Author: Des Étangs, Stanislas
Title: Redcherches des principales plantes qui croissent spontanément dans le département de l'Aube, et principalement aux environs de Troyes, faites pendant l'année 1832.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Aube.
Date: 1832.
Reference / Citation: Review in Arch. Bot. (Paris) 1([6]): 553-555. 1833. [June] >>4MLP 0225<<4.
HI Number: \14940\
Title: Redcherches des principales plantes qui croissent spontanément dans le département de l'Aube, et principalement aux environs de Troyes, faites pendant l'année 1832.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Aube.
Date: 1832.
Reference / Citation: Review in Arch. Bot. (Paris) 1([6]): 553-555. 1833. [June] >>4MLP 0225<<4.
HI Number: \14940\
Author: Des Moulins, Charles Robert Alexandre, 1798-1875 // Charles Des Moulins
Title: Essai sur les Orobanches qui croissent à Lanquais, près Bergerac, de 3partement de la Dordogne.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Paris].
Date: s.d.[1835].
Format: 8º.
Printer: Paul Renouard.
Pagination: 1-20.
Copies: G
Reference / Citation: Announcement in Écho Monde Savant 1.II(65): 307. 1834/35 [26 June 1835].
HI Number: \11724\
Title: Essai sur les Orobanches qui croissent à Lanquais, près Bergerac, de 3partement de la Dordogne.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Paris].
Date: s.d.[1835].
Format: 8º.
Printer: Paul Renouard.
Pagination: 1-20.
Copies: G
Reference / Citation: Announcement in Écho Monde Savant 1.II(65): 307. 1834/35 [26 June 1835].
HI Number: \11724\
Author: Des Moulins, Charles Robert Alexandre, 1798-1875 // Charles Des Moulins
Title: Catalogue raisonné des plantes qui croissent spontanément dans le département de la Dordogne.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Bordeau. Th. Lafargue (main text, suppl. parts 1-2); L. Corderc, F. Degréteau et J. Poujol, Successeurs de Th. Lafargue (suppl. part 3).
Date: 1840-1859.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 4 parts (1 part main text only + 3 parts supplement): Première partie + Supplément. Premier fascicule + Additions au 1[.]er facicule du Supplément, et 2.me fascicule du Supplément + Supplément final.
Pagination: [Main text]: 1-165 (166 blank); [Suppl. part 1]: 1st-2nd unnumb. p. (title-page, verso blank), 1-69 (70 blank); [Suppl. part 2]: 1-178; [Suppl. part 3]: 1st-4th unnumb. p. (4th p. blank), 1-453 (454 blank).
Copies: BR (suppl. part 3 only); G; MH-HL
Seen / Located: B-SB; LE; P
Reported: BMNH; MoSB (suppl. parts 2-3 only); NYBG (suppl. parts 1-2 only)
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2188; Jackson 283; Blake 2: 145; TL-2 1: 1402, 1404, 1405, 1507.
Coauthor(s): Durieu de Maisonneuve, Michel Charles, 1796-1878.
Notes: Title-page for supplement part 1 reads: Supplément au catalogue raisonné <publié en Main 1840> des plantes phanérogames du départment de la Dordongne. Title-page for supplement part 2 reads: Catalogue raisonné des phanérogames de la Dordogne, <suite du>. Title-page for supplement part 3 reads: Catalogue raisonné des phanérogames de la Dordogne; <suite du>. Unfinished work, only text for phanerogams published. Durieu de Maisonneuve, although listed as co-author on the title-page of part 1 of the main text, did not contribute anything to the present work. Title-page dates are 1840 (main text); 1846 (suppl. part 1); 1849 (suppl. part 2); 1859 (suppl. part 3).
HI Number: \01421\
Title: Catalogue raisonné des plantes qui croissent spontanément dans le département de la Dordogne.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Bordeau. Th. Lafargue (main text, suppl. parts 1-2); L. Corderc, F. Degréteau et J. Poujol, Successeurs de Th. Lafargue (suppl. part 3).
Date: 1840-1859.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 4 parts (1 part main text only + 3 parts supplement): Première partie + Supplément. Premier fascicule + Additions au 1[.]er facicule du Supplément, et 2.me fascicule du Supplément + Supplément final.
Pagination: [Main text]: 1-165 (166 blank); [Suppl. part 1]: 1st-2nd unnumb. p. (title-page, verso blank), 1-69 (70 blank); [Suppl. part 2]: 1-178; [Suppl. part 3]: 1st-4th unnumb. p. (4th p. blank), 1-453 (454 blank).
Copies: BR (suppl. part 3 only); G; MH-HL
Seen / Located: B-SB; LE; P
Reported: BMNH; MoSB (suppl. parts 2-3 only); NYBG (suppl. parts 1-2 only)
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2188; Jackson 283; Blake 2: 145; TL-2 1: 1402, 1404, 1405, 1507.
Coauthor(s): Durieu de Maisonneuve, Michel Charles, 1796-1878.
Notes: Title-page for supplement part 1 reads: Supplément au catalogue raisonné <publié en Main 1840> des plantes phanérogames du départment de la Dordongne. Title-page for supplement part 2 reads: Catalogue raisonné des phanérogames de la Dordogne, <suite du>. Title-page for supplement part 3 reads: Catalogue raisonné des phanérogames de la Dordogne; <suite du>. Unfinished work, only text for phanerogams published. Durieu de Maisonneuve, although listed as co-author on the title-page of part 1 of the main text, did not contribute anything to the present work. Title-page dates are 1840 (main text); 1846 (suppl. part 1); 1849 (suppl. part 2); 1859 (suppl. part 3).
HI Number: \01421\
Author: Descourtilz, Michel Étienne, 1775-1835 // M. E. Descourtilz
Title: Voyages d'un naturaliste, et ses observations faites sur les trois règnes de la nature, dans plusieurs ports de mer français, en Espagne, au continent de l'Amérique septentrionale, à Saint-Yago de Cuba, et à St.-Dominque, oú ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Dufart, père.
Date: 1809.
Format: 8º.
Printer: J.-L. Chanson (vol. 1).
Volumation: 3 vols.: Tome premier (- Tome troisième).
Illustrations: 45 COL plates (including frontisps. vols. 1-3).
Copies: HM-HL; O2NB
Seen / Located: GOET-UB; LE; P; P-BC; W
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2170; Brunet 6: 4551; Engelmann 160:; Sabin 5: 362; TL 2: 1390; Tucker 1: 197.
HI Number: \01399\
Title: Voyages d'un naturaliste, et ses observations faites sur les trois règnes de la nature, dans plusieurs ports de mer français, en Espagne, au continent de l'Amérique septentrionale, à Saint-Yago de Cuba, et à St.-Dominque, oú ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Dufart, père.
Date: 1809.
Format: 8º.
Printer: J.-L. Chanson (vol. 1).
Volumation: 3 vols.: Tome premier (- Tome troisième).
Illustrations: 45 COL plates (including frontisps. vols. 1-3).
Copies: HM-HL; O2NB
Seen / Located: GOET-UB; LE; P; P-BC; W
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2170; Brunet 6: 4551; Engelmann 160:; Sabin 5: 362; TL 2: 1390; Tucker 1: 197.
HI Number: \01399\
Author: Descourtilz, Michel Étienne, 1775-1835 // M. E. Descourtilz
Title: Flore médicale des Antilles, ou traité des plantes usuelles des colonies françaises, anglaises, espagnoles et portugaises.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Pichard; Mme. Veuve Pichard; Gauthier; Auteur (vol. 1); Pichard; Chanson; Garnot; Bossange père et fils; Johanneau; Auteur (vol. 2); Chappron; Veuve Renard; Levrault; Malepeyre (vols. 3-5); Crosnier; Chappron; Pichard; Veuve Renard; Levrault; Malepeyre (vols. 6-8).
Date: 1821-1829.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Vigor Renaudiere (vol. 1); J.-L. Chanson (vol. 2); J. Tastu (vols. 3-8).
Volumation: 8 vols. (in 152 fasc.): Tome premier (- Tome huitiéme).
Illustrations: 600 COL plates.
Copies: B-SB; GOET-UB
Seen / Located: BMNH (vols. 4-8 only); C; G; LE; MICH; P-BC
Reported: BM (vols. 3, 5-8 only); E-UL; K; MBH (vols. 5-8 only); MH; NN; NYBG; RHS
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2171; Nissen 471; Dunthorne 90; Blake & Atwood 1: 224; Bradley Bibliogr. 3: 64; Dierbach 193; Gourry 197 (vols. 3-8); Brunet 2: 614; Graesse 2: 365; Jackson 369; Krüger 189; Langman 239; Urban 37; TL-2 1: 1391.
Notes: Title-pages for vols. 3-8 read: Flore pittoresque et médicale des Antilles, ou traité des plantes usuelles des colonies françaises, anglaises, espagnoles et portugaises. Dédiée et presentée au Roi. Half-titles for vols. 1-2 read: Flore médicale des Antilles; half-titles for vols. 3-8 read: Flore pittoresque et médicale des Antilles. Headlines on first page of text of vols. 1-2 (Vol. 1: [second set of pagination] 1. 1821; Vol. 2: 5. 1822) identical with title on title-page of vol. 1; headline on first page of text of vol. 3 (p. 1) reads: Flore médicale des Antilles; headline on first page of text of vol. 4 (p. 1) reads: Flore pittoresque et medicale des Antilles; headlines on first page of text of vols. 5-8 (all p. 1) read: Flore pittoresque et médicale des Antilles. Title-page dates are: Title-page dates: 1821 (vol. 1); 1822 (vol. 2); 1827 (vols. 3-5), 1828 (vol. 6); 1829 (vols. 7-8). Each fascicle consists of 4 plates and 1 gathering of text, except for the last 2fascicles which have no plates and present indices of French and Latin names (vol. 8: [second set of pagination] 1-72. 1829). For dates of publication see TL-2. This is the first issue of the edition in octavo, and it differs only slightly from the edition in folio (HI 01401); both were published concurrently. The second issue of the edition in octavo was published in 1833 as a whole (HI 11017).
HI Number: \01400\
Title: Flore médicale des Antilles, ou traité des plantes usuelles des colonies françaises, anglaises, espagnoles et portugaises.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Pichard; Mme. Veuve Pichard; Gauthier; Auteur (vol. 1); Pichard; Chanson; Garnot; Bossange père et fils; Johanneau; Auteur (vol. 2); Chappron; Veuve Renard; Levrault; Malepeyre (vols. 3-5); Crosnier; Chappron; Pichard; Veuve Renard; Levrault; Malepeyre (vols. 6-8).
Date: 1821-1829.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Vigor Renaudiere (vol. 1); J.-L. Chanson (vol. 2); J. Tastu (vols. 3-8).
Volumation: 8 vols. (in 152 fasc.): Tome premier (- Tome huitiéme).
Illustrations: 600 COL plates.
Copies: B-SB; GOET-UB
Seen / Located: BMNH (vols. 4-8 only); C; G; LE; MICH; P-BC
Reported: BM (vols. 3, 5-8 only); E-UL; K; MBH (vols. 5-8 only); MH; NN; NYBG; RHS
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2171; Nissen 471; Dunthorne 90; Blake & Atwood 1: 224; Bradley Bibliogr. 3: 64; Dierbach 193; Gourry 197 (vols. 3-8); Brunet 2: 614; Graesse 2: 365; Jackson 369; Krüger 189; Langman 239; Urban 37; TL-2 1: 1391.
Notes: Title-pages for vols. 3-8 read: Flore pittoresque et médicale des Antilles, ou traité des plantes usuelles des colonies françaises, anglaises, espagnoles et portugaises. Dédiée et presentée au Roi. Half-titles for vols. 1-2 read: Flore médicale des Antilles; half-titles for vols. 3-8 read: Flore pittoresque et médicale des Antilles. Headlines on first page of text of vols. 1-2 (Vol. 1: [second set of pagination] 1. 1821; Vol. 2: 5. 1822) identical with title on title-page of vol. 1; headline on first page of text of vol. 3 (p. 1) reads: Flore médicale des Antilles; headline on first page of text of vol. 4 (p. 1) reads: Flore pittoresque et medicale des Antilles; headlines on first page of text of vols. 5-8 (all p. 1) read: Flore pittoresque et médicale des Antilles. Title-page dates are: Title-page dates: 1821 (vol. 1); 1822 (vol. 2); 1827 (vols. 3-5), 1828 (vol. 6); 1829 (vols. 7-8). Each fascicle consists of 4 plates and 1 gathering of text, except for the last 2fascicles which have no plates and present indices of French and Latin names (vol. 8: [second set of pagination] 1-72. 1829). For dates of publication see TL-2. This is the first issue of the edition in octavo, and it differs only slightly from the edition in folio (HI 01401); both were published concurrently. The second issue of the edition in octavo was published in 1833 as a whole (HI 11017).
HI Number: \01400\
Author: Descourtilz, Michel Étienne, 1775-1835 // M. E. Descourtilz
Title: Flore pittoresque et médicale des Antilles, ou histoire naturelle des plantes usuelles des colonies françaises, anglaises, espagnoles et portugaises.
Edition: Seconde édition.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Éditeur (vols. 1-3); Rousselon (vols. 4-8).
Date: 1833.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Casimir.
Volumation: 8 vols.: Tome premier (- Tome huitième).
Illustrations: 600 COL plates.
Copies: HBL
Seen / Located: BMNH (vols. 1-3 only); C; MICH (vols. 1-5 only)
Reported: BM (vols. 1-2, 4); DLC; MBH (vols. 1-3 only); NNHor
Reference / Citation: Nissen 471; Dunthorne sub 90; Blake & Atwood 1: 224; Bradley Bibliogr. 3: 64; Gourry 197 (vols. 1-2); Langman 239; TL-2 1: sub 1391.
Notes: Half-titles read: Flore pittoresque et médicale des Antilles. Headlines on first page of text on vols. 1-2 (Vol. 1: [second set of pagination] 1. 1833; Vol. 2: 5. 1833) read Flore médicale des Antilees, ou traité des plantes usuelles des colonies françaises, anglaises, espagnoles et portugaises; headline on first page of text of vol. 3 (p. 1) reads: Flore médicale des Antilles; headline on first page of the text of vol. 4 (p. 1) reads: Flore pittoresque et medicale des Antilles; headlines on first page of text of vols. 5-8 (all p. 1) read: Flore pittoresque et médicale des Antilles. This item was not published in fascicles. In spite of its designation as a second edition, it constitutes only a second issue; except for the half-titles and title-pages, the text gatherings and plates are identical with those of the first issue of the edition in 8$ (HI 01400).
HI Number: \11017\
Title: Flore pittoresque et médicale des Antilles, ou histoire naturelle des plantes usuelles des colonies françaises, anglaises, espagnoles et portugaises.
Edition: Seconde édition.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Éditeur (vols. 1-3); Rousselon (vols. 4-8).
Date: 1833.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Casimir.
Volumation: 8 vols.: Tome premier (- Tome huitième).
Illustrations: 600 COL plates.
Copies: HBL
Seen / Located: BMNH (vols. 1-3 only); C; MICH (vols. 1-5 only)
Reported: BM (vols. 1-2, 4); DLC; MBH (vols. 1-3 only); NNHor
Reference / Citation: Nissen 471; Dunthorne sub 90; Blake & Atwood 1: 224; Bradley Bibliogr. 3: 64; Gourry 197 (vols. 1-2); Langman 239; TL-2 1: sub 1391.
Notes: Half-titles read: Flore pittoresque et médicale des Antilles. Headlines on first page of text on vols. 1-2 (Vol. 1: [second set of pagination] 1. 1833; Vol. 2: 5. 1833) read Flore médicale des Antilees, ou traité des plantes usuelles des colonies françaises, anglaises, espagnoles et portugaises; headline on first page of text of vol. 3 (p. 1) reads: Flore médicale des Antilles; headline on first page of the text of vol. 4 (p. 1) reads: Flore pittoresque et medicale des Antilles; headlines on first page of text of vols. 5-8 (all p. 1) read: Flore pittoresque et médicale des Antilles. This item was not published in fascicles. In spite of its designation as a second edition, it constitutes only a second issue; except for the half-titles and title-pages, the text gatherings and plates are identical with those of the first issue of the edition in 8$ (HI 01400).
HI Number: \11017\
Author: Descourtilz, Michel Étienne, 1775-1835 // M. E. Descourtilz
Title: Flore médicale des Antilles, ou traité des plantes usuelles des colo nies françaises, anglaises, espagnoles et portugaises; dédiée (et presentée) au Roi.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Pichard; Mme. Veuve Pichard; Gauthier; Auteur (vol. 1); Pichard; Chanson; Garnot; Bossange pere et fils; Johanneau; Auteur (vol. 2); M. Crosnier (vols. 3-5); Crosnier; Chappron; Pichard; Veuve Renard; Levrault; Malepeyre (vols. 6-8).
Date: 1821-1829.
Format: 2º.
Printer: Vigor Renaudiere (vol. 1); J.-L. Chanson (vol. 2); J. Tastu (vols. 3-8).
Volumation: 8 vols. (in 152 fasc.): Tome premier (- Tome huitiéme).
Illustrations: 600 COL plates.
Copies: O2NB
Seen / Located: W
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2171; Bradley Bibliogr. 3: 64; Brunet 2: 614; Graesse 2: 365; TL-2 1: sub 1391 (last line on p. 626).
Notes: Title-pages for vols. 3-8 reads: Flore pittoresque et médicale des Antilles, ou traité des plantes usuelles des colonies françaises, anglaises, espagnoles et portugaises. Dédiée et présentée au Roi. Half-titles for vols. 1-2 read: Flore médicale des Antilles; half-titles for vols. 3-8 read: Flore pittoresque et médicale des Antilles. Headlines on first page of text of vols. 1-2 (Vol. 1: [second set of pagination] 1. 1821; Vol. 2: 5. 1822) read: Flore médicale des Antilles, ou traité des plantes usuelles des colonies françaisies, anglaises, espagnoles et portugaises; headline on first page of text of vol. 3 (p. 1) reads: Flore médicale des Antilles; headline on first page of text of vol.4 (p. 1) reads: Flore pittoresque et medicale des Antilles; headlines on first page of text of vols. 5-8 (all p. 1) read: Flore pittoresque et médicale des Antilles. Title-page dates: 1821 (vol. 1); 1822 (vol. 2); 1828 (vol. 6); 1829 (vols. 7-8). Vols. 3-5 are undated (published in 1827). Each fascicle consists of 4 plates and 4 gatherings of text, except for the last 2 fascicles which have no plates and present indices of French and Latin names (Vol. 8: [second set of pagination] 1-72. 1829). For dates of publication (of 8$ edition) see TL-2 1: 1391. This edition in folio differs only slightly from the first issue of the edition in octavo (HI 01400); both were published concurrently. Due to the different format and collation, there are 4 gatherings of text in each fascicle, rather than 1 gathering, as in the first issue of the 8$ edition. The text itself and the plates are identical.
HI Number: \01401\
Title: Flore médicale des Antilles, ou traité des plantes usuelles des colo nies françaises, anglaises, espagnoles et portugaises; dédiée (et presentée) au Roi.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Pichard; Mme. Veuve Pichard; Gauthier; Auteur (vol. 1); Pichard; Chanson; Garnot; Bossange pere et fils; Johanneau; Auteur (vol. 2); M. Crosnier (vols. 3-5); Crosnier; Chappron; Pichard; Veuve Renard; Levrault; Malepeyre (vols. 6-8).
Date: 1821-1829.
Format: 2º.
Printer: Vigor Renaudiere (vol. 1); J.-L. Chanson (vol. 2); J. Tastu (vols. 3-8).
Volumation: 8 vols. (in 152 fasc.): Tome premier (- Tome huitiéme).
Illustrations: 600 COL plates.
Copies: O2NB
Seen / Located: W
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2171; Bradley Bibliogr. 3: 64; Brunet 2: 614; Graesse 2: 365; TL-2 1: sub 1391 (last line on p. 626).
Notes: Title-pages for vols. 3-8 reads: Flore pittoresque et médicale des Antilles, ou traité des plantes usuelles des colonies françaises, anglaises, espagnoles et portugaises. Dédiée et présentée au Roi. Half-titles for vols. 1-2 read: Flore médicale des Antilles; half-titles for vols. 3-8 read: Flore pittoresque et médicale des Antilles. Headlines on first page of text of vols. 1-2 (Vol. 1: [second set of pagination] 1. 1821; Vol. 2: 5. 1822) read: Flore médicale des Antilles, ou traité des plantes usuelles des colonies françaisies, anglaises, espagnoles et portugaises; headline on first page of text of vol. 3 (p. 1) reads: Flore médicale des Antilles; headline on first page of text of vol.4 (p. 1) reads: Flore pittoresque et medicale des Antilles; headlines on first page of text of vols. 5-8 (all p. 1) read: Flore pittoresque et médicale des Antilles. Title-page dates: 1821 (vol. 1); 1822 (vol. 2); 1828 (vol. 6); 1829 (vols. 7-8). Vols. 3-5 are undated (published in 1827). Each fascicle consists of 4 plates and 4 gatherings of text, except for the last 2 fascicles which have no plates and present indices of French and Latin names (Vol. 8: [second set of pagination] 1-72. 1829). For dates of publication (of 8$ edition) see TL-2 1: 1391. This edition in folio differs only slightly from the first issue of the edition in octavo (HI 01400); both were published concurrently. Due to the different format and collation, there are 4 gatherings of text in each fascicle, rather than 1 gathering, as in the first issue of the 8$ edition. The text itself and the plates are identical.
HI Number: \01401\
Author: Desfontaines, Réné Louiche, 1750-1833
Title: Flora atlantica, sive historia plantarum, quae in Atlante, agro tunetano et algeriensi crescunt.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Parisiis (= Paris). L. G. Desgranges.
Date: Annosextoreipublicaegallicae(=1797/1798).
Format: 2º.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Tomus primus (- Tomus secundus).
Illustrations: 263 BW plates.
Reference / Citation: Bonnet, M. E.: Notices bibliographiques sur quelques ouvrages de botanique rares ou peu connus. Paris, s.d. [1910], p. 6 (no. VII); Stafleu 282; TL 2: sub 1392.
Notes: It is not known whether or not this edition is folio was published in fascicles or as a whole. Copies seem to be very rare; 1 copy was seen by Bonnet at a book auction. For emedations see: emendanda [prima] (- Emendatio altera ad Floram atlanticam. s.l. [Parisiis], s.d. [1799 or 1800-1804] (HI 24165).
HI Number: \29609\
Title: Flora atlantica, sive historia plantarum, quae in Atlante, agro tunetano et algeriensi crescunt.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Parisiis (= Paris). L. G. Desgranges.
Date: Annosextoreipublicaegallicae(=1797/1798).
Format: 2º.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Tomus primus (- Tomus secundus).
Illustrations: 263 BW plates.
Reference / Citation: Bonnet, M. E.: Notices bibliographiques sur quelques ouvrages de botanique rares ou peu connus. Paris, s.d. [1910], p. 6 (no. VII); Stafleu 282; TL 2: sub 1392.
Notes: It is not known whether or not this edition is folio was published in fascicles or as a whole. Copies seem to be very rare; 1 copy was seen by Bonnet at a book auction. For emedations see: emendanda [prima] (- Emendatio altera ad Floram atlanticam. s.l. [Parisiis], s.d. [1799 or 1800-1804] (HI 24165).
HI Number: \29609\
Author: Desfontaines, Réné Louiche, 1750-1833 //
Title: Emendanda [prima] (- Emendatio altera ad Floram atlanticam).
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Parisiis] (= Paris).
Date: s.d.[1799or1800-1804].
Format: 4º.
Volumation: 2 parts.
Pagination: [First part]: 1st unnumb. p.; [Second part]: 1st-3rd unnumb. p.
Seen / Located: LE; NYBG
Reference / Citation: TL2: sub 1392.
Notes: The first part was published separately for owners of the first issue of: Flora atlantica. Parisiis, Anno sexton reipulicae gallicae (= 1797/1798). 4$ (HI 01404) (as well as edition in 2$, HI 29609), while it was included with copies of the second issue: Parisiis, Anno VIII (= 1799/1800) (HI 24164) and the third issue: Parisiis, 1800 (HI 23181). The second part was only published separately and serves as an addition to all 3 issues of Flora atlantica.
HI Number: \24165\
Title: Emendanda [prima] (- Emendatio altera ad Floram atlanticam).
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Parisiis] (= Paris).
Date: s.d.[1799or1800-1804].
Format: 4º.
Volumation: 2 parts.
Pagination: [First part]: 1st unnumb. p.; [Second part]: 1st-3rd unnumb. p.
Seen / Located: LE; NYBG
Reference / Citation: TL2: sub 1392.
Notes: The first part was published separately for owners of the first issue of: Flora atlantica. Parisiis, Anno sexton reipulicae gallicae (= 1797/1798). 4$ (HI 01404) (as well as edition in 2$, HI 29609), while it was included with copies of the second issue: Parisiis, Anno VIII (= 1799/1800) (HI 24164) and the third issue: Parisiis, 1800 (HI 23181). The second part was only published separately and serves as an addition to all 3 issues of Flora atlantica.
HI Number: \24165\
Author: Desfontaines, Réné Louiche, 1750-1833 // Renatus Desfontaines
Title: Flora atlantica, sive historia plantarum, quae in Atlante, agro tunetano et algeriensi crescunt
Place of Publication / Publisher: Parisiis (= Paris). L. G. Desgranges.
Date: Annosextoreipublicaegallicae(=1797/1798)[1798-1799].
Printer: C. Panckoucke.
Volumation: 2 vols. (in 9 fasc.): Tomus primus (- Tomus secundus).
Illustrations: 263 BW plates.
Copies: MICH; MoSB; Pruh.
Seen / Located: BP-BM; C; C-UB; G; GOET-UB; H; H-UB; LE; (vol. 2 only); MA; MH-JP; O2NB; P; P-BC; WU; U
Reported: BM; BMNH; DLC; E-UL; ICJ; K; LINN; Teyler
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2176; Stafleu 282; TL 2: 1392 Nissen 475; Brunet 2: 624; Jackson 347; Dunthorne 92; Stearn, J. Soc. Bibliogr. Nat. Hist. 1(5): 147-148. 1938 [25 May]; Graesse 2: 368; Miltitz 199.
Notes: For dates of publication of fascicles see Stearn and TL-2. For emendations see: Emedanda [prima] (- Emendatio altera ad Floram atlanticam). s.l. [Parisiis], s.d. [1799 or 1800-1804] (HI 24165).
HI Number: \01404\
Title: Flora atlantica, sive historia plantarum, quae in Atlante, agro tunetano et algeriensi crescunt
Place of Publication / Publisher: Parisiis (= Paris). L. G. Desgranges.
Date: Annosextoreipublicaegallicae(=1797/1798)[1798-1799].
Printer: C. Panckoucke.
Volumation: 2 vols. (in 9 fasc.): Tomus primus (- Tomus secundus).
Illustrations: 263 BW plates.
Copies: MICH; MoSB; Pruh.
Seen / Located: BP-BM; C; C-UB; G; GOET-UB; H; H-UB; LE; (vol. 2 only); MA; MH-JP; O2NB; P; P-BC; WU; U
Reported: BM; BMNH; DLC; E-UL; ICJ; K; LINN; Teyler
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2176; Stafleu 282; TL 2: 1392 Nissen 475; Brunet 2: 624; Jackson 347; Dunthorne 92; Stearn, J. Soc. Bibliogr. Nat. Hist. 1(5): 147-148. 1938 [25 May]; Graesse 2: 368; Miltitz 199.
Notes: For dates of publication of fascicles see Stearn and TL-2. For emendations see: Emedanda [prima] (- Emendatio altera ad Floram atlanticam). s.l. [Parisiis], s.d. [1799 or 1800-1804] (HI 24165).
HI Number: \01404\