Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Carex capillaris 977 View this page at BHL
Carex cespitosa 978 View this page at BHL
Carex digitata 975 View this page at BHL
Carex dioica 972 View this page at BHL
Carex elongata 974 View this page at BHL
Carex filiformis 976 View this page at BHL
Carex flava 975 View this page at BHL
Carex folliculata 978 View this page at BHL
Carex globularis 976 View this page at BHL
Carex hirta 975 View this page at BHL
Carex leporina 973 View this page at BHL
Carex limosa 977 View this page at BHL
Carex loliacea 974 View this page at BHL
Carex montana 975 View this page at BHL
Carex muricata 974 View this page at BHL
Carex pallescens 977 View this page at BHL
Carex panicea 977 View this page at BHL
Carex pilulifera 976 View this page at BHL
Carex pseudocyperus 978 View this page at BHL
Carex pulicaris 972 View this page at BHL
Carex saxatilis 976 View this page at BHL
Carex squarrosa 973 View this page at BHL
Carex uliginosa 973 View this page at BHL
Carex vesicaria 979 View this page at BHL
Carex vulpina 973 View this page at BHL
