Comprehensive Scheme for Standardized Abbreviation of Usable Plant-Family Names and Type-Based Suprafamilial Names

Abbr Familysort descending
PILG Pilgerodendraceae
PILO Pilocarpaceae
PILU Pilulariaceae
PIMP Pimpinellaceae
PIN+ Pinaceae
PING Pinguiculaceae
PIPE Piperaceae
PIRI Piriquetaceae
PISO Pisoniaceae
PISC Pistaciaceae
PIST Pistiaceae
PITT Pittosporaceae
PLAA Plagianthaceae
PLAG Plagiogyriaceae
PLAP Plagiopteraceae
PLAN Plantaginaceae
PLAT Platanaceae
PLAR Platycaryaceae
PLAC Platyceriaceae
PLAL Platycladaceae
PLAM Platyspermataceae
PLAS Platystemonaceae
PLAZ Platyzomataceae
PLEC Plectroniaceae
PLER Pleurisanthaceae
