Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Verbena tetrandra, spicis filiformibus, foliis multifidis laciniatis, caulibus numerosis Pl. hybr. 033 16 View this dissertation
Verbena tetrandra, spicis longis acuminatis, foliis multifido-laciniatis Pl. hybr. 033 16 as tetranda View this dissertation
Verbena urticifolia Demonstr. pl. 049 [1] View this dissertation
Verbena urticifolia Calend. fl. 072 [17] View this dissertation
Verbena urticifolia Fl. Jam. 105 12 View this dissertation
Verbena vulgaris Pan Svec. 026 12 View this dissertation
Verbesina Vir. pl. 013 23 View this dissertation
Verbesina Herb. Amboin. 057 24 View this dissertation
Verbesina Herb. Amboin. 057 26 View this dissertation
Verbesina Pl. Jam. 102 25 View this dissertation
Verbesina acmella Pl. officin. 052 3 View this dissertation
Verbesina acmella Herb. Amboin. 057 28 View this dissertation
Verbesina alata Demonstr. pl. 049 23 View this dissertation
Verbesina alata Fl. Jam. 105 20 View this dissertation
Verbesina alba Fl. Jam. 105 20 View this dissertation
Verbesina calendulacea Iter Chin. 161 9 View this dissertation
Verbesina foliis oppositis; calycibus oblongis, sessilibus, confertis; caule laterali Cent. 1 pl. 065 28 View this dissertation
Verbesina nodiflora Cent. 1 pl. 065 28 View this dissertation
Verbesina nodiflora Fl. Jam. 105 20 View this dissertation
Verbesina prostrata Fl. Jam. 105 20 View this dissertation
Vermis Cui bono? 042 10 View this dissertation
Vermis casei Taenia 019 12 View this dissertation
Vermis cucurbitinus Taenia 019 13ff. View this dissertation
Veronica Fl. oecon. 017 [1] View this dissertation
Veronica Oecon. nat. 020 29 View this dissertation
