Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations - Browse

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Comarum palustre Prodr. fl. Dan. 082 19 View this dissertation
Comarum palustre Pl. tinct. 097 19 View this dissertation
Comarum palustre Fl. Belg. 112 17 View this dissertation
Comarum palustre Fl. Åker. 162 13 View this dissertation
Comarum palustre Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 19 View this dissertation
Combilium Herb. Amboin. 057 23 View this dissertation
Cominia Fl. Jam. 105 26 View this dissertation
Commelina Hort. Upsal. 007 36 View this dissertation
Commelina Vir. pl. 013 26 View this dissertation
Commelina Herb. Amboin. 057 25 View this dissertation
Commelina Nect. fl. 122 9 View this dissertation
Commelina Fund. fr. 123 16 View this dissertation
Commelina africana Demonstr. pl. 049 3 View this dissertation
Commelina africana Fl. Cap. 099 11 View this dissertation
Commelina communis Fl. Jam. 105 12 View this dissertation
Commelina communis Pl. Surin. 177 5 View this dissertation
Commelina communissima Demonstr. pl. 049 3 View this dissertation
Commelina nudiflora Fl. Jam. 105 12 View this dissertation
Commelina tuberosa Demonstr. pl. 049 3 View this dissertation
Commelina zanonia Fl. Jam. 105 12 View this dissertation
Complanus funicularis Herb. Amboin. 057 19 View this dissertation
Concha Generat. calc. 022 2 View this dissertation
Concha Mat. med. lapid. 037 24 View this dissertation
Concha anatifera Corallia Balt. 004 10 View this dissertation
Concha anatifera Taenia 019 5 View this dissertation
