Comprehensive Scheme for Standardized Abbreviation of Usable Plant-Family Names and Type-Based Suprafamilial Names - browse

Abbrsort descending Family
LANA Lanariaceae
LANG Langsdorffiaceae
LANT Lantanaceae
LAPA Lapageriaceae
LARD Lardizabalaceae
LASI Lasiopetalaceae
LATH Lathyraceae
LAUR Lauraceae
LAWS Lawsoniaceae
LAXM Laxmanniaceae
LECY Lecythidaceae
LED+ Ledaceae
LEDO Ledocarpaceae
LEE+ Leeaceae
LEGU Leguminosae
LEIT Leitneriaceae
LEMN Lemnaceae
LENN Lennoaceae
LENS Lentiscaceae
LENT Lentibulariaceae
LEOI Leoniaceae
LEON Leonticaceae
LEPA Leptaulaceae
LEPC Lepidocerataceae
LEPD Lepidothamnaceae
