Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Cimex succinctus Cent. insect. 129 17 View this dissertation
Cimex ulmi Hosp. insect. fl. 043 18 View this dissertation
Cimex ulmi Pand. insect. 093 12 View this dissertation
Cimicifuga Pl. rar. Camsch. 030 21 View this dissertation
Cimicifuga Usum hist. nat. 145 28 View this dissertation
Cimicifuga Obs. mat. med. 171 5 View this dissertation
Cimicifuga Cimicifuga 173 [1]ff. View this dissertation
Cimicifuga foetida Obs. mat. med. 171 6 View this dissertation
Cimicifuga foetida, christophorianae foliis, floribus in thyrso stamineis luteolis, semine in corniculis villoso rufo Usum hist. nat. 145 27 View this dissertation
Cinchona Passifl. 008 [iii] as Cincona View this dissertation
Cinchona Vir. pl. 013 8 View this dissertation
Cinchona Vir. pl. 013 33 View this dissertation
Cinchona Nom. bot. 107 10 View this dissertation
Cinchona Dulcamara 164 4 View this dissertation
Cinchona officinalis Pl. officin. 052 8 View this dissertation
Cinchona officinalis Febr. interm. 167 34 View this dissertation
Cinclus Mus ind. 062 22 View this dissertation
Cineraria Fund. fr. 123 17 View this dissertation
Cineraria amelloides Fund. fr. 123 22 View this dissertation
Cingulum terrae Herb. Amboin. 057 27 View this dissertation
Cinna Fund. agrost. 152 27 View this dissertation
Cinna Fund. agrost. 152 31 View this dissertation
Cinna Fund. agrost. 152 37 View this dissertation
Cinna arundinacea Demonstr. pl. 049 [1] View this dissertation
Cinna arundinacea Calend. fl. 072 [17] View this dissertation
