Comprehensive Scheme for Standardized Abbreviation of Usable Plant-Family Names and Type-Based Suprafamilial Names
Abbr | Family |
SPON | Spondiadaceae |
SPOR | Sporobolaceae |
STAD | Stachydaceae |
STAC | Stachyuraceae |
STAK | Stackhousiaceae |
STAN | Stangeriaceae |
STAY | Stanleyaceae |
STAL | Stapeliaceae |
STAP | Staphyleaceae |
STAT | Staticaceae |
STEG | Stegnospermataceae |
STEL | Stellariaceae |
STEM | Stemonaceae |
STEU | Stemonuraceae |
STEN | Stenochlaenaceae |
STED | Stenomeridaceae |
STER | Sterculiaceae |
STIL | Stilaginaceae |
STIB | Stilbaceae |
STIP | Stipaceae |
STRA | Strasburgeriaceae |
STRT | Stratiotaceae |
STRE | Strelitziaceae |
STRP | Streptochaetaceae |
STRO | Stromatopteridaceae |