Comprehensive Scheme for Standardized Abbreviation of Usable Plant-Family Names and Type-Based Suprafamilial Names

Abbr Familysort ascending
GYMN Gymnogrammitidaceae
GUTT Guttiferae
GUST Gustaviaceae
GUNN Gunneraceae
GUET Guettardaceae
GUAI Guaiacanaceae
GRUB Grubbiaceae
GROS Grossulariaceae
GRON Gronoviaceae
GRIS Griseliniaceae
GRIN Grindeliaceae
GRIE Grielaceae
GREY Greyiaceae
GREW Grewiaceae
GRAT Gratiolaceae
GRAD Grammitidaceae
GRAM Gramineae
GOUP Goupiaceae
GOUA Gouaniaceae
GORD Gordoniaceae
GOOD Goodeniaceae
GONY Gonystylaceae
GOMR Gomphrenaceae
GOMP Gomphiaceae
GOMO Gomortegaceae
