Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Campanula medium 167 View this page at BHL
Campanula patula 163 View this page at BHL
Campanula pentagonia 169 View this page at BHL
Campanula perfoliata 169 View this page at BHL
Campanula persicifolia 164 View this page at BHL
Campanula pulla 163 View this page at BHL
Campanula pyramidalis 164 View this page at BHL
Campanula rapunculoides 165 View this page at BHL
Campanula rapunculus 164 View this page at BHL
Campanula rhomboidalis 165 View this page at BHL
Campanula rotundifolia 163 View this page at BHL
Campanula saxatilis 167 View this page at BHL
Campanula sibirica 167 View this page at BHL
Campanula speculum-veneris 168 View this page at BHL
Campanula spicata 166 View this page at BHL
Campanula thyrsoides 167 View this page at BHL
Campanula trachelium 166 View this page at BHL
Campanula uniflora 163 View this page at BHL
Camphorosma acuta 122 View this page at BHL
Camphorosma glabra 122 View this page at BHL
Camphorosma monspeliaca 122 View this page at BHL
Canna angustifolia 1 View this page at BHL
Canna glauca 1 View this page at BHL
Canna indica 1 View this page at BHL
Cannabis sativa 1027 View this page at BHL
