Author: Haller, Albrecht von, 1708-1777 // Hallerus
Title: Matiere médicale[,] tirée de ... Historia stirpium indigenarum Helvetiae[.] Avec nombre d'additions fourniers pas l'auteur, quelques observations du traducteur, & les usages économiques des mêmes plantes.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Berne. Société Typographique.
Date: 1776.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Tome I (- Tome II).
Translator: Vicat, Philippe Rodolphe (Extract in French from the Latin, HI 02351).
Copies: BERN-BB
Seen / Located: BMNH; FI-BN
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 4084; Bradley 3: 89.
Editor/Contributor: Vicat, Philippe Rodolphe, 1720-1783.
HI Number: \08025\
Title: Matiere médicale[,] tirée de ... Historia stirpium indigenarum Helvetiae[.] Avec nombre d'additions fourniers pas l'auteur, quelques observations du traducteur, & les usages économiques des mêmes plantes.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Berne. Société Typographique.
Date: 1776.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Tome I (- Tome II).
Translator: Vicat, Philippe Rodolphe (Extract in French from the Latin, HI 02351).
Copies: BERN-BB
Seen / Located: BMNH; FI-BN
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 4084; Bradley 3: 89.
Editor/Contributor: Vicat, Philippe Rodolphe, 1720-1783.
HI Number: \08025\
Author: Hamburger, Wolfgang, d. 1872 // W. Hamburger
Title: Medicinische Topographie und Geschichte der Excell. gräfl. Clam-Gallas'schen Herrschaft Lämberg und der benachbarten Stadt Gabel.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Prag.
Date: 1837.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Gottlieb Haase Söhne.
Pagination: I-VIII, 1-162.
Illustrations: 1 BW plate (map).
Copies: WUB
Seen / Located: O2NB
Reference / Citation: Futák & Domin 233; Heinsius 9(1): 362; Kayser 7: 382.
HI Number: \24333\
Title: Medicinische Topographie und Geschichte der Excell. gräfl. Clam-Gallas'schen Herrschaft Lämberg und der benachbarten Stadt Gabel.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Prag.
Date: 1837.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Gottlieb Haase Söhne.
Pagination: I-VIII, 1-162.
Illustrations: 1 BW plate (map).
Copies: WUB
Seen / Located: O2NB
Reference / Citation: Futák & Domin 233; Heinsius 9(1): 362; Kayser 7: 382.
HI Number: \24333\
Author: Hamilton, Francis, 1762-1829 // Francis Hamilton
Title: Some notices concerning the plants of various parts of India and concerning the sanscrita names of those regions.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Edinburgh.
Date: 1823.
Format: 4º.
Printer: P. Neill.
Illustrations: 1 BW plate.
Copies: G
Seen / Located: MH-HL; NYBG; P-BC; WU
Reported: DLC; K
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 4098; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 471; Jackson 383; TL-2 2: 2339.
HI Number: \08034\
Title: Some notices concerning the plants of various parts of India and concerning the sanscrita names of those regions.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Edinburgh.
Date: 1823.
Format: 4º.
Printer: P. Neill.
Illustrations: 1 BW plate.
Copies: G
Seen / Located: MH-HL; NYBG; P-BC; WU
Reported: DLC; K
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 4098; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 471; Jackson 383; TL-2 2: 2339.
HI Number: \08034\
Author: Hamilton, Francis, 17621829 // Francis Buchanan
Title: A journey from Madras through the countries of Mysore, Canara, and Maladbar, performed under the orders of the most noble the Marquis Wellesley, Governor General of India, for the express purpose of investigating the state of agriculture, arts, and commerce; the religion, manners, and customs; the history natural and civil, and antiquities, in the dominions of the Rajah of Mysore, and the countries acquired by the honourable East India Company, in the late and former wars, from Tippoo Sultaun.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. T. Cadell and w. Davies; Black, Parry, and Kingsbury.
Date: 1807.
Format: 4º.
Printer: W. Bulmer and Co.
Volumation: 3 vols.: (Vol. I (- Vols. III)).
Illustrations: 40 MIXD plates (including frontsp. and 1 COL map).
Copies: O2NB
Reported: BM; BMNH; CtY; CU; DLC; E-UL; IU; K; LINN; MBAt; MiU; NcD-MC; NN; PPAN; PPL
Reference / Citation: Bradley 3: 277; Cox 1: 310; DNB 3: 186; Graesse 1: 562; Lowndes 1: 300.
HI Number: \12406\
Title: A journey from Madras through the countries of Mysore, Canara, and Maladbar, performed under the orders of the most noble the Marquis Wellesley, Governor General of India, for the express purpose of investigating the state of agriculture, arts, and commerce; the religion, manners, and customs; the history natural and civil, and antiquities, in the dominions of the Rajah of Mysore, and the countries acquired by the honourable East India Company, in the late and former wars, from Tippoo Sultaun.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. T. Cadell and w. Davies; Black, Parry, and Kingsbury.
Date: 1807.
Format: 4º.
Printer: W. Bulmer and Co.
Volumation: 3 vols.: (Vol. I (- Vols. III)).
Illustrations: 40 MIXD plates (including frontsp. and 1 COL map).
Copies: O2NB
Reported: BM; BMNH; CtY; CU; DLC; E-UL; IU; K; LINN; MBAt; MiU; NcD-MC; NN; PPAN; PPL
Reference / Citation: Bradley 3: 277; Cox 1: 310; DNB 3: 186; Graesse 1: 562; Lowndes 1: 300.
HI Number: \12406\
Author: Hampe,. Georg Ernst Ludwig, 1795-1880 // Ernst Hampe
Title: Prodromus florae Hercynicae oder Verzeichniss der in dem Harzgebiet wildwachsenden Pflanzen. Nach dem Sexualsystem geordnet.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Halle.
Date: 1836.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Gebauer ("gedruckt in der Gebauerschen Buchdruckerei").
Pagination: 1st-2nd unnumb. p. (title-page, quotation from Linnaeus), 1-90.
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: BMNH
Reported: Regensburg, RBG
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3752; Bradley 1: 379; Mantel 2: 536.
HI Number: \02367\
Title: Prodromus florae Hercynicae oder Verzeichniss der in dem Harzgebiet wildwachsenden Pflanzen. Nach dem Sexualsystem geordnet.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Halle.
Date: 1836.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Gebauer ("gedruckt in der Gebauerschen Buchdruckerei").
Pagination: 1st-2nd unnumb. p. (title-page, quotation from Linnaeus), 1-90.
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: BMNH
Reported: Regensburg, RBG
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3752; Bradley 1: 379; Mantel 2: 536.
HI Number: \02367\
Author: Handschuch, Karl Friedrich Gottfried Albert // Carolus Frider. Godofr. Albertus Handschuch
Title: De plantis fumariaceis systematis naturalis earumque viribus et usu, adjectis descriptionibus specierum, quae in Germania crescunt, dissertatio inauguralis Medico-botanica.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Erlangae (= Erlangen).
Date: 1832.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Kunstmannus ("Typis Kvnstmannianis").
Illustrations: 1 COL plate.
Copies: K
Seen / Located: BMNH; C
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3757; Heinsius 8(1): 317; Kayser 3: 35.
HI Number: \02368\
Title: De plantis fumariaceis systematis naturalis earumque viribus et usu, adjectis descriptionibus specierum, quae in Germania crescunt, dissertatio inauguralis Medico-botanica.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Erlangae (= Erlangen).
Date: 1832.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Kunstmannus ("Typis Kvnstmannianis").
Illustrations: 1 COL plate.
Copies: K
Seen / Located: BMNH; C
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3757; Heinsius 8(1): 317; Kayser 3: 35.
HI Number: \02368\
Author: Hanin, L. // Hanin, L.
Title: Enumeratio plantarum circa Metas sponte nascentium, quas in continuis fere itineribus collegit, et summo studio cum celeberrimorum descriptionibus et iconibus ritè redegit ..., ad usum lycaei metensis alumnorum.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Metis (= Metz).
Date: 1806.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Collignon.
Pagination: 1st-4th unnumb. p. (2nd and 4th p. blank), <1>-<28>.
Copies: HBL
Reported: DNAL
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3761; Bradley 1: 376, 406; NUC 229: NH 0094121.
HI Number: \02371\
Title: Enumeratio plantarum circa Metas sponte nascentium, quas in continuis fere itineribus collegit, et summo studio cum celeberrimorum descriptionibus et iconibus ritè redegit ..., ad usum lycaei metensis alumnorum.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Metis (= Metz).
Date: 1806.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Collignon.
Pagination: 1st-4th unnumb. p. (2nd and 4th p. blank), <1>-<28>.
Copies: HBL
Reported: DNAL
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3761; Bradley 1: 376, 406; NUC 229: NH 0094121.
HI Number: \02371\
Author: Harris, Walter, 1686-1761
Title: Ancient and present state of county of Down, containing a chorographical description with the natural and civil history of the same ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Dublin. E. Exshaw.
Date: 1744.
Format: 8º.
Printer: A. Bailey.
Illustrations: 1 BW plate (map).
Reported: BM; DLC
Reference / Citation: Lowndes 1: 666-667; Desmond 111; CLC 138: 303.
HI Number: \24230\
Title: Ancient and present state of county of Down, containing a chorographical description with the natural and civil history of the same ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Dublin. E. Exshaw.
Date: 1744.
Format: 8º.
Printer: A. Bailey.
Illustrations: 1 BW plate (map).
Reported: BM; DLC
Reference / Citation: Lowndes 1: 666-667; Desmond 111; CLC 138: 303.
HI Number: \24230\
Author: Hassler, Johann Georg, -1819
Title: Vollständiges lateinisch-deutsches und deutsches-lateinisch Pflanzenlexikon, oder alphabetische Benennung aller in- und ausländischen offizinellen, technischen, ökonomischen und zur Zierde dienenden Pflanzen; nebst Bemerkungen über einjähre und zweijähr verenirennde Gewächse oder Bäume und Sträucher ...
Date: 1812.
Reference / Citation: Dochnahl 66; Miltitz 41; Kayser 3: 58.
HI Number: \11458\
Title: Vollständiges lateinisch-deutsches und deutsches-lateinisch Pflanzenlexikon, oder alphabetische Benennung aller in- und ausländischen offizinellen, technischen, ökonomischen und zur Zierde dienenden Pflanzen; nebst Bemerkungen über einjähre und zweijähr verenirennde Gewächse oder Bäume und Sträucher ...
Date: 1812.
Reference / Citation: Dochnahl 66; Miltitz 41; Kayser 3: 58.
HI Number: \11458\
Author: Hastings, Charles, 1794-1866 // Charles Hastings
Title: Illustrations of the natural history of Worcestershire, with information on the statistics, zoology, and geology of the county, including also a short account of its mineral waters.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. Sherwood, Gilbert & Piper. :: Worcester. Lees.
Date: 1834.
Format: 8º in 4's.
Printer: E. Lees (Worcester).
Illustrations: 1 COL plate (frontisp.: map).
Copies: HBL
Reported: BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 4211; Bradley 1: 398; Jackson 262.
HI Number: \08061\
Title: Illustrations of the natural history of Worcestershire, with information on the statistics, zoology, and geology of the county, including also a short account of its mineral waters.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. Sherwood, Gilbert & Piper. :: Worcester. Lees.
Date: 1834.
Format: 8º in 4's.
Printer: E. Lees (Worcester).
Illustrations: 1 COL plate (frontisp.: map).
Copies: HBL
Reported: BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 4211; Bradley 1: 398; Jackson 262.
HI Number: \08061\