Acta geológica hispánica. Barcelona. Vols. 1-37, 1966-2002. Acta Geol. Hispán. Superseded by: Geologica acta. Barcelona. ISSN 0567-7505 (Print), 2173-6537 (Online) HI 84962
Acta geologica Sinic[Ti chih hsüeh pao]. Beijing. Vol. 32+, 1952+ [publication suspended 1967-72]. Acta Geol. Sin. Preceded by: Bulletin of the Geological Society of China. HI 65916
Acta gossypii Sinica. Anyang. Vol. 1+, 1989+. Acta Gossypii Sin. HI 76438
Acta Helvetica, physico-mathematico-anatomico-botanico-medica. Basel. Vols. 1-8, 1751-77. Acta Helv. Phys.-Math. Superseded by: Nova acta helvetica, physico-mathematico-botanico-medica. ULS 1-54-1. HI 50210
Acta historica Leopoldina. Leipzig. Vol. 1+, 1963+. Acta Hist. Leop. ISSN 0001-5857 HI 50211
Acta historiae scientiarum Baltica. Riga. Vol. 9, 1992. Acta Hist. Sci. Baltica. Preceded by: Iz istorii estestvoznanija i techniki Pribaltiki. Riga. ULS reference. ISSN 0130-3252 HI 83991
Acta historica scientiarum naturalium et medicinalium. Copenhagen. Vol. 1+, 1942+. Acta Hist. Sci. Nat. Med. HI 61007
Acta histochemica; a journal of structural biochemistry. Jena, Basingstoke. Vol. 1+, 1954+. Acta Histochem. ULS reference. ISSN 0065-1281 HI 82804
Acta histochemica et cytochemica. Kyoto. Vol. 1+, 1968+. Acta Histochem. Cytochem. HI 61006
Acta histochemicSupplementband. Jena. Vols. 1-42, 1958-1992. Acta Histochem. SupplBand. ULS reference. ISSN 0065-1281 HI 82815
Acta horticulturae; technical communications of I S H S (International Society for Horticultural Science). The Hague, Wageningen. Vol. 1+, 1961+. Acta Hort. ISSN 0567-7572 HI 50212
Acta horticulturae Sinica [Yuanyi xuebao]. Peking (Beijing). Vol. 1, 1962; vol. 6+, 1979+. Acta Hort. Sin. HI 61013
Acta Horti Bergiani. Stockholm. Vols. 1–20, [1890] 1891–1967. Acta Horti Berg. ULS 1-54-2. HI 61008
Acta Horti Botanici Pragensis. Prague. 1962–63. Acta Horti Bot. Prag. HI 50214
Acta Horti Botanici Universitatis. Riga. Vol. 14, 1944. Acta Horti Bot. Univ. Preceded by: Acta Horti Botanici Universitatis Latviensis. Riga. Superseded by: Trudy Botanicheskogo Sada Latviiskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta Petra Stuchki. Riga, Latvian S.S.R. HI 61010
Acta Horti Botanici Universitatis Latviensis. Riga. Vols. 1–13, 1926–40. Acta Horti Bot. Univ. Latv. Superseded by: Acta Horti Botanici Universitatis. Riga. ULS 4-3678-3. HI 61009
Acta Horti Gothoburgensis; Meddelanden från Göteborgs Botaniska Trädgård. Göteborg. Vols. 1–28, 1924–67. Acta Horti Gothob. ULS 2-1750-3. HI 61011
Acta horti Pisani. Pisa. Vol. 1+, (1939/40+), 1940+. Acta Horti Pisani. HI 61012
Acta horticulturalia. Peiping (Beijing). Vols. 2–5(2), 1963–66. Acta Horticulturalia. Preceded and superseded by: Acta horticulturae Sinica [Yuanyi xuebao]. Peking (Beijing). HI 50213
Acta Humboldtiana. Series geologica et palaeontologica. Wiesbaden. Vol. 1, 1961. Acta Humboldt., Ser. Geol. Palaeontol. Superseded by: Acta Humboldtiana. Series geologica, palaeontologica et biologica. Wiesbaden. HI 50216
Acta Humboldtiana. Series geologica, palaeontologica et biologica. Wiesbaden. Vol. 2, 1972. Acta Humboldt., Ser. Geol. Palaeontol. Biol. Preceded by: Acta Humboldtiana. Series geologica et palaeontologica. Wiesbaden. Superseded by: Humboldtiana. Bonn. HI 61014
Acta hydrobiologica. Cracow, Warsaw. Vols. 1–42, 1959–2000; Supplement, vols. [1]–[5], 1965–96, vol. 6, 1999, n.s., vol. 1, 2001. Acta Hydrobiol. Preceded by: Biuletyn, Zakadu Biologii Stawów, Polska Akademia Nauk. Cracow. Incorporated in: Ecohydrology & hydrobiology. Warsaw. ISSN 0065-132X HI 61015
Acta hydrobiologica Lituanica. Vilnius. Vols. 1–10, 1980–91. Acta Hydrobiol. Lituanica. ISSN 0208-2527 HI 61016
Acta hydrobiologica Sinica [Shui shêng shêng wu hsüeh chi k’an]. Peking (Beijing). Nos. 1–16, 1955–63, vol. 5, 1964/65, 1–2; vols. 5(3)–8, 1975–83/84 [publication suspended 1965–74]. Acta Hydrobiol. Sin. ISSN 1000-3207, 0559-9385 HI 50218
Acta hydrochimica et hydrobiologica. Berlin. Vols. 1–19(6), 1973–91. Acta Hydrochim. Hydrobiol. Preceded by: Fortschritte der Wasserchemie und ihrer Grenzgebiete. Berlin [not entered]. Incorporated in: Zeitschrift für Wasser und Abwasser Forschung. Munich. ISSN 0071-7983 HI 80410