Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Iberis umbellata 649 View this page at BHL
Ilex aquifolium 125 View this page at BHL
Ilex asiatica 125 View this page at BHL
Ilex cassine 125 View this page at BHL
Ilex cuneifolia 125 View this page at BHL
Ilex dodonaea 125 View this page at BHL
Illecebrum capitatum 207 View this page at BHL
Illecebrum cymosum 206 View this page at BHL
Illecebrum paronychia 206 View this page at BHL
Illecebrum suffruticosum 206 View this page at BHL
Illecebrum verticillatum 206 View this page at BHL
Impatiens balsamina 938 View this page at BHL
Impatiens chinensis 937 View this page at BHL
Impatiens cornuta 937 View this page at BHL
Impatiens latifolia 937 View this page at BHL
Impatiens noli-tangere 938 View this page at BHL
Impatiens oppositifolia 937 View this page at BHL
Impatiens triflora 938 View this page at BHL
Imperatoria ostruthium 259 View this page at BHL
Indigofera glabra 751 View this page at BHL
Indigofera hirsuta 751 View this page at BHL
Indigofera tinctoria 751 View this page at BHL
Inula britannica 882 View this page at BHL
Inula crithmoides 883 View this page at BHL
Inula dysenterica 882 View this page at BHL
