Comprehensive Scheme for Standardized Abbreviation of Usable Plant-Family Names and Type-Based Suprafamilial Names - browse

Abbrsort ascending Family
RAND Randiaceae
RAMO Ramondaceae
RAFF Rafflesiaceae
QUIN Quintiniaceae
QUIL Quillajaceae
QUII Quiinaceae
QUER Quercaceae
QUAS Quassiaceae
PYRO Pyrolaceae
PYR+ Pyraceae
PUTR Putranjivaceae
PUNI Punicaceae
PTES Pterostemonaceae
PTER Pteridaceae
PTEP Pteridophyllaceae
PTEN Pterisanthaceae
PTEL Pteleaceae
PTED Pteridiaceae
PTAE Ptaeroxylaceae
PSYL Psylliaceae
PSYC Psychotriaceae
PSIX Psiloxylaceae
PSIT Psittacanthaceae
PSIL Psilotaceae
PSEU Pseudanthaceae
