Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Lichen roccella 1154 View this page at BHL
Lichen rugosum 1140 View this page at BHL
Lichen sanguinarium 1140 View this page at BHL
Lichen saxatilis 1142 View this page at BHL
Lichen scriptus 1140 View this page at BHL
Lichen stellaris 1144 View this page at BHL
Lichen stygius 1143 View this page at BHL
Lichen subfuscus 1142 View this page at BHL
Lichen subulatus 1153 View this page at BHL
Lichen tartareus 1141 View this page at BHL
Lichen uncialis 1153 View this page at BHL
Lichen upsaliensis 1142 View this page at BHL
Lichen velleus 1150 View this page at BHL
Lichen venosus 1148 View this page at BHL
Lichen ventosus 1141 View this page at BHL
Lichen vulpinus 1155 View this page at BHL
Ligusticum austriacum 250 View this page at BHL
Ligusticum levisticum 250 View this page at BHL
Ligusticum peleponnesiacum 250 View this page at BHL
Ligusticum scoticum 250 View this page at BHL
Ligustrum vulgare 7 View this page at BHL
Lilium bulbiferum 302 View this page at BHL
Lilium camschatcense 303 View this page at BHL
Lilium canadense 303 View this page at BHL
Lilium candidum 302 View this page at BHL
