Comprehensive Scheme for Standardized Abbreviation of Usable Plant-Family Names and Type-Based Suprafamilial Names

Abbrsort ascending Family
CYCC Cyclocheilaceae
CYCA Cycadaceae
CYAT Cyatheaceae
CYAN Cyanastraceae
CYAL Cyanellaceae
CYAA Cyananthaceae
CUSC Cuscutaceae
CURT Curtisiaceae
CURC Curcumaceae
CUPR Cupressaceae
CUNO Cunoniaceae
CUNN Cunninghamiaceae
CULC Culcitaceae
CUCU Cucurbitaceae
CTEN Ctenolophonaceae
CRYT Cryptaceae
CRYP Crypteroniaceae
CRYM Cryptomeriaceae
CRYG Cryptogrammaceae
CRYC Cryptocorynaceae
CRUC Cruciferae
CROT Crotonaceae
CROS Crossosomataceae
CROO Croomiaceae
CROC Crocaceae
