Accession Number: 0854.039
Artist Name: Unknown (Otto)
Life Span: (active 1820-1840)
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Senningia [sic] hellerii ?''
Taxon: Sinningia C. G. D. Nees, Gesneriaceae
Notes: "Otto 1829"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0854.040
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward (attr. to)
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Senningia [sic] hellerii''
Taxon: Sinningia C. G. D. Nees, Gesneriaceae
Dimensions (cm): 28.5 x 22.5
Notes: "HS [Horticultural Society of London] /1828"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0854.041
Life Span: (active 1820-1840)
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Senningia [sic] villosa''
Taxon: Sinningia C. G. D. Nees, Gesneriaceae
Dimensions (cm): 24 x 35.5
Notes: "HS [Horticultural Society of London] /1828"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0854.042
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Bignonia chamberlynii''
Taxon: Bignonia Linnaeus, Bignoniaceae
Dimensions (cm): 26.5 x 37
Notes: 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0854.043
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Bignonia capreolata Lod.''
Taxon: Bignonia Linnaeus, Bignoniaceae
Dimensions (cm): 35.5 x 27.5
Notes: "Lod [Loddiges & Sons Nursery, Hackney (1771-1852)]"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0854.044
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Bignonia capensis''
Taxon: Bignonia Linnaeus, Bignoniaceae
Notes: "Kew [Kew Gardens]1827"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0854.045
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Bignonia grandifolia''
Taxon: Bignonia Linnaeus, Bignoniaceae
Dimensions (cm): 25.5 x 36.5
Notes: "Cattley / 14-2"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0854.046
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Bignonia grandiflora''
Taxon: Bignonia Linnaeus, Bignoniaceae
Dimensions (cm): 35.5 x 26
Notes: "14-2"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0854.047
Artist Name: Unknown (LR)
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Bignonia telfaria''
Taxon: Bignonia Linnaeus, Bignoniaceae
Medium: watercolor, pencil
Notes: "J.[or L?] [K or R?] 1829" [See also accession 0854.77 and 0852.109 in which monotgram is written over two initials and/or dates which are in the same hand.]; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0854.048
Artist Name: Unknown (Dr. Gillies)
Life Span: (active 1820-1840)
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Martynia lutea''
Taxon: Martynia Linnaeus, Martyniaceae
Notes: "Dr. Gillies 1829"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0854.049
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Pedalium murex [?], Martynia sp. Boj.''
Taxon: Pedalium D. van Royen ex Linnaeus, Pedaliaceae
Dimensions (cm): 27.5 x 18.5
Notes: "14-2"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0854.050
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Martinia [sic] probiscidia''
Taxon: Martynia Linnaeus, Martyniaceae
Dimensions (cm): 27 x 18.5
Notes: "14-2"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76); May be by M. Fox when compared to signed work by M. Fox (see HI accession no. 0854.038).
Accession Number: 0854.051
Artist Name: Duncombe, E.
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Barleria mites''
Taxon: Barleria Linnaeus, Acanthaceae
Dimensions (cm): 26.5 x 18
Notes: "14-2"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0854.052
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: '"Barleria sp. [?]"
Taxon: Barleria Linnaeus, Acanthaceae
Notes: "2-1"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0854.053
Artist Name: Duncombe, E.
Image (click image to view):
Taxon: Barleria Linnaeus, Acanthaceae
Notes: "Maurit. imported {Barleria sp. Mauritius} / R.B. / 14-2"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0854.054
Artist Name: Unknown (Thouin)
Life Span: (active 1820-1840)
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Berleria [sic] coccinea ?''
Taxon: Barleria Linnaeus, Acanthaceae
Dimensions (cm): 25 x 19.5
Notes: "Thouin [?] / 14-2"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0854.055
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Justicia nervosa''
Taxon: Eranthemum Linnaeus, Acanthaceae
Notes: "2-1"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0854.056
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Taxon: Justicia Linnaeus, Acanthaceae
Dimensions (cm): 21.5 x 16
Notes: "1824 / 2-1"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0854.057
Artist Name: Unknown (Cervantes)
Life Span: (active 1820-1840)
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Justicia peruviana''
Taxon: Justicia Linnaeus, Acanthaceae
Dimensions (cm): 27.5 x 19
Notes: "Cerv. / Mexico / 1826"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0854.058
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Justicia quadrifida''
Taxon: Justicia Linnaeus, Acanthaceae
Dimensions (cm): 27 x 18.5
Notes: "HS [Horticultural Society of London] / 1829"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0854.059
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Taxon: Justicia Linnaeus, Acanthaceae
Dimensions (cm): 27 x 17.5
Notes: 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0854.060
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Justicia coccinea''
Taxon: Justicia Linnaeus, Acanthaceae
Dimensions (cm): 21.5 x 15
Notes: "2-1"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0854.061
Artist Name: Duncombe, E.
Image (click image to view):
Taxon: Ruellia Linnaeus, Acanthaceae
Dimensions (cm): 26.5 x 18
Notes: "from N.Y. under the name of a beautfull Campanula / Ruellia / imp. N.Y. / 14-2"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76)..
Accession Number: 0854.062
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Ruellia brasiles''
Taxon: Ruellia Linnaeus, Acanthaceae
Notes: "H[orticulture Society] / 1828"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0854.063
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Thunbergia capensis''
Taxon: Thunbergia Retzius, Acanthaceae
Dimensions (cm): 26.5 x 18.5
Notes: "Kew [Kew Gardens] 1825"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).