Comprehensive Scheme for Standardized Abbreviation of Usable Plant-Family Names and Type-Based Suprafamilial Names
Abbr![]() |
Family |
ZYGO | Zygophyllaceae |
ZOYS | Zoysiaceae |
ZOST | Zosteraceae |
ZIZI | Ziziphaceae |
ZING | Zingiberaceae |
ZEPH | Zephyranthaceae |
ZE++ | Zeaceae |
ZANT | Zanthoxylaceae |
ZANO | Zanoniaceae |
ZANN | Zannichelliaceae |
ZAMI | Zamiaceae |
YUCC | Yuccaceae |
XYRI | Xyridaceae |
XIPH | Xiphidiaceae |
XIME | Ximeniaceae |
XERO | Xerophyllaceae |
XERN | Xeronemataceae |
XERA | Xeranthemaceae |
XANZ | Xanthorhizaceae |
XANT | Xanthophyllaceae |
XANR | Xanthorrhoeaceae |
XANI | Xanthiaceae |
WOOD | Woodsiaceae |
WOLF | Wolffiaceae |
WINT | Winteraceae |