/Contributor: Ozereckovski, Nikolaj Jakovlevic, 1750-1827.
HI Number: \17860\
Title: Polnoe sobranie ucenyh putešestvij po Rossii, izdavaemoe Imperatorskoju Akademieju Nauk, po predloženiju eja prezidenta.
Place of Publication / Publisher: V Sanktpeterburge. Imperatorskaja Akademija ANauk (vols. 3-5). :: s.l. (atlas vol. 1).
Date: 1821-1822(vols.3-5).::s.d.(atlasvol.1).
Format: 4º (text) + 2º (atlas).
Volumation: 4 vols. (3 vols. text + 1 vol. atlas): Tom tretij (- Tom pjat'ij) + Atlas. Cast' pervaja.
Illustrations: 11 BW plates.
Reference / Citation: Trautvetter 760; T. A. Lukina, Ivan Ivanovic Lepehin, p. 50-54.
Editor/Contributor: Ozereckovski, Nikolaj Jakovlevic, 1750-1827.
HI Number: \17860\
Author: Lepehin, Ivan Ivanovic, 1740-1802 // Ivan Lepehin
Title: Dnevnyja zapiski putešestvija ... po raznym provincijam rossijskago gosudarstva, 1768 i 1769 godu.
Place of Publication / Publisher: V Sanktpeterburge. Imperatorskaja Akademija Nauk.
Date: 1771-1805.
Format: 4º.
Volumation: 4 vos. (First - third vol. unnumbered, fourth vol.: Cast' IV).
Illustrations: 48 BW plates (including 3 maps; the first vol. has 16 plates [not 23], some of them including several illustrations which are independently numbered).
Copies: H-UB
Seen / Located: GOET-UB (lacks first vol.)
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 5773; Krejsberg 1: 429; Trautvetter 760; Lukina, T. A.: Ivan Ivanovic Lepehin. Moskva i Leningrad, 1965, pp. 47-50, 192.
Editor/Contributor: Ozereckovskij, Nikolaj Jakovlevic, 1750-1827 (vol. IV).
HI Number: \08492\
Title: Dnevnyja zapiski putešestvija ... po raznym provincijam rossijskago gosudarstva, 1768 i 1769 godu.
Place of Publication / Publisher: V Sanktpeterburge. Imperatorskaja Akademija Nauk.
Date: 1771-1805.
Format: 4º.
Volumation: 4 vos. (First - third vol. unnumbered, fourth vol.: Cast' IV).
Illustrations: 48 BW plates (including 3 maps; the first vol. has 16 plates [not 23], some of them including several illustrations which are independently numbered).
Copies: H-UB
Seen / Located: GOET-UB (lacks first vol.)
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 5773; Krejsberg 1: 429; Trautvetter 760; Lukina, T. A.: Ivan Ivanovic Lepehin. Moskva i Leningrad, 1965, pp. 47-50, 192.
Editor/Contributor: Ozereckovskij, Nikolaj Jakovlevic, 1750-1827 (vol. IV).
HI Number: \08492\