Comprehensive Scheme for Standardized Abbreviation of Usable Plant-Family Names and Type-Based Suprafamilial Names

Abbr Familysort descending
CORO Coronillaceae
CORR Corrigiolaceae
CORS Corsiaceae
CORL Corydalaceae
CORY Corylaceae
CORC Corynocarpaceae
CORP Coryphaceae
COST Costaceae
COTY Cotyledonaceae
COUL Coulaceae
COUT Coutareaceae
COUB Coutoubeaceae
CRAS Crassulaceae
CREN Crescentiaceae
CRES Cressaceae
CRIN Crinaceae
CROC Crocaceae
CROO Croomiaceae
CROS Crossosomataceae
CROT Crotonaceae
CRUC Cruciferae
CRYT Cryptaceae
CRYP Crypteroniaceae
CRYC Cryptocorynaceae
CRYG Cryptogrammaceae
