Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Azalea procumbens 151 View this page at BHL
Azalea viscosa 151 View this page at BHL
Baccharis foetida 861 View this page at BHL
Baccharis halimifolia 860 View this page at BHL
Baccharis indica 861 View this page at BHL
Baccharis ivaefolia 860 View this page at BHL
Baccharis neriifolia 860 View this page at BHL
Baccharis tenuifolia 860 View this page at BHL
Baeckea frutescens 358 View this page at BHL
Ballota lanata 582 View this page at BHL
Ballota nigra 582 View this page at BHL
Banisteria angulosa 427 View this page at BHL
Banisteria benghalensis 427 View this page at BHL
Banisteria brachiata 428 View this page at BHL
Banisteria dichotoma 427 View this page at BHL
Banisteria fulgens 427 View this page at BHL
Banisteria lupuloides 427 View this page at BHL
Banisteria purpurea 427 View this page at BHL
Barleria buxifolia 636 View this page at BHL
Barleria coccinea 637 View this page at BHL
Barleria cristata 636 View this page at BHL
Barleria prionitis 636 View this page at BHL
Barleria solanifolia 636 View this page at BHL
Barreria capensis 274 View this page at BHL
Bartramia indica 389 View this page at BHL
