Comprehensive Scheme for Standardized Abbreviation of Usable Plant-Family Names and Type-Based Suprafamilial Names - browse

Abbrsort descending Family
APHY Aphyllanthaceae
API+ Apiaceae
APOC Apocynaceae
APOD Apodanthaceae
APOE Aposeridaceae
APON Aponogetonaceae
APOR Aporusaceae
APOS Apostasiaceae
APTA Aptandraceae
AQUG Aquilegiaceae
AQUI Aquifoliaceae
AQUL Aquilariaceae
AR++ Araceae
ARAB Arabidaceae
ARAD Aralidiaceae
ARAG Aragoaceae
ARAL Araliaceae
ARAU Araucariaceae
ARBU Arbutaceae
ARCD Arceuthidaceae
ARCE Arceuthobiaceae
ARCS Arctostaphylaceae
ARCT Arctotidaceae
ARDI Ardisiaceae
AREC Arecaceae
