Comprehensive Scheme for Standardized Abbreviation of Usable Plant-Family Names and Type-Based Suprafamilial Names - browse

Abbrsort descending Family
THEO Theophrastaceae
THEP Thelypteridaceae
THES Thesiaceae
THIS Thismiaceae
THLA Thlaspiaceae
THO+ Thoaceae
THOM Thomandersiaceae
THUJ Thujaceae
THUN Thunbergiaceae
THUP Thujopsidaceae
THUR Thurniaceae
THYM Thymelaeaceae
THYR Thyrsopteridaceae
TICO Ticodendraceae
TILE Tillaeaceae
TILI Tiliaceae
TILL Tillandsiaceae
TIN+ Tinaceae
TITH Tithymalaceae
TMES Tmesipteridaceae
TOFI Tofieldiaceae
TORM Tormentillaceae
TORR Torricelliaceae
TORY Torreyaceae
TOVA Tovariaceae
