Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations - Browse

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Cordia sebestena Fr. escul. 127 14 View this dissertation
Cordylus Hort. Upsal. 007 43 View this dissertation
Coregonus thymallus Cervus 060 15 View this dissertation
Coreopsis Hort. Upsal. 007 35 View this dissertation
Coreopsis Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 10 View this dissertation
Coreopsis Fund. fr. 123 17 View this dissertation
Coreopsis alata Calend. fl. 072 [21] View this dissertation
Coreopsis alba Fl. Jam. 105 20 View this dissertation
Coreopsis alternifolia Demonstr. pl. 049 24 View this dissertation
Coreopsis baccata Pl. Surin. 177 14 View this dissertation
Coreopsis bidens Metam. pl. 067 21 View this dissertation
Coreopsis bidens Prodr. fl. Dan. 082 23 View this dissertation
Coreopsis bidens Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 21 View this dissertation
Coreopsis foliis pinnatis serratis, radio diversicolore Cent. 1 pl. 065 29 View this dissertation
Coreopsis leucanthema Cent. 1 pl. 065 29 View this dissertation
Coreopsis reptans Pl. Jam. 102 25 View this dissertation
Coreopsis reptans Fl. Jam. 105 20 View this dissertation
Coreopsis tripteris Demonstr. pl. 049 24 View this dissertation
Coreopsis tripteris Calend. fl. 072 [18] View this dissertation
Coreopsis tripteris Calend. fl. 072 [22] View this dissertation
Coreopsis verbesina minima Prodr. fl. Dan. 082 23 View this dissertation
Coreopsis verticillata Prol. pl. 1760 114 5 as verticilata View this dissertation
Coreta Pl. Jam. 102 14 View this dissertation
Coreta Fl. Jam. 105 26 View this dissertation
Coriandrum Vir. pl. 013 31 View this dissertation
