Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Polypodium varium 1090 View this page at BHL
Polypodium villosum 1093 View this page at BHL
Polypodium virginianum 1085 View this page at BHL
Polypodium vulgare 1085 View this page at BHL
Polypremum procumbens 111 View this page at BHL
Polytrichum alpinum 1109 View this page at BHL
Polytrichum commune 1109 View this page at BHL
Polytrichum urnigerum 1109 View this page at BHL
Pontederia cordata 288 View this page at BHL
Pontederia hastata 288 View this page at BHL
Pontederia ovata 288 View this page at BHL
Populus alba 1034 View this page at BHL
Populus balsamifera 1034 View this page at BHL
Populus heterophylla 1034 View this page at BHL
Populus nigra 1034 View this page at BHL
Populus tremula 1034 View this page at BHL
Porella pinnata 1106 View this page at BHL
Portulaca anacampseros 445 View this page at BHL
Portulaca oleracea 445 View this page at BHL
Portulaca pilosa 445 View this page at BHL
Portulaca portulacastrum 446 View this page at BHL
Potamogeton compressum 127 View this page at BHL
Potamogeton crispum 126 View this page at BHL
Potamogeton densum 126 View this page at BHL
Potamogeton gramineum 127 View this page at BHL
