Catalogue of the Botanical Art Collection at the Hunt Institute

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Accession Number: 4370.18
Artist Name: Walpole, Frederick Andrews
Life Span: (1861-1904)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Nissolia multiflora Rose''

Nissolia multiflora Rose, Fabaceae alt. Leguminosae

Description: floral details
Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 15.5 x 17.5
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: see notes field
Notes: ''Fig. 24'' (b.l.). Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4370.19
Artist Name: Walpole, Frederick Andrews
Life Span: (1861-1904)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Nissolia laxior Rose''

Nissolia laxior Rose, Fabaceae alt. Leguminosae

Description: floral details
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 15.5 x 17.5
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: see notes field
Notes: ''Fig. 25'' (b.l.). Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4370.20
Artist Name: Walpole, Frederick Andrews
Life Span: (1861-1904)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Nissolia fruticosa Jacq.''

Nissolia fruticosa Jacquin, Fabaceae alt. Leguminosae

Description: floral details
Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 15.5 x 17.5
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: see notes field
Notes: ''Fig. 26'' (b.l.). Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4370.21
Artist Name: Walpole, Frederick Andrews
Life Span: (1861-1904)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Nissolia fruticosa Jacq.''

Nissolia fruticosa Jacquin, Fabaceae alt. Leguminosae

Description: floral details
Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 15.5 x 17.5
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: see notes field
Notes: ''Fig. 27'' (b.l.). Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4370.22
Artist Name: Walpole, Frederick Andrews
Life Span: (1861-1904)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Anoda hastata Cav.''

Anoda hastata Cavanilles, Malvaceae

Description: floral details
Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 13.5 x 14
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: see notes field
Notes: ''Fig. 28'' (b.l.). Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4370.23
Artist Name: Walpole, Frederick Andrews
Life Span: (1861-1904)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Periptera periptera''

Periptera periptera Hochreutiner, Malvaceae

Description: floral details
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 13 x 17/5
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4370.24
Artist Name: Walpole, Frederick Andrews
Life Span: (1861-1904)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Gronovia longiflora''

Gronovia longiflora Rose, Loasaceae

Description: leaf, floral details
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 23 x 17
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: see notes field
Notes: ''Fig. 30'' (b.l.). Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4371.01
Artist Name: Walpole, Frederick Andrews
Life Span: (1861-1904)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Braodiaea laxa, Calochortus venustus oculatus''

Brodiaea laxa S. Watson, Calochortus Pursh, Liliaceae

Description: flowers
Medium: pencil
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 23 x 15
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4371.02
Artist Name: Walpole, Frederick Andrews
Life Span: (1861-1904)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Crucifer''

Brassicaceae alt. Cruciferae

Description: floral details
Medium: pencil
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 23 x 15
Image Size:
Date of Execution: 1903
Place of Execution: Jalisco
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4371.03
Artist Name: Walpole, Frederick Andrews
Life Span: (1861-1904)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Cotyledon batesii, C. jurgensenii, Sedum bourgaei''

Cotyledon batesii Hemsley, C. jurgensenii Hemsley, Sedum bourgaei Hemsley, Crassulaceae

Description: flowers
Medium: pencil
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 23 x 15
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4371.04
Artist Name: Walpole, Frederick Andrews
Life Span: (1861-1904)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Nissolia wislizeni Gray, N. platycalyx Watson''

Nissolia wislizeni Gray, N. platycalyx S. Watson, Fabaceae alt. Leguminosae

Description: floral details
Medium: pencil
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 23 x 15
Image Size:
Date of Execution: 1898
Place of Execution:
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4371.05
Artist Name: Walpole, Frederick Andrews
Life Span: (1861-1904)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Nissolia schottii Gray, N. multiflora Rose''

Nissolia schottii Gray, N. multiflora Rose, Fabaceae alt. Leguminosae

Description: floral details
Medium: pencil
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 23 x 15
Image Size:
Date of Execution: 1898
Place of Execution:
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4371.06
Artist Name: Walpole, Frederick Andrews
Life Span: (1861-1904)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Nissolia confertiflora Watson, N. dodgei, N. pringlei''

Nissolia confertiflora S. Watson, N. dodgei Rose, N. pringlei Rose, Fabaceae alt. Leguminosae

Description: floral details
Medium: pencil
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 23 x 15
Image Size:
Date of Execution: 1898
Place of Execution:
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4371.07
Artist Name: Walpole, Frederick Andrews
Life Span: (1861-1904)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Nissolia laxior, N. fruticosa, N. scandens''

Nissolia laxior Rose, N. fruticosa Jacquin, N. scandens J. Koenig ex Sprengel, Fabaceae alt. Leguminosae

Description: floral details
Medium: pencil
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 23 x 15
Image Size:
Date of Execution: 1898
Place of Execution:
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4371.08
Artist Name: Walpole, Frederick Andrews
Life Span: (1861-1904)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Potentilla madrensis''

Potentilla madrensis Rose, Rosaceae

Medium: pencil
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 23 x 15
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4371.09
Artist Name: Walpole, Frederick Andrews
Life Span: (1861-1904)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Potentilla rydbergiana''

Potentilla rydbergiana Rose, Rosaceae

Medium: pencil
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 23 x 15
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4371.10
Artist Name: Walpole, Frederick Andrews
Life Span: (1861-1904)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Tecoma radicans''

Tecoma radicans Jussieu, Bignoniaceae

Description: flowers
Medium: pencil
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 23 x 15
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4371.11
Artist Name: Walpole, Frederick Andrews
Life Span: (1861-1904)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''E. argenteum, E. aretioides, E. elongatum, E. chamissonis, E. howardi, E. splendens''

Eritichium ? argenteum W. Wight, E. aretioides (Chamisso) de Candolle, E. elongatum de Candolle, E. chamissonis de Candolle, E. howardii Rydberg, E. splendens Kearney, Boraginaceae

Description: floral details
Medium: pencil
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 18.5 x 29.5
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4372
Artist Name: Brenizer, N. W. (Mrs.)
Life Span: (–ca.1949)
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using it, please include the following credit statement: courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: Woolly or Purple Loco (Astragalus mollissimus)

Astragalus mollissimus Torrey, Fabaceae alt. Leguminosae

Medium: color lithograph
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 16.4 x 26.3
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Printmaker: A. Hoen and Co., Baltimore
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4373
Artist Name: Brenizer, N. W. (Mrs.)
Life Span: (–ca.1949)
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using it, please include the following credit statement: courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Purple larkspur (Delphinium bi-color)''

Delphinium bicolor Nuttall, Ranunculaceae

Medium: color lithograph
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 26.3 x 16.4
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Printmaker: A. Hoen and Co., Baltimore
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4374
Artist Name: Brenizer, N. W. (Mrs.)
Life Span: (–ca.1949)
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using it, please include the following credit statement: courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Lupine (Lupinus)''

Lupinus Linnaeus, Fabaceae alt. Leguminosae

Medium: color lithograph
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 26.3 x 16.4
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Printmaker: A. Hoen and Co., Baltimore
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4375
Artist Name: Unknown
Life Span: (fl. early 1800s)
Image (click image to view):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using it, please include the following credit statement: courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Echeveria pringlei''

Echeveria pringlei (S. Watson) Rose Crassulaceae

Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 26.5 x 19.5
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Signature: JHF (b.c.)
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4376
Artist Name: Eaton, Mary Emily
Life Span: (1873-1961)
Nationality: England
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using it, please include the following credit statement: courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Echeveria gigantea''

Echeveria gigantea Rose And Purpus, Crassulaceae

Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 18 x 13
Image Size: 15 x 10
Date of Execution: 1921
Place of Execution:
Signature: Mary E. Eaton (b.r.)
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution. A work by this artist, not in the Hunt Institute collection, was included in the 9th International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration, 1998.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4377
Artist Name: Eaton, Mary Emily
Life Span: (1873-1961)
Nationality: England
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using it, please include the following credit statement: courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.

Echeveria multicaulis Rose, Crassulaceae

Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 19.5 x 13.5
Image Size: 18.5 x 10
Date of Execution: 1924
Place of Execution:
Signature: Mary E. Eaton (b.c.)
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution. A work by this artist, not in the Hunt Institute collection, was included in the 9th International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration, 1998.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4378
Artist Name: Eaton, Mary Emily
Life Span: (1873-1961)
Nationality: England
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using it, please include the following credit statement: courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Echeveria walpoleana''

Echeveria walpoleana Rose, Crassulaceae

Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 23 x 18
Image Size: 20 x 16.5
Date of Execution: 1911
Place of Execution:
Signature: Mary E. Eaton (b.l.)
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution. A work by this artist, not in the Hunt Institute collection, was included in the 9th International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration, 1998.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
