Comprehensive Scheme for Standardized Abbreviation of Usable Plant-Family Names and Type-Based Suprafamilial Names - browse

Abbr Familysort ascending
AZIM Azimaceae
AZAL Azaleaceae
AVIC Avicenniaceae
AVET Avetraceae
AVER Averrhoaceae
AVEN Avenaceae
AUSX Austrotaxaceae
AUST Austrobaileyaceae
AURA Aurantiaceae
AUCU Aucubaceae
ATRO Atropaceae
ATRI Atriplicaceae
ATHY Athyriaceae
ATHE Atherospermataceae
ATHA Athanasiaceae
ASTC Astrocarpaceae
ASTR Astragalaceae
ASTP Asteropeiaceae
ASTN Asteranthaceae
ASTE Asteraceae
ASTL Asteliaceae
ASPL Aspleniaceae
ASPI Aspidistraceae
ASPH Asphodelaceae
ASPE Asperulaceae
