Accession Number: 0853.126
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Anchusa hybrida''
Taxon: Anchusa Linnaeus, Boraginaceae
Dimensions (cm): 35 x 23.5
Notes: "H[amburgh] [18]28 / 5-1"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0853.127
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Echium grandiflorum''
Taxon: Echium Linnaeus, Boraginaceae
Dimensions (cm): 32.5 x 24
Notes: 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0853.128
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Heliotropium peruvianum''
Taxon: Heliotropium Linnaeus, Boraginaceae
Notes: "5-1"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0853.129
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Pulmonaria virginica''
Taxon: Pulmonaria Linnaeus, Boraginaceae
Dimensions (cm): 24.5 x 16.5
Notes: "5-1"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0853.130
Artist Name: Duncombe, E. (attr. to)
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Onosma taurica''
Taxon: Onosma Linnaeus, Boraginaceae
Dimensions (cm): 23.5 x 16.5
Notes: "EH / 5-1"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0853.131
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Cerbera manghas''
Taxon: Cerbera Linnaeus, Apocynaceae
Notes: 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0853.132
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Taxon: Echites P. Browne, Apocynaceae
Notes: 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0853.133
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Vinca herbacea''
Taxon: Vinca Linnaeus, Apocynaceae
Notes: "Chelsea"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0853.134
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Asclepias longifolius''
Taxon: Asclepias Linnaeus, Asclepiadaceae
Dimensions (cm): 27 x 23.5
Notes: "Mexico / Man[nin]g 1828"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0853.135
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Asclepias incarnata''
Taxon: Asclepias Linnaeus, Asclepiadaceae
Dimensions (cm): 26.5 x 17.5
Notes: "5-2"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0853.136
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Asclepias curasavica''
Taxon: Asclepias Linnaeus, Asclepiadaceae
Dimensions (cm): 34.5 x 25.5
Notes: "5-2"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0853.137
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Asclepias nivea''
Taxon: Asclepias Linnaeus, Asclepiadaceae
Dimensions (cm): 26 x 36.5
Notes: "1826 / Nuttall / 5-2"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0853.138
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Gonolobus laevis''
Taxon: Gonolobus A. Michaux, Asclepiadaceae
Notes: "N[ew] Y[ork]/ 5-2"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0853.139
Artist Name: Duncombe, E. (attr. to)
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Gonolobus hirsutus var.''
Taxon: Gonolobus A. Michaux, Asclepiadaceae
Dimensions (cm): 23.5 x 16
Notes: "imp. N[ew] Y[ork] / 5-2"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0853.140
Artist Name: Duncombe, E. (attr. to)
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Gonolobus hirsutus''
Taxon: Gonolobus Linnaeus, Asclepiadaceae
Notes: "imp. N[ew] Y[ork]" [ED in script erased]; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0853.141
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Ardisia punctata''
Taxon: Ardisia O. Swartz, Myrsinaceae
Dimensions (cm): 31.5 x 23.5
Notes: "Colville 1827 [perhaps James Colvill of Colvill Nursery, King's Road]"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0853.142
Artist Name: Duncombe, E. (attr. to)
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Jasminum multiflorum''
Taxon: Jasminum Linnaeus, Oleaceae
Dimensions (cm): 23.5 x 18.5
Notes: "2-1"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0853.143
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Collomia grandiflora''
Taxon: Collomia Nuttall, Polemoniaceae
Dimensions (cm): 27 x 24.5
Notes: "HS [Horticultural Society of London]1828"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0853.144
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Gillia [sic] capitata''
Taxon: Gilia Ruiz and Pavon, Polemoniaceae
Dimensions (cm): 27.5 x 18.5
Notes: "HS [Horticultural Society of London]1828"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0853.145
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Gilium [sic] laciniatum''
Taxon: Gilia Ruiz and Pavon, Polemoniaceae
Dimensions (cm): 24.5 x 15
Notes: "Col [perhaps James Colvill of Colvill Nursery, King's Road] [18]26"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0853.146
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward (attr. to)
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Phlox carolina''
Taxon: Phlox Linnaeus, Polemoniaceae
Dimensions (cm): 34.5 x 22.5
Notes: "5-1"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0853.147
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Phlox alba suaveolens''
Taxon: Phlox Linnaeus, Polemoniaceae
Notes: "5-1"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0853.148
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Phlox tardiflora''
Taxon: Phlox Linnaeus, Polemoniaceae
Notes: "y [18]28"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0853.149
Image (click image to view):
Taxon: Phlox Linnaeus, Polemoniaceae
Dimensions (cm): 23.5 x 16
Notes: "5-1"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0853.150
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Phlox sufruticosa [sic]''
Taxon: Phlox Linnaeus, Polemoniaceae
Dimensions (cm): 25.5 x 18.5
Notes: "5-1"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).