Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Polydactylon Fund. agrost. 152 16 View this dissertation
Polygala Amphib. Gyll. 005 3 View this dissertation
Polygala Vir. pl. 013 15 View this dissertation
Polygala Rad. senega 023 12ff. View this dissertation
Polygala Cui bono? 042 21 View this dissertation
Polygala Cui bono? 042 23 View this dissertation
Polygala Fl. Monsp. 074 7 View this dissertation
Polygala Nom. bot. 107 16 View this dissertation
Polygala Fund. fr. 123 18 View this dissertation
Polygala acutioribus foliis, monspeliaca Rad. senega 023 14 View this dissertation
Polygala aethiopica, angustis hirsutis foliis, flore obsolete purpureo Rad. senega 023 15 View this dissertation
Polygala aethiopica, strictissimis glabris foliis, flore phoeniceo Rad. senega 023 15 View this dissertation
Polygala africana frutescens angustifolia major Rad. senega 023 15 View this dissertation
Polygala africana glabra, florum galea binis cristis fimbriatis ornata ex involucro ... Rad. senega 023 14 View this dissertation
Polygala africana, lini folio, magno flore Rad. senega 023 14 View this dissertation
Polygala arborea myrtifolia, capitis bonae spei, floribus albis intus purpureis Rad. senega 023 15 View this dissertation
Polygala arborea, myrtilli subrotundis foliis, fructu magno tordylii Rad. senega 023 15 View this dissertation
Polygala bracteolata Fl. Cap. 099 16 View this dissertation
Polygala capensis, folio angustissimo, flore minore Rad. senega 023 15 View this dissertation
Polygala caule simplici erecto, foliis ovato-lanceolatis alternis integerrimis, racemo terminatrice erecto Hort. Upsal. 007 3 View this dissertation
Polygala caule simplici erecto, foliis ovato-lanceolatis alternis integerrimis, racemo terminatrice erecto Mus. Ad.-Frid. 011 21 View this dissertation
Polygala caule simplici erecto, foliis ovato-lanceolatis alternis integerrimis, racemo terminatrice erecto Rad. senega 023 16 View this dissertation
Polygala caulibus filiformibus, foliis linearibus alternis, pedunculis spicatis Rad. senega 023 16 View this dissertation
Polygala chamaebuxus Fl. alp. 071 20 View this dissertation
Polygala chinensis Fl. Jam. 105 19 View this dissertation
