Comprehensive Scheme for Standardized Abbreviation of Usable Plant-Family Names and Type-Based Suprafamilial Names

Abbr Familysort ascending
FORE Forestieraceae
FOET Foetidiaceae
FLIN Flindersiaceae
FLAG Flagellariaceae
FLAC Flacourtiaceae
FITZ Fitzroyaceae
FIC+ Ficaceae
FEST Festucaceae
FERU Ferulaceae
FALC Falcatifoliaceae
FAG+ Fagaceae
FAB+ Fabaceae
EXOC Exocarpaceae
EVOL Evolvulaceae
EUTO Eutocaceae
EUST Eustrephaceae
EURY Euryalaceae
EUPT Eupteleaceae
EUPO Eupomatiaceae
EUPN Euphroniaceae
EUPS Euphrasiaceae
EUPH Euphorbiaceae
EUPA Eupatoriaceae
EUON Euonymaceae
EUGE Eugeniaceae
