Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations - Browse

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Clematis integrifolia Calend. fl. 072 [13] View this dissertation
Clematis integrifolia Hort. cul. 132 24 View this dissertation
Clematis integrifolia Hist. nat. Rossia 144 23 View this dissertation
Clematis murucuja pyriformis major Passifl. 008 25 View this dissertation
Clematis murucuja pyriformis minor Passifl. 008 8 View this dissertation
Clematis non crenata americana triphylla, ex codice bentingiano Passifl. 008 27 View this dissertation
Clematis orientalis Fl. Palaest. 070 22 View this dissertation
Clematis pappis brevissimis Fl. Palaest. 070 22 View this dissertation
Clematis passiflora, flore luteo Passifl. 008 15 View this dissertation
Clematis passiflora flore roseo, triphyllo Passifl. 008 21 View this dissertation
Clematis passiflora pentaphylla angustifolia Passifl. 008 29 as angusti folia View this dissertation
Clematis passiflora pentaphylla, flore caeruleo punctato Passifl. 008 22 View this dissertation
Clematis passiflora pentaphylla flore caeruleo punctato Passifl. 008 28 View this dissertation
Clematis passionalis Passifl. 008 4 View this dissertation
Clematis passionalis bifido folio Passifl. 008 26 View this dissertation
Clematis passionalis flore campanulato Passifl. 008 28 View this dissertation
Clematis passionalis triphyllos flore luteo Passifl. 008 16 View this dissertation
Clematis passionalis triphyllos, flore roseo Passifl. 008 27 View this dissertation
Clematis pentaphylla, flore roseo clavato Passifl. 008 22 View this dissertation
Clematis pentaphylla, flore roseo clavato Passifl. 008 28 View this dissertation
Clematis quinquefolia americana seu flos passionis Passifl. 008 22 as quinque folia View this dissertation
Clematis recta Demonstr. pl. 049 15 View this dissertation
Clematis recta Fl. Monsp. 074 3 View this dissertation
Clematis seu flos passionis, flore luteo Passifl. 008 16 View this dissertation
Clematis seu flos passionis, flore viridi Passifl. 008 16 View this dissertation
