Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations - Browse

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Alnus rotundifolia glutinosa viridis Arb. Svec. 101 24 View this dissertation
Aloe Vir. pl. 013 20 View this dissertation
Aloe Vir. pl. 013 31 View this dissertation
Aloe Vir. pl. 013 33 View this dissertation
Aloe Oecon. nat. 020 19 View this dissertation
Aloe Sapor. med. 031 18 View this dissertation
Aloe Pl. hybr. 033 29 View this dissertation
Aloe Fl. Cap. 099 7 View this dissertation
Aloe Fl. Cap. 099 9 View this dissertation
Aloe Fl. Jam. 105 8 View this dissertation
Aloe Pl. rar. Afr. 115 4 View this dissertation
Aloe Pl. Alstr. 121 5 View this dissertation
Aloe Fund. fr. 123 18 View this dissertation
Aloe Aphyteia 185 6 View this dissertation
Aloe africana arborescens, floribus albicantibus fragrantissimis Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 40 View this dissertation
Aloe americana Herb. Amboin. 057 21 View this dissertation
Aloe disticha Demonstr. pl. 049 10 View this dissertation
Aloe disticha Fl. Cap. 099 13 View this dissertation
Aloe floribus pedunculatis cernuis corymbosis subcylindricis Med. purg. 181 8 View this dissertation
Aloe foliis canaliculatis trifariam imbricatis, caulinis apice retroflexo patulis Hort. Upsal. 007 39 View this dissertation
Aloe foliis canaliculatis trifariam imbricatis radicatis erectis, angulis ternis cartilagineis Hort. Upsal. 007 39 View this dissertation
Aloe foliis caulinis dentatis amplexicaulibus vaginantibus Hort. Upsal. 007 39 View this dissertation
Aloe foliis integerrimis Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 40 View this dissertation
Aloe foliis integerrimis patentiusculis, aculeo terminatis, radice caulescente Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 40 View this dissertation
Aloe foliis lanceolatis dentatis spina cartilaginea terminatis radicalibus Hort. Upsal. 007 40 View this dissertation
