Author: Drejer, Salomon Thomas Nicolai, 1813-1842 // S. T. N. Drejer
Title: Flora excursoria hafniensis.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Hafniae (= Copenhagen). Schubothe ("Sumtibus librariae Schubothianae").
Date: 1838.
Format: 12º in 6's.
Printer: J. D. Qvist.
Copies: B; H-UB; JE
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; C-L; C-UB; G; GOET-UB; HBL-S; LE; MA; P-BC; W
Reported: BMNH; DNAL; K; MH-HL; NYBG
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2404; Bradley 1: 353; Christensen 2: 214; Heinsius 9(1): 214: Kayser 7: 229; TL 2: 1520.
HI Number: \01558\
Title: Flora excursoria hafniensis.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Hafniae (= Copenhagen). Schubothe ("Sumtibus librariae Schubothianae").
Date: 1838.
Format: 12º in 6's.
Printer: J. D. Qvist.
Copies: B; H-UB; JE
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; C-L; C-UB; G; GOET-UB; HBL-S; LE; MA; P-BC; W
Reported: BMNH; DNAL; K; MH-HL; NYBG
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2404; Bradley 1: 353; Christensen 2: 214; Heinsius 9(1): 214: Kayser 7: 229; TL 2: 1520.
HI Number: \01558\
Author: Dreves, Johann Friedrich Peter, 1772-1816 // Dreves
Title: Choix des plantes d'Europe, décrites et dessinées d'après nature.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Leipzig. Voss et Compagnie.
Date: 1802.
Format: 4º.
Volumation: 5 vols.: Tome I (- Tome V).
Illustrations: 125 COL plates.
Copies: HBL; MH-HL
Seen / Located: G; LE; MA-PR; O2NB; P-BC; WU
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2414; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 348; Miltitz 119; Nissen 529; Graesse 2: 434; Heinsius 1: 708; Kayser 2: 75; Brunet 2: 837.
Coauthor(s): Hayne, Friedrich Gottlob, 1763-1832.
HI Number: \01563\
Title: Choix des plantes d'Europe, décrites et dessinées d'après nature.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Leipzig. Voss et Compagnie.
Date: 1802.
Format: 4º.
Volumation: 5 vols.: Tome I (- Tome V).
Illustrations: 125 COL plates.
Copies: HBL; MH-HL
Seen / Located: G; LE; MA-PR; O2NB; P-BC; WU
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2414; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 348; Miltitz 119; Nissen 529; Graesse 2: 434; Heinsius 1: 708; Kayser 2: 75; Brunet 2: 837.
Coauthor(s): Hayne, Friedrich Gottlob, 1763-1832.
HI Number: \01563\
Author: Dreves, Johann Friedrich Peter, 1772-1816 (vols. 1-5) // Friedrich Dreves (engraved title-pages vols. 1-4); Friedrich Dreves (printed title-pages vols. 3-4)
Title: Botanisches Bilderbuch für die Jugend und Freunde der Pflanzenkunde.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Leipzig. Voss und Compagnie (vols. 1-2); Voss & Compagnie (vols. 3-4).
Date: 1794-1801[1794-1823].
Format: 4º.
Volumation: 5 vols. (in 28 parts): Erster Band (- Vierter Band).
Illustrations: 152 COL plates.
Copies: HBL (vol. 1-vol. 2, fasc. 2 only); W (vols. 1-4 only)
Seen / Located: C-UB; LE; MA;; O2NB (vols. 1-2 only): P-BC
Reported: LINN (vol. 1-vol. 2, fasc. 3 only)
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2414; Bradley 1: 375; Graesse 2: 434; Heinsius 1: 768; Kayser 2: 75; Krieg 1: 191; Nissen 528.
Coauthor(s): Hayne Friederich Gottlob, 1763-1832 (vols. 3-5).
Notes: Second printed title-page flor vols. 3-4 read: Getreue Abbildungen und Zergliederungen Deutscher Gewächse. Erster Band (- Zweiter Band). Leipzig. Voss et Compagnie. 1798-1801. Unfinished work (only 4 fasc. of vol. 5 published, = fasc. 25-28). Very probably no title-pages for vol. 5 published.
HI Number: \01562\
Title: Botanisches Bilderbuch für die Jugend und Freunde der Pflanzenkunde.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Leipzig. Voss und Compagnie (vols. 1-2); Voss & Compagnie (vols. 3-4).
Date: 1794-1801[1794-1823].
Format: 4º.
Volumation: 5 vols. (in 28 parts): Erster Band (- Vierter Band).
Illustrations: 152 COL plates.
Copies: HBL (vol. 1-vol. 2, fasc. 2 only); W (vols. 1-4 only)
Seen / Located: C-UB; LE; MA;; O2NB (vols. 1-2 only): P-BC
Reported: LINN (vol. 1-vol. 2, fasc. 3 only)
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2414; Bradley 1: 375; Graesse 2: 434; Heinsius 1: 768; Kayser 2: 75; Krieg 1: 191; Nissen 528.
Coauthor(s): Hayne Friederich Gottlob, 1763-1832 (vols. 3-5).
Notes: Second printed title-page flor vols. 3-4 read: Getreue Abbildungen und Zergliederungen Deutscher Gewächse. Erster Band (- Zweiter Band). Leipzig. Voss et Compagnie. 1798-1801. Unfinished work (only 4 fasc. of vol. 5 published, = fasc. 25-28). Very probably no title-pages for vol. 5 published.
HI Number: \01562\
Author: Drümpelmann, Ernst Wilhelm von, 1760-1830
Title: Beschreibung und Abbildung der vorzüglichsten und nützlichsten wildwachsenden Futtergräser in Liefland, Ehstland und Kurland.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Riga.
Date: 1811.
Format: 2º.
Illustrations: 15 COL plates.
Reference / Citation: Nissen 531; Trautvetter 303.
Notes: Text and plates extracted from : Flora Livonica. Riga, 1809-1810 (HI 01566). No complete copy reported. Title-page bound with LE copy of Flora Livonica.
HI Number: \11024\
Title: Beschreibung und Abbildung der vorzüglichsten und nützlichsten wildwachsenden Futtergräser in Liefland, Ehstland und Kurland.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Riga.
Date: 1811.
Format: 2º.
Illustrations: 15 COL plates.
Reference / Citation: Nissen 531; Trautvetter 303.
Notes: Text and plates extracted from : Flora Livonica. Riga, 1809-1810 (HI 01566). No complete copy reported. Title-page bound with LE copy of Flora Livonica.
HI Number: \11024\
Author: Drümpelmann, Ernst Wilhelm von, 1760-1830 // Ernst Wilhelm Drümpelmann
Title: Flora Livonica, oder Abbildung und Beschreibung der in Livland wildwachsenden Pflanzen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Riga. Herausgeber (= E. W. Drümpelmann).
Date: 1809-1810.
Format: 2º.
Volumation: 10 fasc.: [1.] Heft (- [10.] Heft) (fascicle numbers not printed, filled in in ink by hand).
Pagination: 55 unnumbered leaves.
Illustrations: 50 COL plates.
Copies: BMNH
Seen / Located: LE
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2418; Nissen 530; Lipschitz, Fontes 384; Trautvetter 302; Miltitz 189; Jackson 329; Kayser 2: 77: Bogojawlensky 2: 31; Bradley 1: 360; Recke & Napiersky 1: 455; Lindau & Sydow 1: 7299; TL 2: 1529.
Notes: Unfinished work. Only wrapper title (fasc. 9) seen; main title-page, missing from extant copies, was apparently present in copy seen by Trautvetter. Copy at LE has title-page from: Beschreibung und Abbildung der vorzülichsten und nüzlichsten wildwachsenden Futtergräser in Liefland, Ehstland und Kurland. Riga, 1811 (HI 11024) bound in. Copy at BMNH has title-page and introduction from: Beschreibung und Abbildung der vorzüglich-schädlichsten wildwachsenden Giftpflanzen in Leifland, Ehstland und Kurland. Riga, 1811 (HI 11025) bound in. Both of these works consist of text and plates extracted from the present work.
HI Number: \01566\
Title: Flora Livonica, oder Abbildung und Beschreibung der in Livland wildwachsenden Pflanzen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Riga. Herausgeber (= E. W. Drümpelmann).
Date: 1809-1810.
Format: 2º.
Volumation: 10 fasc.: [1.] Heft (- [10.] Heft) (fascicle numbers not printed, filled in in ink by hand).
Pagination: 55 unnumbered leaves.
Illustrations: 50 COL plates.
Copies: BMNH
Seen / Located: LE
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2418; Nissen 530; Lipschitz, Fontes 384; Trautvetter 302; Miltitz 189; Jackson 329; Kayser 2: 77: Bogojawlensky 2: 31; Bradley 1: 360; Recke & Napiersky 1: 455; Lindau & Sydow 1: 7299; TL 2: 1529.
Notes: Unfinished work. Only wrapper title (fasc. 9) seen; main title-page, missing from extant copies, was apparently present in copy seen by Trautvetter. Copy at LE has title-page from: Beschreibung und Abbildung der vorzülichsten und nüzlichsten wildwachsenden Futtergräser in Liefland, Ehstland und Kurland. Riga, 1811 (HI 11024) bound in. Copy at BMNH has title-page and introduction from: Beschreibung und Abbildung der vorzüglich-schädlichsten wildwachsenden Giftpflanzen in Leifland, Ehstland und Kurland. Riga, 1811 (HI 11025) bound in. Both of these works consist of text and plates extracted from the present work.
HI Number: \01566\
Author: Drümpelmann, Ernst Wilhelm von, 1760-1830 // Ernst Wilhelm Drümpelmann
Title: Beschreibung und Abbildung der vorzüglich-schädlichsten wildwachsenden Giftpflanzen in Liefland, Ehstland und Kurland.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Riga.
Date: 1811.
Format: 2º.
Illustrations: 15 COL plates.
Copies: BMNH (incomplete copy)
Reference / Citation: Nissen 532; BMNH 1: 480; Trautvetter 304.
Notes: Text and plates extracted from: Flora Livonica. Riga, 1809-1810 (HI 01566). No complete copy reported. Title-page and 1 leaf with introduction (recto) and list of plates (verso) bound with BMNH copy of Flora Livonica. Date of imprimatur (verso of title-page): 7 Nov. 1811.
HI Number: \11025\
Title: Beschreibung und Abbildung der vorzüglich-schädlichsten wildwachsenden Giftpflanzen in Liefland, Ehstland und Kurland.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Riga.
Date: 1811.
Format: 2º.
Illustrations: 15 COL plates.
Copies: BMNH (incomplete copy)
Reference / Citation: Nissen 532; BMNH 1: 480; Trautvetter 304.
Notes: Text and plates extracted from: Flora Livonica. Riga, 1809-1810 (HI 01566). No complete copy reported. Title-page and 1 leaf with introduction (recto) and list of plates (verso) bound with BMNH copy of Flora Livonica. Date of imprimatur (verso of title-page): 7 Nov. 1811.
HI Number: \11025\
Author: Dryander, Jonas, 1748-1810 // Jonas Dryander
Title: Botanical description of the Benjamin tree of Sumatra.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [London].
Date: s.d.[1787].
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 1-3.
Copies: Pruh.
Seen / Located: C; MH-HL; P-BC; W
Reported: LINN
Reference / Citation: Tucker, 1: 212; NUC 149: ND 0386260.
HI Number: \21900\
Title: Botanical description of the Benjamin tree of Sumatra.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [London].
Date: s.d.[1787].
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 1-3.
Copies: Pruh.
Seen / Located: C; MH-HL; P-BC; W
Reported: LINN
Reference / Citation: Tucker, 1: 212; NUC 149: ND 0386260.
HI Number: \21900\
Author: Du Bourg d'Isigny, Louis Charles Richard, 1793-1841
Title: Aperçus généraux sur la topographie géognostique et botanique de l'arrondissement de Vire.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Caen.
Date: 1837.
Format: 4º.
Pagination: 1-25.
Illustrations: 1 BW plate (pl. 10).
Seen / Located: LE
Reference / Citation: Announcement in Mém. Soc. Linn. Normandie 6: 147-170. 1 table. pl. 10. 1838 >>4MLP 0919<<4; Blake 2: 135.
HI Number: \19012\
Title: Aperçus généraux sur la topographie géognostique et botanique de l'arrondissement de Vire.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Caen.
Date: 1837.
Format: 4º.
Pagination: 1-25.
Illustrations: 1 BW plate (pl. 10).
Seen / Located: LE
Reference / Citation: Announcement in Mém. Soc. Linn. Normandie 6: 147-170. 1 table. pl. 10. 1838 >>4MLP 0919<<4; Blake 2: 135.
HI Number: \19012\
Author: Du Chatellier, Armand René, 1797-1885
Title: Recherches statistiques sur le département du Finistère.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Nantes.
Date: 1835-1837.
Format: 4º.
Volumation: 3 vols.
Seen / Located: P-BC
Reported: BM
Reference / Citation: Brunet 6: 24473; Cat. BM (Compact ed.) 7: 784.
HI Number: \19018\
Title: Recherches statistiques sur le département du Finistère.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Nantes.
Date: 1835-1837.
Format: 4º.
Volumation: 3 vols.
Seen / Located: P-BC
Reported: BM
Reference / Citation: Brunet 6: 24473; Cat. BM (Compact ed.) 7: 784.
HI Number: \19018\
Author: Du Petit-Thouars, Louis Marie Aubert Aubert, 1758-1831
Title: [Cahier de six planches, tirées en couleur].
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Paris].
Date: s.d.[1804/1819].
Format: 2º.
Volumation: 1 fasc. only.
Illustrations: 6 COL plates.
Reported: G; K
Reference / Citation: Dupetit-Thouars, L. M. A. A., Revue générale des matériaux de botanique et autres. Paris, 1819; also: Histoire particuliere des plantes orchidées recueillies sur les trois iles australes d'Afrique, de France, de Bourbon et de Madagascar. Paris, 1822, p. iv (editions in 8º and 4º); TL-2 1: sub 1586; Friis, I. & Rasmussen, F. N., Taxon 24(2/3): 311, 318. 1975 [6 June].
Notes: No text published in this edition in folio. Includes 6 of the plates published also as part of: Histoire particulière des plantes orchidées recueillies sur les trois iles australes d’Afrique, de France, de Bourbon et de Madagascar. Paris, 1822, editions with text in 8$ and 4$ (HI 01662), (HI 29531), and issue with plates only (HI 24345).
HI Number: \24346\
Title: [Cahier de six planches, tirées en couleur].
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Paris].
Date: s.d.[1804/1819].
Format: 2º.
Volumation: 1 fasc. only.
Illustrations: 6 COL plates.
Reported: G; K
Reference / Citation: Dupetit-Thouars, L. M. A. A., Revue générale des matériaux de botanique et autres. Paris, 1819; also: Histoire particuliere des plantes orchidées recueillies sur les trois iles australes d'Afrique, de France, de Bourbon et de Madagascar. Paris, 1822, p. iv (editions in 8º and 4º); TL-2 1: sub 1586; Friis, I. & Rasmussen, F. N., Taxon 24(2/3): 311, 318. 1975 [6 June].
Notes: No text published in this edition in folio. Includes 6 of the plates published also as part of: Histoire particulière des plantes orchidées recueillies sur les trois iles australes d’Afrique, de France, de Bourbon et de Madagascar. Paris, 1822, editions with text in 8$ and 4$ (HI 01662), (HI 29531), and issue with plates only (HI 24345).
HI Number: \24346\