Comprehensive Scheme for Standardized Abbreviation of Usable Plant-Family Names and Type-Based Suprafamilial Names
Abbr | Family |
RHAM | Rhamnaceae |
RHAD | Rhapidaceae |
RHAP | Rhaptopetalaceae |
RHEX | Rhexiaceae |
RHIN | Rhinanthaceae |
RHIP | Rhipogonaceae |
RHIZ | Rhizophoraceae |
RHO+ | Rhoaceae |
RHOO | Rhodiolaceae |
RHON | Rhododendraceae |
RHOL | Rhodolaenaceae |
RHOD | Rhodoleiaceae |
RHOR | Rhodoraceae |
RHOT | Rhodotypaceae |
RHOI | Rhoipteleaceae |
RHOP | Rhopalocarpaceae |
RHYN | Rhynchocalycaceae |
RHYT | Rhynchothecaceae |
RIBE | Ribesiaceae |
RICN | Ricinaceae |
RICI | Ricinocarpaceae |
RIVI | Rivinaceae |
ROBI | Robiniaceae |
RORI | Roridulaceae |
ROS+ | Rosaceae |