Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Convolvulus aculeatus 155 View this page at BHL
Convolvulus alsinoides 157 View this page at BHL
Convolvulus althaeoides 156 View this page at BHL
Convolvulus arvensis 153 View this page at BHL
Convolvulus batatas 154 View this page at BHL
Convolvulus brasiliensis 159 View this page at BHL
Convolvulus canariensis 155 View this page at BHL
Convolvulus cantabrica 158 View this page at BHL
Convolvulus carolinus 154 View this page at BHL
Convolvulus cneorum 157 View this page at BHL
Convolvulus hederaceus 154 View this page at BHL
Convolvulus hirtus 159 View this page at BHL
Convolvulus malabaricus 155 View this page at BHL
Convolvulus medium 156 View this page at BHL
Convolvulus nummularius 157 View this page at BHL
Convolvulus panduratus 153 View this page at BHL
Convolvulus paniculatus 156 View this page at BHL
Convolvulus peltatus 1194 View this page at BHL
Convolvulus persicus 158 View this page at BHL
Convolvulus pes-caprae 159 View this page at BHL
Convolvulus repens 158 View this page at BHL
Convolvulus reptans 158 View this page at BHL
Convolvulus scammonia 153 View this page at BHL
Convolvulus sepium 153 View this page at BHL
Convolvulus siculus 156 View this page at BHL
