Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations - Browse

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Rhaponticum Rhabarbarum 041 10 View this dissertation
Rhaponticum Rhabarbarum 041 15 View this dissertation
Rhaponticum Rhabarbarum 041 23 View this dissertation
Rhaponticum folio lapathi majoris glabro Rhabarbarum 041 10 View this dissertation
Rheno Generat. calc. 022 5 View this dissertation
Rheno Cervus 060 03ff. View this dissertation
Rheno Usum musc. 148 9 View this dissertation
Rheum Hort. Upsal. 007 33 View this dissertation
Rheum Sapor. med. 031 18 View this dissertation
Rheum Rhabarbarum 041 04ff. View this dissertation
Rheum compactum Hist. nat. Rossia 144 29 View this dissertation
Rheum compactum Med. purg. 181 20 View this dissertation
Rheum foliis glabris Rhabarbarum 041 10 View this dissertation
Rheum foliis palmatis acuminatis Med. purg. 181 20 View this dissertation
Rheum foliis subvillosis Rhabarbarum 041 6 View this dissertation
Rheum palmatum Purg. indig. 143 15 View this dissertation
Rheum palmatum Hist. nat. Rossia 144 29 View this dissertation
Rheum palmatum Med. purg. 181 20 View this dissertation
Rheum rhabarbarum Demonstr. pl. 049 11 View this dissertation
Rheum rhabarbarum Pl. officin. 052 16 View this dissertation
Rheum rhabarbarum Calend. fl. 072 [12] View this dissertation
Rheum rhabarbarum Hist. nat. Rossia 144 29 View this dissertation
Rheum rhaponticum Demonstr. pl. 049 11 View this dissertation
Rheum rhaponticum Pl. officin. 052 16 View this dissertation
Rheum rhaponticum Calend. fl. 072 [12] as raponticum View this dissertation
