Annalen der Märkischen Oekonomischen Gesellschaft zu Potsdam. Potsdam. Vols. 1-3, 1792-1802. Ann. Märk. Oekon. Ges. Potsdam. ULS 3-2507-3. HI 51078
Annals of medicine. Edinburgh, London. Vols. 1-8, 1796-1804. Ann. Med. (Edinburgh). Preceded by: Medical commentaries. London. Superseded by: Edinburgh medical and surgical journal. Edinburgh. HI 77003
Annali di medicina. Milan. Vols. 1-2, 1802. Ann. Med. (Milan). HI 51080
Annales de médecine Belge et étrangère. Brussels. (1835-52), 1835-52. Ann. Méd. Belge Étrangère. Preceded by: L’Observateur médical Belge. Brussels and L’Abeille (Bruxelles). Brussels [not entered]. ULS 1-376-3. HI 77888
Annales medicinae experimentalis et biologiae Fenniae. Helsinki. Vols. 25-51, 1947-73. Ann. Med. Exp. Biol. Fenniae. Preceded by: Acta Societas Medicorum Fennica duodecim. Series A. Helsinki. Superseded by: Medical biology. ULS 1-382-2. HI 61583
Annali di medicina navale. Rome. Anno 1-14(1), 1895-1908. Ann. Med. Navale. Superseded by: Annali di medicina navale e coloniale. Rome [not entered]. ISSN 0003-4630 HI 84950
Annales de la médecine physiologique. Paris. Vols. 1-26, 1822-34. Ann. Méd. Physiol. Superseded by: Journal hebdomadaire des progrès des sciences et institutions médicales. Paris. ULS 1-376-1. HI 51083
Annals of medicine and surgery, or records of the occurring improvements and discoveries in medicine and surgery, and the immediately connected arts and sciences. London. Vols. 1-2, (1816-17), 1817-18. Ann. Med. Surg. ULS 1-390-2. HI 51085
Annales de médecine vétérinaire. Brussels. Vol. 1+, 1852+. Ann. Méd. Vétérin. ULS 1-377-1. HI 51086
Annali medico-chirurgici. Rome. Vols. 1-13, 1839-46. Ann. Med.-Chir. ULS 1-386-2. HI 51081
Annales de microbiologie. Paris. Vol. 124A-?, 1973-?? Ann. Microbiol. Preceded in part by: Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. Paris. Superseded by: Research in microbiology. Amsterdam, New York and Annales de virologie. Paris. ULS reference. ISSN 0769-2609 HI 61584
Annals of microbiology; environmental, food, general, industrial, marine and soil microbiology & biotechnology. Milan. Vol. 50+, 2000+. Ann. Microbiol. (Milan) (2000+). Preceded by: Annali di microbiologia ed enzimologia. Milan. ULS reference. ISSN 1590-4261 HI 83107
Annali di microbiologia. Milan. Vols. 1-6, 1940-54/55 [publication suspended, 1943-47]. Ann. Microbiol. (Milan). Superseded by: Annali di microbiologia ed enzimologia. Milan ULS 1-385-3. ISSN 0003-4649 HI 82211
Annali di microbiologia ed enzimologia. Milan. Vols. 7-49, 1956/57-99. Ann. Microbiol. Enzimol. Preceded by: Annali di microbiologia. Milan. Superseded by: Annals of microbiology. Milan. ULS 1-385-3. ISSN 0003-4649 HI 82210
Annales de micrographie. Paris. Vols. 1-10, 1888/89-98. Ann. Microgr. ULS 1-377-1. HI 51087
Annales des mines, ou recueil de mémoires sur exploitation des mines. Paris. Vols. 1-13, 1816-26; ser. 2, vols. 1-8, 1827-30; ser. 3, vols. 1-20, 1832-41; ser. 4, vols. 1-20, 1842-51; ser. 5, vols. 1-20, 1852-61; ser. 6, vols. 1-20, 1862-71; ser. 7, vols. 1-20, 1872-81; ser. 8, vols. 1-20, 1882-91; ser. 9, vols. 1-20, 1892-1901; ser. 10, vols. 1-20, 1902-11; ser. 11, vols. 1-12, 1912-21; ser. 12, vols. 1-20, 1922-31; ser. 13, vols. 1-18, 1932-41; ser. 14, vols. 1-4, 1942-47; vol. 137+. 1948+. Ann. Mines. Preceded by: Journal des mines. Paris. ULS 1-379-1. HI 77890
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. St. Louis, MO. Vol. 1+, 1914+. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. Preceded by: Report (Annual) of the Missouri Botanical Garden. St. Louis, MO. ULS 5-3759-1. ISSN 0026-6493 HI 51088
Annals of the Missouri Historical and Philosophical Society. Jefferson City, MO. 1845/48. Ann. Missouri Hist. Soc. ULS 3-2702-2. HI 51089
Annales Musei Botanici Lugduno-Batavi. Amsterdam. Vols. 1-4, 1863-69. Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugduno-Batavi. ULS 3-2401-2. HI 61590
Annali dei Musei Civici-Rovereto. Sezione: Archeologia, Storia, Scienze Naturali. Rovereto. Vols. 1-11, (1985-95), 1985-96; Supplemento 1-2, (1990, 1995), 1991, 1996. Ann. Mus. Civici-Rovereto. HI 83073
Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova. Genoa. [Ser. 1,] vols. 1-20, 1870-83/84; ser. 2, vols. 1(21)-20(40), 1884-1901; ser. 3, vols. 1(41)-6(46), 1904-13/15. Ann. Mus. Civico Storia Nat. Genova. Superseded by: Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale “Giacomo Doria.” HI 61669
Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale “Giacomo Doria.” Genoa. Ser. 3, vols. 7(47)-10(50), 1916-22; vol. 51+, 1923+. Ann. Mus. Civico Storia Nat. Giacomo Doria. Preceded by: Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova. HI 61670
Annales du Musée Colonial de Marseille. Marseille. Sér. 2, vols. 5(15)-10(20), 1907-12; sér. 3, vols. 1(21)-10, 1913-22; sér. 4, vols. 1(31)-10(40), 1923-32; sér. 5, vols. 1(41)-10(50), 1933-??; sér. 6, vols. 1(51)-10(60), ?-19??; sér. 7, vols. 1(61)-2(62), 195?-54. Ann. Mus. Colon. Marseille. Preceded by: Annales de l’Institut Colonial de Marseille. Marseille, Paris. HI 77417
Annales du Musée du Congo (Belge). Botanique. Brussels, Tervuren. Sér. 1. Iconographiées, 1 vol., 1898/1902; sér. 2. Varia, vol. 1, 1899/1900; sér. 3. Missions, vol. 1, 1898-1901; sér. 4. Katanga, vols. 1-2, 1902/03-13; sér. 5. Congo-Kasai, vols. 1-4, 1903/06-12; sér. 6. Monographiés, vol. 1, 1904-34. Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, Bot. ULS 5-4184-2. HI 61585
Annales du Musée du Congo Belge. Sciences historiques et économiques. Brussels. Vols. 1-2, 1947-50. Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, Sci. Hist. Écon. ULS 5-4184-3. HI 77509