Original Linnaean Dissertations
Respondent: Johan Gråberg (1741–1793)
Title: ... de Haemoptysi, ...
Date of Defense: 13 May 1767
Paginations: [iii], [1], 5-14
Lidén Title: Haemoptysis.
Soulsby Title: Haemopt.
Drake Title: De Haemoptysi.
Abstract: A medical essay on spitting of blood, a condition which Linnaeus held should not be confused with other bleeding from the mouth, since it was of pulmonary origin and not from the nose or stomach. Tuberculosis of the lungs is given as its primary cause.
Respondent: Carl Peter Thunberg (1743–1828)
Title: ... de Venis resorbentibus ...
Date of Defense: 2 June 1767
Paginations: [iv], [1], 2-10
Lidén Title: Venae resorbentes.
Soulsby Title: Ven. resorb.
Drake Title: Venis Resorbentibus.
Abstract: A medico-physiological study of the interrelationship of the lymphatic system and the vascular anatomy.
Respondent: Henric Gahn (1747–1816)
Title: Fundamenta Agrostographiae ...
Date of Defense: 27 June 1767
Paginations: [ii], [1], 4-38, tabs. 1-2
Lidén Title: Fundamenta agrostographiae.
Soulsby Title: Fund. agrost.
Drake Title: Fundamenta Agrostographiae.
Abstract: Provides a classified list of some 850 species of grasses of economic importance, preceded by a history of prior studies of grasses.
Respondent: Carl Gustaf Laurin (1737–1773)
Title: ... de Menthae usu, ...
Date of Defense: 30 June 1767
Paginations: [v], [1], 3-11, [1]
Lidén Title: Menthae usus.
Soulsby Title: Menthae
Drake Title: Menthae Usus.
Abstract: An essay on the kinds of mints (Mentha spp.) useful in medicinal preparations.
Respondent: Anders Johan Blad (1748–1834)
Title: Fundamenta Entomologiae, ...
Date of Defense: {14} June 1767
Paginations: [ii], [1], 4-34
Lidén Title: Fundamenta entomologiae.
Soulsby Title: Fund. entom.
Drake Title: Fundamenta Entomologiae.
Note: Both copies lack day --Soulsby gives day as [XIV].
Abstract: Provides an historical review of entomology with a list of 32 pre-Linnaean authors, instructions on how to collect and preserve insects, and the fundamentals of their classification.
Respondent: Johan Adolph Wadström (1748–1809)
Title: ... sistens Metamorphosin Humanam, ...
Date of Defense: 16 December 1767
Paginations: [iv], [1], 2-18, 1 table
Lidén Title: Metamorphis [sic] humana.
Soulsby Title: Metam. hum.
Drake Title: Metamorphosis Humana.
Abstract: A classification establishing 12 periods through which the human body develops from birth to death, based on anatomical, physiological and pathological factors.
Respondent: Adolph Fredric Wedenberg (1743–1828)
Title: ... de Varietate Ciborum ...
Date of Defense: 19 December 1767
Paginations: [iii], 4-19, [1]
Lidén Title: Varietas ciborum.
Soulsby Title: Var. cib.
Drake Title: De Varietate Ciborum.
Note: One copy has day altered in manuscript to {18} (i.e., changed from XIX to XIIX). One copy contains a correction on p. 8, line 15: Arata is corrected to Aurata.
Abstract: A medico-nutritional essay on the wide range of foodstuffs eaten by man and a classification of these foods into 10 groups. Discusses effects of diets in which each group dominates and the diseases which might result. Linnaeus' concluding advice is "Ne quid nimis," nothing in excess.
Respondent: Henrik Tonning (1732–1796)
Title: ... sistens Rariora Norvegiae ...
Date of Defense: 27 February 1768
Paginations: [vi], [1], 2-19, [1] (1 text figure)
Lidén Title: Rariora norvegiae.
Soulsby Title: Rar. Norv.
Drake Title: Rariora Norvegiae.
Abstract: A treatise on the natural history of Norway, with credits to Johan Ernst Gunnerus (1718-1773), Bishop of Trondheim and to J. Ström of Bergen. Presented are lists of rare animals and plants, with emphasis on those not found in Sweden. Report is given also of fruits of tropical American plants deposited from the sea along the coast in quantity. Among them are seeds of Cassia, Anacardium (cashew nuts), Cucurbita lagenaria L., the coconut, and Piscidia erythrina L. Included is an interpretation by Bishop Gunnerus of the identity of a sea-serpent, presuming it to be a number of sturgeon swimming in a row. Medicinal plants are enumerated separately, with notes on their uses. The thesis concludes with a description of an African plant named Gunnera L.
Respondent: Jöns Flygare (1746–1806)
Title: ... de Coloniis Plantarum, ...
Date of Defense: 15 June 1768
Paginations: [ii], [1], 4-13
Lidén Title: Coloniae plantarum.
Soulsby Title: Colon. pl.
Drake Title: Coloniis Plantarum.
Abstract: Treats the migrations and colonizations of plants, in Sweden and elsewhere.
Respondent: Johan Grysselius (1738–1788)
Title: ... de Medico sui ipsius, ...
Date of Defense: {11} January 1768
Paginations: [i], [1], 3-12
Lidén Title: Medicus sui ipsius.
Soulsby Title: Medicus
Drake Title: Medico Sui Ipsius.
Note: Our copy has day supplied in manuscript; month is printed as Jun. [Soulsby says January].
Abstract: An essay on being one's own physician, the abuses that are injurious to a healthy constitution and the diseases for which each one may be the causal agent.