Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Lapsana communis 811 View this page at BHL
Lapsana rhagadiolus 812 View this page at BHL
Lapsana stellata 811 View this page at BHL
Lapsana zacintha 811 View this page at BHL
Laserpitium angustifolium 248 View this page at BHL
Laserpitium chironium 249 View this page at BHL
Laserpitium gallicum 248 View this page at BHL
Laserpitium latifolium 248 View this page at BHL
Laserpitium prutenicum 248 View this page at BHL
Laserpitium siler 249 View this page at BHL
Laserpitium trilobum 248 View this page at BHL
Lathraea anblatum 606 View this page at BHL
Lathraea clandestina 605 View this page at BHL
Lathraea phelypaea 606 View this page at BHL
Lathraea squamaria 606 View this page at BHL
Lathyrus amphicarpos 729 View this page at BHL
Lathyrus angulatus 731 View this page at BHL
Lathyrus aphaca 729 View this page at BHL
Lathyrus articulatus 731 View this page at BHL
Lathyrus bithynicus 731 View this page at BHL
Lathyrus cicera 730 View this page at BHL
Lathyrus clymenum 732 View this page at BHL
Lathyrus heterophyllus 733 View this page at BHL
Lathyrus hirsutus 732 View this page at BHL
Lathyrus inconspicuus 730 View this page at BHL
