Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Rana bufo Esca avium 174 3 View this dissertation
Rana innoxia Mat. med. anim. 029 11 View this dissertation
Rana manibus tetradactylis fissis, plantis hexadactylis palmatis, pollice breviore Mat. med. anim. 029 11 View this dissertation
Rana manibus tetradactylis fissis, plantis hexadactylis palmatis, pollice longiore Mat. med. anim. 029 11 View this dissertation
Rana maxima, virginiana, eximia, rara Mus. Ad.-Frid. 011 9 View this dissertation
Rana palmis tetradactylis fissis, plantis hexadactylis, subpalmatis: pollice latiusculo brevissimo Mus. Ad.-Frid. 011 9 View this dissertation
Rana palmis tetradactylis fissis, plantis pentadactylis palmatis, apicibus digitorum subrotundis Mus. Ad.-Frid. 011 7 View this dissertation
Rana palmis tetradactylis fissis, plantis pentadactylis palmatis, femoribus postice oblique striatis Metam. pl. 067 7 View this dissertation
Rana pedibus fissis, palmis tetradactylis, plantis pentadactylis; geniculis subtus tuberosis Mus. Ad.-Frid. 011 8 as Bana View this dissertation
Rana pedibus fissis, unguibus subrotundis, corpore laevi, pone angustato Amphib. Gyll. 005 29 View this dissertation
Rana piscis Metam. pl. 067 6 View this dissertation
Rana surinamensis Mus. Ad.-Frid. 011 8 View this dissertation
Rana surinamensis, prone coerulescentis, supine albi coloris, ad latera utrinque maculis nigris notata Amphib. Gyll. 005 29 View this dissertation
Rana temporaria Calend. fl. 072 [8] View this dissertation
Rana temporaria Calend. fl. 072 [9] View this dissertation
Rana temporaria Fund. fr. 123 8 View this dissertation
Rana temporaria Esca avium 174 3 View this dissertation
Randia Demonstr. pl. 049 27 View this dissertation
Randia aculeata Fl. Jam. 105 14 View this dissertation
Rangifer Oecon. nat. 020 34 View this dissertation
Rangifer Pan Svec. 026 5 View this dissertation
Rangifer Pan Svec. 026 38 View this dissertation
Rangifer Mat. med. anim. 029 7 View this dissertation
Rangifer Morb. hyeme 038 3 View this dissertation
Rangifer Cervus 060 03ff. incl. as Rhangifer View this dissertation
