Agricultural newsletter for arid and semiarid areas. Wugong. Vol. 1+, 1981+. Agric. Newslett. Arid Semiarid Areas. HI 61248
Agricultural newsletter from the Netherlands. The Hague. Nos. 1–?, 1951–76. Agric. Newslett. Netherlands. Superseded by: Agri-Holland. The Hague. HI 61249
Agriculture in Northern Ireland. Belfast. Vols. 40–?, 1960–? Agric. Northern Ireland. Preceded by: Monthly agricultural report, Ministry of Agriculture, Northern Ireland [not entered]. Superseded by: Farm trader [not entered]. HI 61286
Agricultural notes, Puerto Rico Experiment Station. Mayagüez, PR. N.s., nos. 72–88?, 1936–39. Agric. Notes Puerto Rico Exp. Sta. Preceded by: Agricultural notes, Puerto Rico Federal Experiment Station. Mayagüez, PR. HI 82442
Agricultural notes, Puerto Rico Federal Experiment Station. Mayagüez, PR. N.s., nos. 1–71, 1924–36. Agric. Notes Puerto Rico Fed. Exp. Sta. Preceded by: Agricultural extension notes, Puerto Rico Federal Experiment Station. Mayagüez, PR. Superseded by: Agricultural notes, Puerto Rico Experiment Station. Mayagüez, PR. HI 82437
Agricultural notes, University of Hawaii Agricultural Extension Service. Honolulu, HI. Nos. 1–161, 1929–39. Agric. Notes Univ. Hawaii Agric. Extens. Serv. Superseded by: Agricultural extension circular, University of Hawaii Agricultural Extension Service. Honolulu, HI. HI 81725
Agriculture at O S U; Oklahoma State University. Stillwater, OK. Vol. 1+, 1971+. Agric. O. S. U. HI 82466
Agriculture Pakistan. Karachi. Vol. 1+, 1949+. Agric. Pakistan. ULS 1-92-2. HI 50427
Agriculture pratique. Paris. Vol. 178+, 1937–38; 1945+. Agric. Prat. Preceded by: Journal d’agriculture pratique. Paris. For 1939–45, incorporated in: Revue des agriculteurs de France et l’agriculture pratique [not entered]. HI 50428
L’Agriculture pratique des pays chauds; bulletin (mensuel) du Jardin Colonial et des jardins d’essai des colonies, (n.s., revue mensuelle d’agronomie tropicale). Paris. Vols. 1–14, 1901–14; n.s., nos. 1–24, 1930–32 [publication suspended July 1914–June 1930]. Agric. Prat. Pays Chauds. ULS 1-92-3. HI 50429
Agriculture propagation [Gojo noyu]. Sendai. [Vols. and dates not ascertained.] Agric. Propag. HI 50431
Agriculture quarterly, Department of Agriculture, Oregon. Salem, OR. No. 294+, 1988+. Agric. Quart. Oregon. Preceded by: Oregon agri-record. Salem, OR. HI 75432
Agricultura y química. Mexico City. Vol. 1+, 1958+. Agric. Quím. HI 50432
Agricultural record. London. Vols. 36–39, 1908–11 [also numbered old ser., vols. 8–11; n.s., vols. 1–4]. Agric. Rec. Preceded by: County council and agricultural record. London. Superseded by: Journal of the Central and Associated Chambers of Agriculture, London. London. ULS 2-956-3. HI 61250
Agricultural records, Agricultural Experiment Station. Tel Aviv. Vol. 1+, 1927+. Agric. Rec. Agric. Exp. Sta., Tel Aviv. HI 61252
Agricultural record of the Central Agricultural Board. Trinidad. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. Vols. 1–7, 1890–92. Agric. Rec. Centr. Agric. Board (Trinidad). ULS 1-90-3. HI 50433
Agricultural record, South Australia Department of Agriculture. Adelaide, S.A. Vol. 1+, 1974+. Agric. Rec. South Australia Dept. Agric. Preceded by: Experimental record, South Australia Department of Agriculture. Adelaide, S.A. HI 61251
Agricultural research, Ohara Institute for Agricultural Research. [Nogaku kengyu.] Kurashiki. Vols. 1-10, 1924-53. Agric. Res. (Kurashiki). Superseded by: Berichte des Ohara Instituts für Landwirtschaftliche Biologie. Okayama Universitaüt. Kurashiki. ULS 4-3069-2. ISSN 0365-9887 HI 50434
Agricultural research. New Delhi. Vols. 1–5, 1961–65. Agric. Res. (New Delhi). HI 61253
Agricultural research [Nung yeh yen chiu]. Taipei. 1950–62–? Agric. Res. (Taipei). HI 76466
Agricultural research. Washington, DC. Vol. 1+, 1953+. Agric. Res. (Washington, DC). ISSN 0002-161X HI 75808
Agricultural research at the Agricultural Research Institute, Peshawar. Peshawar. (1966/67+), 1968+. Agric. Res. Agric. Res. Inst. Peshawar. HI 61254
Agricultural research in the arid areas. Wugong. 1984+. Agric. Res. Arid Areas. HI 61255
Agricultural research bulletin, Jealott’s Hill Research Station. Bracknell. Vols. 1–5(4), 1932?–36. Agric. Res. Bull. Jealott’s Hill Res. Sta. HI 61256
Agricultural research, Department of Agricultural Technical Services. South Africa. Pretoria. (1959+), 1960?+. Agric. Res. Dept. Agric. Techn. Serv., South Africa. HI 61257