Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Piper umbellatum Fl. Jam. 105 12 View this dissertation
Piper verticillatum Pl. Jam. 102 [5] View this dissertation
Piscidia erythrina Fl. Jam. 105 19 View this dissertation
Piscis trigonus Hort. Upsal. 007 43 View this dissertation
Pisonia aculeata Fl. Jam. 105 22 View this dissertation
Pistacia Betula 001 5 View this dissertation
Pistacia Ficus 002 17 View this dissertation
Pistacia Spons. pl. 012 [2] View this dissertation
Pistacia Spons. pl. 012 43 View this dissertation
Pistacia Vir. pl. 013 32 View this dissertation
Pistacia Pl. escul. 035 4 View this dissertation
Pistacia Mirac. insect. 045 15 View this dissertation
Pistacia Metam. pl. 067 24 View this dissertation
Pistacia Fl. Monsp. 074 7 View this dissertation
Pistacia Opobals. 135 6 View this dissertation
Pistacia balsamus Fl. Palaest. 070 31 View this dissertation
Pistacia lentiscus Pl. officin. 052 12 View this dissertation
Pistacia lentiscus Fl. Palaest. 070 31 View this dissertation
Pistacia lentiscus Fl. Monsp. 074 28 View this dissertation
Pistacia lentiscus Pl. tinct. 097 28 View this dissertation
Pistacia narbonensis Fl. Monsp. 074 28 View this dissertation
Pistacia simaruba Pl. officin. 052 18 View this dissertation
Pistacia simaruba Fl. Jam. 105 22 View this dissertation
Pistacia terebinthus Gem. arb. 024 23 View this dissertation
Pistacia terebinthus Pl. officin. 052 19 View this dissertation
