Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Delphinium consolida 530 View this page at BHL
Delphinium elatum 531 View this page at BHL
Delphinium grandiflorum 531 View this page at BHL
Delphinium peregrinum 531 View this page at BHL
Delphinium staphisagria 531 View this page at BHL
Dentaria bulbifera 653 View this page at BHL
Dentaria enneaphyllos 653 View this page at BHL
Dentaria pentaphyllos 654 View this page at BHL
Dianthera americana 27 View this page at BHL
Dianthus alpinus 412 View this page at BHL
Dianthus arboreus 413 View this page at BHL
Dianthus arenarius 412 View this page at BHL
Dianthus armeria 410 View this page at BHL
Dianthus barbatus 409 View this page at BHL
Dianthus carthusianorum 409 View this page at BHL
Dianthus caryophyllus 410 View this page at BHL
Dianthus chinensis 411 View this page at BHL
Dianthus deltoides 411 View this page at BHL
Dianthus fruticosus 413 View this page at BHL
Dianthus glaucus 411 View this page at BHL
Dianthus plumarius 411 View this page at BHL
Dianthus prolifer 410 View this page at BHL
Dianthus saxifragus 413 View this page at BHL
Dianthus virgineus 412 View this page at BHL
Diapensia helvetica 141 View this page at BHL
