U C Davis biological sciences; news from the Division of Biological Sciences, U C Davis. Davis, CA. Vol. ?-5(2)+, ?-1997+. U. C. Davis Biol. Sci. ULS reference. ISSN none. HI 77470
U C L A symposia on molecular and cellular biology. New York, NY. Vols. 24-26, 1982-91; n.s. vols. 1-137, 1982-90. U. C. L. A. Symp. Molec. Cell. Biol. Preceded by: I C N - U C L A symposia on molecular and cellular biology. Menlo Park, CA, New York, NY. Superseded by: Keystone symposia on molecular and cellular biology. New York, NY. HI 75234
U C L A symposia on molecular and cellular biology. Abstracts. New York, NY. 11th-19th, 1982-90. U. C. L. A. Symp. Molec. Cell. Biol. Abstr. Preceded by: I C N - U C L A symposia on molecular and cellular biology. Abstracts. New York, NY. Superseded by: Keystone symposia on molecular and cellular biology. Abstracts. New York, NY. HI 81092
U K Tropical Forest Forum news. Kew. No. 1+, 1991+. U. K. Trop. Forest Forum News. HI 76234
U L science magazine. Monrovia. Vol. 1+, 1972+. U. L. Sci. Mag. HI 74091
U N E P news. Nairobi. Vols. 1-2?, 1974-75?; 1985+. U. N. E. P. News. For 1976-82 see: Uniterra. HI 74092
U P O V newsletter. Geneva. No. 1+, 1975+. U. P. O. V. Newslett. HI 74096
U P research digest. Quezon City. Vols. 1-6(2), 1962-67. U. P. Res. Digest. HI 74095
U R T. Copenhagen. 1/77+, 1977+. U. R. T. Risskov - Botanisk Institut. HI 74097
U S forest planting report. Washington, DC. (1980/81-89/90), 1982-90. U. S. Forest Planting Rep. Preceded by: Forest planting, seeding, and silvical treatments in the United States ... report. Superseded by: Tree planting in the United States. Washington, DC. ULS reference. ISSN 0740-4751 HI 81879
U V I research. St. Croix, VI. Vol. 4+, 1992+. U. V. I. Res. Preceded by: Island perspectives. St. Croix, VI. HI 82399
United Arab Republic journal of botany. Cairo. Vols. 3-14, 1960-71. U.A.R. J. Bot. Preceded & superseded by: Egyptian journal of botany. Dokki, Cairo. ULS reference. ISSN 0021-9363 HI 74173
United Arab Republic journal of chemistry. Cairo. Vol. 13-14, 1970-71. U.A.R. J. Chem. Preceded by: Journal of chemistry of the United Arab Republic. Cairo. Superseded by: Egyptian journal of chemistry. Cairo. HI 80066
United Arab Republic journal of microbiology. Cairo. Vols. 5-6, 1970-71. U.A.R. J. Microbiol. Preceded by: Journal of microbiology of the United Arab Republic. Superseded by: Egyptian journal of microbiology. HI 74174
United Arab Republic journal of pharmaceutical sciences. Cairo. Vols. 11-12, 1970-71. U.A.R. J. Pharm. Sci. Preceded by: Journal of the pharmaceutical sciences of the United Arab Republic. Superseded by: Egyptian journal of pharmaceutical sciences. HI 74175
United Arab Republic journal of soil science. Cairo. Vols. 10-11, 1970-71 U.A.R. J. Soil Sci. Preceded by: Journal of Soil Science of the United Arab Republic. Cairo. Superseded by: Egyptian journal of soil science. Cairo. HI 50553
U S / I B P desert biome monograph. Logan, UT. No. 1+, [1976?]+. U.S. / I. B. P. Desert Biome Monogr. HI 74100
U S / I B P synthesis series. Stroudsburg, PA. 1976+. U.S. / I. B. P. Synth. Ser. HI 74101
U.S. Geological Survey professional paper. Washington, DC. Washington, DC. Nos. 1299+, 1984+. U.S. Geol. Surv. Profess. Pap. Preceded by: Geological Survey professional paper. Washington, DC. ISSN 1044-9612 HI 84751
United States naval medical bulletin. Washington, DC. Vols. 1-?, 1907-49. U.S. Naval Med. Bull. HI 60208
U S / M A B bulletin; the United States Committee for the Man and Biosphere Program. Washington, DC. Vol. 16+, 1992+. U.S./ M. A. B. Bull. HI 81212
U S S R and Eastern Europe scientific abstracts. Biomedical and behavioral sciences. Arlington, VA. No. 1+, 1973+. U.S.S.R. E. Eur. Sci. Abstr., Biomed. Behav. Sci. Preceded by: U S S R and East Europe scientific abstracts. Biomedical sciences. HI 74103
U S S R and East Europe scientific abstracts. Biomedical sciences. Arlington, VA. Nos. 1-31, 1973-75. U.S.S.R. E. Eur. Sci. Abstr., Biomed. Sci. Preceded by: U S S R scientific abstracts. Biology and medicine. Superseded by: U S S R and Eastern Europe scientific abstracts. Biomedical and behavioral sciences. HI 74102
U S S R report. Life sciences. Agrotechnology and food resources. Arlington, VA. No. 1+, 1980+. U.S.S.R. Rep., Life Sci., Agrotechnol. Food Resources. Preceded (in part) by: U S S R report. Biomedical and behavioral sciences [not entered]. HI 74104
U S S R scientific abstracts. Biology and medicine. Arlington, VA. Nos. 1-125, 1964-73. U.S.S.R. Sci. Abstr., Biol. Med. Superseded by: U S S R and East Europe scientific abstracts. Biomedical sciences. HI 74105